Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2129: Kill the Quartet

Chapter 2129 Massacre

Su Zimo relied on Qinglian's true body and the bones of Thunder to spur the power of the six teeth. Even without blood and blood, it is enough to push the same level in melee!

Today's Qinglian true body is equivalent to the ten products made of green lotus.

It is a magic weapon of congenital order, which can't hurt him.

What's more, Su Zimo's melee skills are combined with the Great Demon King's Secret Code, and there are dragon warfare skills, combined with his many years of killing perception, the offensive is as violent as a storm, and the power is erupting like a volcano.

In the melee, Su Zimo drilled to the extreme!

The torturing guard present, even holding the torturing knife in his hand, and wearing black gold quilt feather armor, could not resist it!

Su Zimo rushed into the crowd, just like the tiger went down the mountain, the wolf entered the flock, left and right, and rushed straight, as if destroying and dying, killing the remaining torture guards!

Su Zimo's hands, elbows, shoulders, hips, legs, knees, feet, all over his body, everything is not a killing weapon!

Just those bright white delicate hands, fists like hammers, fingers like swords, and palms like swords, can evolve many changes.

Every change can kill people!

Dozens of torturous guards, top-level immortal strongmen, and fully armed, even in the hands of Su Zimo, took less than a bargain.

The monk watching the battle in the valley, grinned and looked shocked.

"This man looks pretty and looks like a scholar, but he started this, but he didn't show his weakness. He seemed to have numerous traces of beasts!"

The master of Honghong County murmured quietly.

King Yunlei also had a dignified look, saying: "This man's melee skills are too fierce and fierce, and all over him are magic weapons! I even suspect that this person's hair and sweat can be used to kill people. ! "

They are regarded as the two Emperors of the Celestial Election.

But at this moment, when they saw Su Zimo's means, they were both frightened.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, the two would never believe it. A sixth-order earth fairy, this literary scholar could burst into such a terrifying combat power!

On the battlefield.

But dozens of breaths and forty torturers killed eighteen people!

"Initiate Metamystics, everyone joins hands to kill them!"

At this critical juncture, Commander Shi finally made a decision not to keep his hands and no longer hope to capture Su Zimo.

This decision violates King Motosa-gun's order, and he will be severely punished.

But if there is any reservation, all of them will die here!

This battle has nothing to do with order, no face, no dignity, only life and death.

Winners can leave alive!

As soon as Shi Tong's voice fell, a wave of intense consciousness broke out on the battlefield.

The remaining twenty-two torturous guards stared at Su Zimo, his eyebrows flickered with light, and at the same time, the mystery of the Yuan broke out without reservation!

Su Zimo looked fearless.

After the power of the six teeth, the power of his primordial spirit is not weaker than that of the nine-level earth god!

A dragon scale emerged in the air, filled with a heartbreaking breath.

Many mysticisms collided with this dragon scale silently, but the whole world seemed to be still!

Only the water curtain over the valley, shaking slightly, a wave of waves appeared.

The minds of the millions of monks watching up and down the Panlong Mountains followed their movements, staring intently at the battlefield, looking nervous.

The Yuanshen battle is the most dangerous, and a little carelessness may be the death of the body!

The minds of the four great immortals all followed.

They knew before that Su Zimo's Yuan Shen Realm was very high, but it was still fierce to want to fight against the 22 mysteries of Yuan Yu's mystery.

When this dragon scale emerged, in a carriage in the crowd, the Suyi woman suddenly blurted out: "Inverse scale!"


The minds of the girls in the carriage were almost on the battlefield. They didn't hear clearly, and asked subconsciously.

Su Yi woman murmured: "It's going to be dead."

at the same time.

In the valley, the dragon scales floating in the air showed cracks, and then cracked!

And the 22 mysterious meta-mysteries of the torture guards have only broken the twelve.

There are ten remaining ones, and they are heading towards Su Zimo!


Seeing this scene, a sigh came from the Panlong Mountains.

"Unexpectedly, this man still failed to escape the final killing of the torture guard."

"Through the cultivation of the sixth-order earth god, he is entangled with the torturous guard here, and to kill so many torturous guards, even if he dies, he is enough to be proud."

"Killing so many torturers, even if he can survive, he will not end well in the future. The demise of Yuanshen and his death quickly is a good result for him."

In the crowd, discussions have begun.

But in the air, the four great immortals, as well as those with high eyesight, such as King Yuan Zuo County and Lone Star, did not speak, still looking at the battlefield, the shock in their eyes became more and more obvious!

thump! thump!

On the battlefield, the eyes of twelve torturers were dim, their faces were dull, and they fell straight to the ground. The breath of life in the body quickly passed, and they were already dead!

These twelve torturing guards' meta-mysticisms collided with the inverse scales, and they knew the gods in the sea, and they could not escape the inverse scales!

The dragon's inverse scale will die if you touch it!

Many monks who watched the battle were stunned and had not yet been able to react to what happened.

I saw Su Zimo pinching his tactics, and once again offered a mystery!

A golden Sanskrit character floated slowly from the eyebrows and crashed towards the remaining ten elements of mystery.

Come to France and India!

The ten mystic mystics shattered five more.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zimo's fingers touched the eyebrows, and Lei Guang flickered. A long whip around the arc of thunder light was pulled out from the sea of ​​knowledge and beaten fiercely on the remaining five mysteries!

Extermination whip!

The metamystic collisions between the two sides shattered and shattered.

On the battlefield, there is endless chaos.

The remaining ten torturers all murmured, and the blood on their faces faded.

Such as the French Seal, although the whip of extermination is powerful, there is no horrible killing against the scales.

The Yuan Shen, who was the leader of Shi Tong, and others, suffered different impacts and had not reached the point of falling.

Of course, under the contention of Yuan Shen, Su Zimo's knowledge of the sea also suffered a strong impact on the knowledge.

However, Qinglian Yuanshen sits on the lotus platform of creation, surrounded by ninety green lotus seeds, resisting these shocks as much as possible.

Although Qinglian Yuanshen consumes a lot and the power of Yuanshen is not much left, he is not injured.

Twenty-two torture guards left, twelve more!

The ten remaining torture guards were all wounded.

This time, it was not only the burns of the Wumei Dao fire, but also the wounds of the Yuanshen!

In this battle of Yuan Shen, Su Zimo has the absolute upper hand!

For this scene, Su Yi women are not surprised.

In the beginning, even the ice armor she gave to Yun Ting to protect Yuanshen was abolished. This man's killing method is evident.

It has been a year since Mr. Jin Yong died, and each of his works is a classic, which is worth reading again and again. Every time I think of it, I can read such a story, I can know Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, Yang Guo, Ling Huchong, Guo Xiang, and the county master. I can see such a river and lake, and I feel that it is the happiest and luckiest thing in my life. Miss Mr. Thank you, Mr.

(End of this chapter)

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