Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2122: Declare war

Chapter 2122: Declaring War

Yang Ruoxu and Tian Yuan looked at each other and did not speak.

Many things are unspoken.

Judging from Su Zimo's tactics, this son was obviously hiding his intentions and hiding his strength.

Prior to this, the four great immortals had been tempted and wanted to recruit Su Zimo into the ancestral gate.

The stronger Su Zimo's performance, the stronger the four people's mind.

Originally, Motosuke-gun came fiercely, and among the four, some hesitated.

Now, in the hearts of the four great immortals, they want to recruit Su Zimo even more!

Regardless of the means, it is this mentality, this calmness, this decisive decision, we can see that this son's future achievements are unlimited!

The Four Great Sects are not afraid of the Great Jin Dynasty.

Tianyuan, Yang Ruoxu and other four heavenly gods, naturally do not want to jeopardize the status of King Yuan Zuo County.

On the other side, King Genzuo's face was gloomy, looking at the figure in the water curtain, gritting his teeth, and yelling, "Two useless wastes!"

The four great immortals looked slightly to the side of King Motosa Jun.

King Genzuo was confident and full of confidence. He released harsh words in front of the eyes, but was unexpectedly hit.

One can imagine the gloom in his heart.

Feeling the eyes of the four celestial beings, King Gensuke realized that he was a bit ill, and took a deep breath to calm his mind as much as possible.

"It's nothing."

King Genzuo said calmly, "It ’s just two eight-tiered celestial beings, and then they die. The torture guard in the valley, and 110 others, I'd like to see how long he can jump! "

The four great immortals did not respond.

But in fact, the four people also knew that the situation facing Su Zimo was still dangerous!

He was able to slay two torture guards in the blink of an eye, mainly by using a kind of teleportation-like body to kill unexpectedly.

The remaining eleven torturers are divided into ten teams, and each team has eleven torturers.

In addition, at least seven or eight people in each team are nine steps to the earth!

This means that no matter which team Su Zimo encounters, he will face eleven torture guards, and most of them are nine-tiered earth gods!

The power gap between the two sides is very different. Once the war, Su Zimo has no chance of winning.

Even when the Four Great Celestial beings were at the sixth level of the Diyuan Realm and they were exchanging places with Su Zimo, there was no way to break the situation.

What's more, once a battle with one of the teams, the other nine teams see the Fu Run, will be rushed as soon as possible, forming a siege situation.

By then, Su Zimo can't escape!

In the hearts of the four great immortals, although they all intended to bring Su Zimo to the ancestors, there was a premise.

Su Zimo can at least survive to the end of the Xianzong election!

Outside the Panlong Mountains, a simple, low-key carriage came down the clouds and quietly drove into the crowd.

Such a car is very common in the realm of cultivation.

Some Tianjiao evil travels often have a dragon car, or riding a bird and beast, an ancient chariot, accompanied by auspicious clouds, and the vision is surrounding. Such a carriage will naturally not attract anyone's attention.

There were two women sitting in the carriage. They were Su Yi women who came from Zixian Xianguo, and her attendants.

What's more, the monks up and down the Panlong Mountains focused on Su Zimo in the valley.

After a period of silence in the Panlong Mountains, many monks calmed down, and bursts of wonder broke out, and the noise was like a bustling city.

"This Su Zimo is too cruel!"

"Indeed, the eighth-tier Dixian's messenger Fu Xi had been taken out, and there was no time to tear it up."

"Oh, for me to see, this Su Zimo is dying! In this way, King Genzuo will not let him go!"

Inside the carriage.

Su Yi women listened a little, and already understood what just happened.

"Country master, you read a lot, you know everything, they just talked about, what is Su Zimo's type of continuous teleportation?"

The girl asked curiously.

The Su Yi woman groaned a little and said, "I have never heard of this practice in the practice of human race, but the dragon race has a secret method that is not spread, and it is practiced to the extreme.

"so smart!"

The girl's eyes widened and she amazed.

Later, the girl slightly tilted her head and bewildered, "How could this person understand the secrets of the Dragon race?"

Su Yi woman's look moved, it seemed to think of something, but did not explain.

She stretched out her hand, opened the gap in the window curtain, and looked into the valley.

I saw that the young man with a thin figure and a pale face stood next to the bodies of the two torturers in the valley, bowed slightly, motionless, wondering what he was thinking.


The young man looked up.

Under the eyes of everyone, the figure of this young man's face changed rapidly, and in an instant, he turned into a tall and straightforward scholar.

"Is this what he was like?"

The girl blinked and said, "It looks so pleasing to the eye."

In mid-air, King Gensaku-gun saw the face that made him hate, his fists clenched, his body filled with murderous spirit.

At this moment, the scholar in the valley made a move that surprised everyone!

I saw the scholar looking at the sky, slowly raising his palm, placing it under his neck, and beheading!


"What is he doing? Is he provoking!"

"This man is really brave, knowing that King Genzuo has come, and dare to be so provocative, for fear that he will not die fast enough."

The voice of the crowd is getting louder.

Motosa-gun's anger smiled, and he nodded again and again, saying, "Okay, okay, okay! I dare to challenge me, and I will use all my means to torture you!"

"Su Zimo, you may not be aware yet. In the valley, you are waiting for 110 torturers!"

The four great immortals look different.

Originally, Su Zimo's impression of the four was a very low-key, cautious, and even kind-hearted person.

Now, this person has become sharp!

"Sir, this man is too arrogant."

Inside the carriage, the girl pouted, "He hasn't realized the danger he is about to face, and his heart is provoking King Motosa."


Su Yi woman shook her head slightly and said, "I think that his action is more like declaring war!"

"Declaration of war?"

The girl was surprised, and asked, "Who war is declared? What is he trying to do?"

Su Yi woman did not answer, just looked at the figure in the valley.

In the valley.

Su Zimo took the storage bags of these two criminal defenders into his pocket, and then under the watch of everyone, he changed his appearance again and became a tall man.

Su Zimo looked at the sky. Although there was a water curtain blocking him, he couldn't see the outside.

But he knew that Motosuke-gun must be watching him outside!

Su Zimo grinned at the sky, moved, and ran towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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