Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2121: Kill decisively!

Chapter 2121 Decisive Killing!

In the valley.

Su Zimo was looking for a target nearby. Two people suddenly appeared in his sights, wearing black gold scorpion feather armor, and a sword hanging from his waist.


Su Zi Morton lived, squinting slightly.


As for the Election of the Emperor Xianzong, as long as they are the immortals, they can come to participate, and the torture guard is naturally in this category.

But after seeing him, the two torturers also stopped, with different looks and bright eyes, apparently what they found!

This response is very different from the response of others to seeing a sixth-order Dixian.

The two torturers didn't even distribute God's knowledge to investigate his practice, they stopped and locked his eyes on him, eager to try!

"They know me!"

Based on the reactions of these two criminal defenders, Su Zimo made a judgment in an instant, and a thought flashed in his mind: "Identity is revealed!"

This speculation is too horrifying and shocking!

But at this time, Su Zimo had no time to think more.

The torturous guard on the left, patted his palm on the storage bag, and has taken out a messenger!

At this time, the distance between the two sides, and then urged the stance to get close, it was too late.

Su Zimo's body flickered and suddenly disappeared from the place!

True Dragon Nine Flashes!


Zheng Mao stared at Su Zimo intently. He had just come up with a messenger falcon, but suddenly he froze.

What about people?

Su Zimo suddenly disappeared from his sight!

At the time of Zheng Mao's death, Su Zimo reappeared, looking cold, less than ten feet away from the position of the two!


Su Zimo disappeared again!

Gone again?

what is this?


Zheng Mao widened his eyes, but his pupils contracted violently.

Li Xuan on the other side also failed to respond.

At this moment, Li Xuan seemed to feel something, suddenly turned his head, looked behind Zheng Mao, and changed his color in astonishment. He seemed to see the most thrilling thing in the world.

At the same time, Zheng Mao felt a chill, rushed from the soles of his feet, and his scalp exploded!

An unprecedented breath of death shrouded!


A white palm fell on his celestial cover.

Huge power, pierced his skull directly, shattered his Yuan Shen!

Zheng Mao's eyes were dim, and the messenger Fu Ji held in his palm hadn't time to tear, so he fell asleep and fell to the ground.

Continuous release of the nine dragons of the true dragon, while taking advantage of Zheng Mao's moment, Su Zimo killed him with one palm, without giving him any chance to respond!


Li Xuan depressed her heart, and was immediately furious, with a sound of anger, and the backhand took out the tortured sword.

He wanted to say, you are so bold.

But in this sentence, he only said a word, and saw Su Zimo hit Zheng Mao and kept moving, and he turned around and rushed at him!

"You're ready to come!"

Su Zimo exhaled, stretched out his palm, condensed the big palm, and pressed down fiercely towards Li Xuan's face!

The breath erupted from the Dajuyuanzhang is extremely tragic, distorted, and crushed, making a burst of explosive sounds around the people, captivating.

The rest of Li Xuan's words could not be said, and he was blocked by this tragic breath.

Li Xuan's heart was shocked, and the blood in his body was moved to the limit. He held up the tortured sword with his hands and slashed towards Su Zimo's Dahuiyuan.

Su Zimo had no intention of closing up.

"court death!"

Li Xuan sneered.

The tortured sword in his hand cuts gold and jade, and the sharpness is abnormal. It is the perfect magic weapon of the immortal grade. How can the flesh and blood body resist?

As a torturous guard of the Dajin Dynasty, the weapon in his hands would not be too bad.


The tortured sword was stabbed on the palm of Dasha Yuan, and there was a sound of Jin Ge fighting, extremely harsh!

"how is this possible!"

Li Xuan was astonished.

Before he could react, he felt a powerful and violent twisting force that erupted instantly.

His hands couldn't hold the tortured sword at all, and he just flew away!

With the current strength of Qinglian's true body, she can even stun the congenital step magic weapon.

The killing knife will not hurt him!

Su Zimo snatched the killing knife and threw it backhand.


The long knife directly pierced the black gold eagle feather armor, pierced Li Xuan, the heart burst, and the blood in the body faded away instantly!

The same killing knife, in the hands of different people, the lethality erupted is very different.

Su Zimo's knife not only pierced Li Xuan's chest, but also shattered the black gold quilt feathers on his body.

The violent knife gas also cut the internal organs of Li Xuan into pieces.

This flesh is completely gone!

At the moment of life and death, life was hanging on the line, Li Xuan responded very quickly and was ready to escape from the place.

But Su Zimo's reaction was faster. He stabbed through Li Xuan's chest with a stab, and his palm fell down and caught on Li Xuan's face. His vitality surged, and a prison was formed instantly.

Li Xuan's Yuan Shen couldn't escape at all, and could only stay honestly in the sea of ​​his knowledge!

Su Zimo's face was cold and gloomy, staring at Li Xuan in front of him, as long as he exerted force in his palm, he could be killed directly!


Li Xuan knew that he could not escape. He looked at Su Zimo in front of him and laughed, coughing his blood, and said, "Su Zimo, even if you kill me, you can't escape! Your Highness has already brought someone over Just wait to die! "


Hearing this, Su Zimo no longer had doubts in his heart, using his palms to squeeze Li Xuan's head directly, Yuan Shen was dead!

Su Zimo's face was gloomy.

As he expected, his identity had been revealed.

Even worse, King Motosa-gun brought someone!

The only person who knows where he is going is the Sovereign Star Rain of the Star Gate.

His first reaction was that Xingyu reported.

But soon, Su Zimo rejected this speculation.

If Xingyu wanted to deal with him, there was no need to do more. He could suppress him and give it to King Motosuke.

What's more, although Xingyu knew that he was coming to the election of Xianzong, he did not know that he had transformed into what he is today.

And these two torturers can clearly recognize him!

How could this be?

Just as Su Zimo frowned, the top of the Panlong Mountains fell into a strange peace.

Everyone's eyes widened, their faces were shocked, and they looked unbelievably at the figure in the valley.

Even Tian Yuan and Yang Ruoxu were shocked.

Su Zimo's reaction exceeded all expectations.

He did not run away, nor did he fight with two criminal defenders.

It was only two or three rounds, and the two tortured defenders in the two realms were beheaded by Su Zimo on the spot.

The way of flashing twice in a row is impressive.

But even more shocking is Su Zimo's calmness and instant judgment.

Su Zimo was in the valley, and he had no idea what was happening outside,

But when he saw the two torturous guards, he realized that the situation was not right, and went straight to the decisive decision. Even Tianyuan, Yang Ruoxu and the other four immortals were shocked!

Prior to this, Tian Yuan also commented that the son was somewhat kind-hearted.

This encounter only allowed everyone to see the terrible person in the valley!

But everyone didn't realize that the terrible things they saw were just the tip of the iceberg of Su Zimo.

The true minions of Su Zimo have not yet been revealed!

(End of this chapter)

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