Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2120: encounter

Chapter 2120 Encounter

Zixuan Immortal Kingdom, Wangcheng, Library.

A woman in plain clothes and light makeup is holding an old book, stopping in front of a row of tall bookshelves, reading it intently, turning a page gently from time to time.

The sun shined through the window on the woman's fair neck, shining with brilliance.

With a flawless profile, a long, slender figure, wearing a pale cyan dress, there is a bit of mystery and elegance in the tranquility, and just standing there makes people feel moved.

At this moment, there was a sound of small footsteps beside it, breaking the peace.

Soon, a wonderful young girl appeared here, panting, looking at the plain-clothed woman in front of the bookshelf, and she seemed to be afraid to disturb her.

"what's up?"

Su Yi woman asked indifferently, her eyes still did not leave the book in her hand.

The girl said: "Master of Qifeng County, that Su Zimo has appeared!"


The Su Yi woman heard the name, and then she moved her face slightly, and asked, "Where is he?"

The girl said: "In these years, the county owner let us pay attention to the news of Su Zimo. Only his subordinates have just been rumored. Su Zimo appeared in the Panlong Mountains and is participating in the Xianzong election."

"Is the Election of Xianzong, this person is smart, knowing to choose the backing of the four great Xianzong."

Su Yi woman murmured, smiled, and asked, "What is he doing now?"

"It is said to be the sixth-order earth fairy, and more than ten days ago, when the election was about to end, it entered the valley halfway," the girl replied.

"Sixth-order earth god, practice fast."

Su Yi woman was slightly surprised.

"Hurry up, far worse than the little county king!"

The girl shrugged her lips, quite disdainfully, and said, "I heard that the King Jun also regarded this person as an opponent. I see, he is not worthy of being a servant to the King Jun."

The Su Yi woman shook her head with a smile and did not refute, but she said only herself: "It is not difficult for him to worship the Four Immortals by his means."

"That's not necessarily true."

The girl said a little gloat: "Don't say that worshiping the Four Great Sects, this Su Zimo may not be able to leave Panlong Valley alive."


Su Yi woman heard something in the girl's words, her eyes turned, she looked at the girl, revealing her inquiry.

The girl said: "The news I just got, this Su Zimo uses a method similar to the ever-changing, easy-to-transform, conceal the sky, enter the valley to participate in the general election, and no one recognizes him at all."

"But somehow, after more than ten days, King Yuan Zuo of the Jin Dynasty in Dajin suddenly appeared, breaking his identity directly and asking the four great immortals."

Hearing here, Su Yi woman frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

The girl did not notice the change in the appearance of Su Yi women, and continued: "The Election of the Celestial Sect is now underway, and the Four Great Celestial Sects cannot be handed over."

"King Motosa Jun let the 112 torturing ground guards he brought into the valley, hunting down Su Zimo!"

Speaking of which, the girl grinned and said, "Country master, tell me, is that Su Zimo still alive?"

Su Yi woman frowned and asked, "More than a hundred torturers entered the valley to kill people. The Four Great Sects allowed it?"

"There is no way to disallow them. These people entered in the name of the Xianzong election. Since Su Zimo can participate, of course these torture guards can."

The girl said: "What's more, there was no limit on life and death in the Election of Xianzong, allowing monks to fight between life and death."

"Where is Yun Ting?"

Su Yi woman asked suddenly.

"King Jun is still retreating," said the girl.

The woman in the suit put the book in her hand back on the bookshelf, and walked towards the outside, saying, "You don't have to call him, you go get ready and follow me to the Panlong Mountains."


The girl froze for a moment, and asked some incredulously, "Sir, you haven't left the library for many years. Do you want to go out today because of a sixth-order earth fairy?"

"This sixth-order earth fairy is unusual."

Su Yi woman said.

The girl frowned, hesitating, "But, even if we rush through as fast as possible, it will take nearly ten days. At that time, it is estimated that Su Zimo was already killed by the torture guard."

"Kill him?"

The Su Yi woman shook her head slightly and said, "This person, I'm afraid it's not so easy to die. I have a hunch, this time the Election of Xianzong, there may be other changes."

While talking, Su Yi woman has left the library.

The girl followed closely behind her.


Panlong Mountains.

It had been ten days since the Killing Guards entered the valley, and there were only five days left before the end of the election of Xianzong.

During this time, Xingwei and Su Zimo have not encountered each other directly.

This is, of course, because of the arrangement of Yang Ruoxu, placing the torturous guards at the farthest position from Su Zimo.

But everyone knows that over time, the two sides will inevitably collide!

Motosuke Jun was not in a hurry, everything was under his control.

More than a hundred torturers formed ten teams, and they searched forward a little bit without missing any corners, and they would inquire about other monks in the valley.

The monks in the valley, seeing a team of ten torturous guards, naturally dare not challenge easily. If there is news of Su Zimo, they will tell the truth.

"Why are there so many torturers suddenly appearing?"

"I also saw that these people were asking about the whereabouts of a person, that is, the young man who escaped very fast and seemed to be cured."

"Go, anyway, there is no hope to enter the top one hundred, let's follow it up!"

Many monks saw that the torturous guard was not hostile to them, and were curious, so they followed behind the torturous guard and wanted to see a lively.

Through the water curtain, millions of monks watching the war can clearly see that more than a hundred torturing guards continue to move forward, getting closer and closer to Su Zimo.

The position of the two torturers is almost coincident with Su Zimo, and they will soon be encountered!

The two torturers are the two remaining people, Li Xuan and Zheng Mao.

The cultivation of the two is not weak.

"This Su Zimo is really stupid enough. He even ran to participate in the election of Xianzong. He was just a cocoon."

In the valley, Li Xuan said with a smile: "Now in this valley, he is closed everywhere, there is no way to heaven, there is no door to the ground, and he has no chance to escape."

"Yeah, who of us can meet Su Zimo, who is the luck, this is a great achievement." Zheng Mao said.

Li Xuan said with a lip: "I want to say that any signaling order is superfluous. Whoever sees this person can directly suppress him, a sixth-order earth fairy, can he go to the sky?"

Zheng Mao shook his head and said, "Let's come as His Royal Highness has ordered. Don't make any claims."

During the conversation between them, a figure suddenly came galloping in the distance. The figure was emaciated, his face was yellow, and he looked fragile. This is exactly what Su Zimo transformed into!

Zheng Mao and Li Xuan are looking forward!

Tian Yuan, Yang Ruoxu and others frowned slightly, their hearts tightened.

In the eyes of the four, this is a huge test for Su Zimo!

Because all the killing guards know their purpose.

Su Zimo in the valley was still in the dark.

If Su Zimo turned and fled, he might be able to delay for a while.

If he fights with these two torturers and falls into a hard fight, he will surely die!

(End of this chapter)

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