Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2128: At the end of the crossbow?

Chapter 2128: The End of the Crossbow?

Su Zimo possesses the true body of Qinglian, and also has the natural lotus platform. Naturally, he will not release a fire of five madness, and will exhaust the power of the Yuanshen.

He didn't try to stop it because it was unnecessary.

Outside the city of Cang Yu, the fall of more than a dozen torturous guards is because of this mysterious array.

The formation of this formation method is completely cocoon-bound for the remaining torturers!

However, these criminal defenders did not realize the danger at all, and when everyone saw Su Zimo motionless, they thought that the overall situation was set.

Over the Panlong Mountains.

I wondered what Motosuke-gun thought, and suddenly frowned.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

When the lone star saw that the King of King Gensa had a different look, he quickly asked, "The Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array has been laid out, and that kind of flame is completely extinguished. His Highness need not worry."

"Lone star, do you remember the dozen or so torturers that fell out of Cangyu City a few months ago."

Motosuke-gun asked suddenly.

Lone Star nodded: "Remember, the torturers seemed to have been killed by the two men hunted down by the master of Mengyao County, and finally burned to ashes, leaving nothing behind."


King Genzuo shook his head slowly, staring at Su Zimo in the valley, and hated: "Burned ashes, that kind of flame, who did you think of it?"

The lone star was shocked and said, "His Royal Highness is saying, those people were killed by Su Zimo?"

"Even if he didn't kill him, he would be present at the time!"

Yuan Han County's Wang Han said: "The bodies of the dozen or so torturers were set on fire!"

Originally, King Genzuo never thought it was Su Zimo.

After all, more than two thousand years ago, Su Zimo was only a first-order earth fairy.

Even if Yuan Zuojun knew that Su Zimo had cultivated to the Sixth-tier Divine Immortal, he could not imagine how a sixth-order Dixian could kill a dozen torture guards.

But now, seeing the means of Su Zimo with his own eyes, he connected the two things.

In the valley.

Several of the killing commanders were afraid that Su Zimo would escape, and even arranged four Xuanguang Arrays around them, connected to each other, impervious to wind, trapping Su Zimo in them.

The remaining forty criminal killers, who still had combat power, were holding the criminal killers, and were aggressive, walking slowly towards Su Zimo.

Although Shi Tongzhan blocked the injuries of the Wu Mei Dao fire, he was burned to the ground with an ashamed face.

"Su Zimo!"

Shi Tong's eyes were cold, and he slowly said, "You killed me and tortured so many people, even if you stabbed you with thousands of swords, it would be difficult to resolve my hatred!"

"Su Zimo, when I suppress you, I will execute myself, let you **** method, and let you know what is better than death!"

Said another torturer gritted his teeth.

The rest of the torture guards were also full of hatred.

Where did they plant such a big heel.

Moreover, it is still in the public eye.

Today, even if Su Zimo suppresses the capture, the reputation of Xing Yuwei will be greatly reduced!

This battle is a great shame to them!


Su Zimo looked around and looked at the torture guards who came around, and said lightly, "You don't seem to understand the situation, and you want to suppress me?"


A killing guard commander laughed and said, "Su Zimo, presumably you have never seen the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array, and you do not know the power of this array!"

"In this formation, cut off the heaven and earth vitality, no matter how many magical secrets you have, you cannot release them."

"Su Zimo, you are just at the end of the crossbow, you don't have to pretend it!"

Numerous torture guards sneered and thought that the overall situation was set.

"is it."

Su Zimo asked in return, his eyes were magnificent, his body moved, and he suddenly pounced towards the front, shooting outrageously!

"I dare you!"

The two torturing guards in front of them had been prepared for a long time, roared, pulled out the tortured sword, and chopped hard at Su Zimo!

The blade whistled and chilled!

It was just a flash of cold light that the two torturing knives had been chopped down in front of Su Zimo, a slight difference.

And Su Zimo did not retreat. Between the flashes of light, he suddenly stretched out his hands, barely holding the two tortured swords in his palm!

"court death!"

The two major torturers quickly spurred blood, trying to smash Su Zimo's palm.

However, they found that Su Zimo's palm seemed to be two iron hoops, and the tortured sword was lead dead and could not move at all!

The two torturing guards widened their eyes with horror.

The flesh and blood body can even fight against the magic soldiers such as the tortured sword?


At this moment, Su Zimo sighed softly, and suddenly the palm of his hand exerted force, grabbing two tortured knives directly from the palms of the two!

Su Zimo then threw back!

The two torturing knives turned into two cold lights, and they broke through in the sky, and soon they stabbed in front of the two torturers behind them!

This hand was too sudden.

No one expected that Su Zimo was so relaxed, he took the sword to death with his bare hands, and the counterattack broke out without stopping.


The two torturing guards in the back also responded extremely quickly, their eyes widened, their breath exhaled, they raised their torturing knives, and cut them towards the cold light in front of them!


The killing knives collided and rubbed against each other, causing a glare of Mars!

The two torturers were shocked and discolored.

Su Zimo seems to be throwing it away, but it contains an extremely powerful force.

Although he is a sixth-order earth fairy, after the release of the six-tooth idol, the physical force soared four times.

Coupled with the true body of Qinglian, the bones of Thunder, the outbreak of this kind of power, and the torturous guard present, no one can shout at it!

The two torturing guards held up the tortured knives and collided with the tortured knives. Not only did they fail to bring down the tortured knives, but the sword in their own hands was also bounced off.

The door is wide open!


The two torturing knives fell directly into the faces of the two torturing guards, stabbed a pair of piercings, the Yuanshen died, and they died on the spot!

On the other side, after Su Zimo threw out two tortured knives, he didn't pause and rushed forward.

The two killing knives in front of them were taken away and their body shape was taken over. Su Zimo reached out his hands and landed on the heads of the two former killing guards.


The necks of the two torturers in the front were directly broken.

The heads of the two were actually pushed down by Su Zimo's neck with his hands and into the chest cavity. Yuanshen had already been shattered and fell to the ground weakly!

Rush forward, grab a knife, throw a knife, and shoot.

The whole process was flowing, clean, and slow to say, but in fact, in the blink of an eye, the four torturing guards were already dead!

The rest of the torturers were approaching, but found that they had four more people on their side.

"End of the crossbow?"

Su Zimo smiled slightly and said, "I'm disappointed."

Looking at Su Zimo's smile, Shi Tonglin and others exploded their scalp, and suddenly felt a cool air coming from the back, shuddering.

Only the self-confidence and arrogance of the genius disappeared at the moment.

Su Zimo looked around and nodded, "Thank you all for putting down the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan Array, but it will save me a lot of effort. Since it is your kindness, I am not respectful!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Zimo took another shot, setting off another round of **** rain!

(End of this chapter)

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