Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2123: Shot again

Chapter 2123: Shoot Again


Seeing this scene, Baihai Tianxian said suddenly, "This method is good, it may break the game."

Tian Yuan and Yang Ruoxu nodded slightly.

Today Su Zimo is changing again. The torture guard in the valley may not be able to recognize him.

Qingfeng Tianxian said: "However, the cultivation of this son is the sixth level of the Diyuan Realm. This is a flaw."

Yang Ruoxu said: "As long as he is careful and try to avoid close contact with the killing guards, these killing guards shouldn't deliberately release God's knowledge when they see him.

Just as everyone was talking, suddenly someone said, "Look, Su Zimo and a team of torturers are about to encounter!"

The people were shocked, and stared at it quickly.

I saw Su Zimo, who turned into a middle-aged and strong man, in the valley, and was far away from the eleven torturous guard team.

The eleven torturing guards saw Su Zimo far away, and when they saw that he was a middle-aged and strong man, he staggered his eyes and did not pay much attention to him.

Tian Yuan, Yang Ruoxu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Su Zimo leaves calmly, he will not be found.

But at this moment, after seeing Su Zimo in the valley seeing these torture guards, he actually walked towards them!


What is he going to do?

The four great immortals frowned at the same time, a flash of confusion flashed through their minds.

Want to test each other?

But this temptation was too risky and unnecessary.


The four great immortals think of a possibility, but they feel unrealistic, unless Su Zimo is crazy.

"Look at the county lord, that Su Zimo actually walked over to the torture guard!"

Inside the carriage, the girl stared, surprised, and asked, "What is he going to do? Take the initiative to die?"

"He is going to kill."

Su Yi women's eyes are deep, she seems to see Su Zimo's intention, and murmured.

In the valley.

After Su Zimo beheaded the two major torture guards, he thought about a lot of things.

Who leaked the secret, he didn't know.

For a moment, he could not understand how these torturers recognized him.

But he can determine a few things.

First, there are definitely more than two torturers in this valley!

Since Motosuke-gun arrived in person, he must have enough staff to be sure to suppress him.

Second, the attitudes of the four Great Sects are not very clear, but at least they are not on the side of Motosuke-gun.

Otherwise, as King King's status, the four great immortals can completely surrender him, without having to spend a lot of time and even send torture guards into the valley.

Moreover, these torturing guards did not have panlong orders.

Third, if you want to completely get rid of the threat of King Gensuke-gun, or the kingdom of the immortal kingdom of the Great Jin Dynasty, there is only one way to worship the four great immortals.

If it had been before, he only had to show his means a little and seize enough Panlong orders.

But now, King Motosuke-gun brought someone in person, and he couldn't hide anymore.

He must show his powerful talents, horrific combat power, and unlimited potential, which has attracted enough attention from the four great immortals.

Of course, such a secret as Qinglian's true body cannot be revealed.

Otherwise, no matter which sect he worships, it will invite the death of the body.

Therefore, when Su Zimo left, he was ready to launch a killing ring in the valley!

He is in the same position as the King of Motosa-gun.

Since King Genzuo chased to the Panlong Mountains with the torturous guard, and he wanted to kill everything, he would not be soft-hearted!

Su Zimo originally wanted to be transformed into a dead torture guard.

But he knew nothing about the two torturers. If they changed rashly, they could only change the same appearance, but their voices, habits, and behaviors were easy to reveal flaws.

There are flaws in this change of Sanbaoyu Ruyi.

That is cultivation for realm.

Su Zimo didn't want to hide everyone, but as long as he is close to the other party, he can solve these people in the shortest time and fastest!

Seven Nine-Step Divine Immortals, Four Eight-Step Divine Immortals.

Su Zimo came to this side, swept away with consciousness, and quickly investigated the cultivation of eleven torture guards as a realm.


The Xingwei here didn't pay much attention to Su Zimo, but saw this middle-aged and strong man keep walking towards this side, can not help but frown slightly.

"Do you friends want a monk who is thin and yellow?"

Before the killing guard asked questions, Su Zimo first spoke and asked loudly.

"Did you see him?"

A torturous guard flashed his eyes and asked quickly.

"over there."

Su Zimo pointed to the side and kept walking, getting closer and closer to these torture guards, saying: "There are two more torture guards over there, and they are fighting the monk."

Hearing here, many torture guards have no doubt.


One of them said coldly: "The two people, Li Xuan and Zheng Mao, must want to compete, even the messenger will not be released!"

At this moment, Su Zimo has come to a position less than ten feet before many torturers.

The leader of this team's killing guard frowned, never speaking.

Somehow, he always felt a sense of horror, and seemed to be in danger!

His gaze fell on the middle-aged and strong man who came along, and his sense of sight was swept away.

Diyuan Realm is sixfold.

This cultivation is a realm and it is a little low to come to the election of Xianzong.

However, this person can hold up to now, it is a bit capable.


Suddenly, the Commander of the Killing Guard seemed to think of something, suddenly looked up, pointed at the direction of the middle-aged and strong man, and said, "You are ..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Zimo's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

They are close at hand!


Su Zimo stretched out his finger, and lightly at the eyebrow of the torture guard leader.

One finger pierced through the sea of ​​this person's knowledge!

Even if his cultivation level is higher, Yuan Shen is penetrated, and he will die on the spot!

Up and down the valley!

Not only the remaining ten torturers, but even the millions of monks who watched the battle were shocked.

Prior to this, no one had expected that this six-tiered earth **** named Su Zimo did not evade the siege of the torturous guard, but chose to take the initiative!

What is he going to do?

Does he want to challenge the eleven torture guards with the cultivation of the sixth-order earth fairy?

On the battlefield.

As soon as Su Zimo took the shot, it was the thunder!

With the help of Zhenlong's nine flashes, he approached quickly and killed the team's torture guard with one finger.

Then, his body flickered again.

At this time, the remaining ten torturing guards had just reacted, and they took out the torturing knives in an attempt to shoot, but found that Su Zimo disappeared!


Behind another Nine-step Dixian, Su Zimo's figure appeared, and he pointed his finger through his skull, and Yuanshen shattered!

True Dragon Nine Flashes, Kill One More!

Quick, too fast!

Sudden change, several torturous guards are in chaos, their eyes can't keep up with Su Zimo's body style!

Just in the blink of an eye, there were two Nine Steps to the death of the fairy!


The killing guards on both sides of the man who died were terrified, but the response was extremely quick, and they slashed backhand and fell towards Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's body flickered and disappeared again!

Cultivation reaches the sixth level of Yuanyuan Realm and the eighth level of Yuanyuan Realm. He can already flash five times in a row.

Counting the two previous kills of Li Xuan and Zheng Mao, this time, this is the fifth time.

(End of this chapter)

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