Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2130: Vomiting blood

Chapter 2130: Blood Spit

The remaining ten torturers have been scared.

Almost at the same time, the remaining ten torturing guards couldn't care less about their faces and orders, and turned and fled out of the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array!

Shi Tongling and others were completely killed!

There were more than a hundred torturers on their trip, and now there are only ten people left, and the rest are dead, wounded and wounded.

Who would dare to do something with Su Zimo?

Keeping his life is the only thought of Shi Tongling and others.

Ten people turned around and fled. Su Zimo's body speed was faster, his feet slammed on the ground, and the ground was shaking. The whole person was like a sharp arrow and broke away, making a whine!


A torturous guard was overtaken by Su Zimo, was torn apart, and died on the spot!

Su Zimo kept walking, changing direction, and chasing after another criminal killer.

It didn't take long for Su Zimo to catch up with the second torture guard, piercing the back of his head with one finger, Yuanshen disappeared, and his body died.

The rest of these torture guards frightened their courage, and their combat power could not reach half of its peak, not to mention, Yuan Shen was physically injured.

Su Zimo chased him all the way, like chopping melon and vegetables, no one can resist him for a moment!

Although Shi Tongling and others ran away in different directions, in the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array, there was no vitality. They could only use the power of the physical body to run wild, and they were nowhere near the speed of Su Zimo.

It was discovered when Shi Lian escaped from the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan Formation that seven of the ten people had been killed by Su Zimo.

In the end, there were only three people, including Stone Commander!

The three looked terrified, looked at each other, and saw each other's miserable looks, all of them bitter.

The kind of spirit that they had just entered into the valley, the iron blood killed them, had long disappeared.

Today, the three of them are helpless and frustrated.

Fortunately, out of the scope of the Xuanguang Zhanyuan array, the three can urge the Yuanshen, make the heaven and earth vitality, release the magical skills of the body type, and escape from the place.


A golden light burst into the sky, and it's almost here!

Under the watchful eye of Shi Tong, one of the three torturers was penetrated by this golden light, his body burst, and he fell instantly!

This golden light manifested, and it was precisely Su Zimo who sacrificed supernatural powers and had Dapeng wings behind him.

"It's him!"

The master of Honghong County exclaimed.

When he saw that Su Zimo was only a sixth-order earth fairy, the owner of Chihong County had doubts.

But she thought for a moment that the sick young man she met was just extremely fast, where could there be such a terrible method.

But now, seeing Su Zimo using this secret method of golden wings, she was sure.

At the same time, there was a fear in the heart of the owner of Chihong County.

If this person did not choose to avoid without fighting, I am afraid she would be buried here!

Seeing this scene, Commander Shi and the other torturous guard did not want to, they split into two completely different directions and fled after turning around.

Su Zimo chased and killed one of them. At the same time, he patted his palm on the storage bag, his robe sleeve fluttered, and dozens of dark shadows were thrown around the stone leader.

These dozens of black shadows fell on the ground, forming a familiar array.

Leader Shi broke into this large array and suddenly felt that his vitality had dried up and his body fell down, and he couldn't help losing his voice: "Xuanguang Jueyuan!"

Su Zimo's hands also have the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array banner.

He rushed from Cangyu City to the Panlong Mountains, and had already sacrificed this banner for his own use.


A scream came from not far away.

Su Zimo killed another person and turned his head towards Shi Tong.

This Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array, of course, can't trap Stone leader, but only a short delay is enough for Su Zimo to rush back.

Leader Shi just rushed out of the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array and was hitting Su Zimo with a murderous look on his face.

"Su Zimo, you, you beheaded so many torture guards, you ..."

Shi Dou shivered, his voice trembling slightly.


Unfortunately, Su Zimo was not interested in listening to him at all, said nothing, stepped forward, raised his hand and patted on the celestial cap of the stone leader, shook his Yuan Shen!

At the end of the war, 112 torture guards were annihilated.

There are also some torture guards who have suffered severe damage, lost their combat power, and are not dead. They have also been frightened, staying in place and shaking.

They have been simmered with fish and slaughtered by anyone.

Su Zimo walked towards these torture guards, expressionless.

The end of these people is doomed.

Now that he has started, Su Zimo will never let his hands down and leave no future troubles!

Over the Panlong Mountains.

The four great immortals exhaled a long breath.

I do not know when, all four stood up from the seat, at this time the dust settled, the four looked slowly, a heart fell, and then slowly sat back again.

The four heavenly gods seemed calm, but witnessing the battle with their own eyes, all four were excited and undulating.

too strong!

Originally, the four great immortals thought that this Su Zimo was just the most outstanding one in Tianzong's election.

Until this time, the four great immortals realized that this Su Zimo might be the most terrible evil in ten thousand years, or even one hundred thousand years!

Such evil spirits can support the existence of a sectarian door alone!

This person must make every effort to recruit them into the gate.

As for the resentment between this person and King Gensuke-gun, the four great immortals didn't pay much attention.

Thinking of King Gensuke-gun, the four heavenly gods looked slightly and looked at it.

King Motosa Jun, not far away, stood in the air, his body trembling slightly, staring at the figure in the valley, his eyes seemed to be able to spit fire.

Had it not been for the lone star to drag him in, he might even run down desperately!

At this time, Su Zimo was clearing the battlefield.

Su Zimo will kill those severely wounded torture guards.

At this point, the two sides have little room to manoeuvre, either you die or I live!

"Four friends, you see it too!"

King Genzuo Gun pointed at Su Zimo in the valley, gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "This son is so arrogant, no one in his eyes, treats me like nothing! Please four Dao friends to take the shot, remove the large array outside the valley, let me charge Go in and shatter it! "

"Ha ha."

Qingfeng Tianxian chuckled: "Wang Zuojun Wang Xinu, this arrangement, but your original decision has nothing to do with us."

"King Motosa, the election of Senjo is not over, we cannot withdraw the battle."

Yang Ruoxu said: "What's more, the Celestial Election does not allow Tianxian to participate directly."

"But my people are dead!"

King Genzuo Jun was already hysterical, shouting at the four heavenly gods: "More than one hundred torturers in the Great Jin Dynasty died in it!"

"Blame yourself."

Tianyuan spoke slowly.


Motosuke-gun was furious and stared at Tianyuan. He almost started. Fortunately, a lone star blocked it.

However, his bad breath was suppressed by Shengsheng, and his heart was furious, and finally he couldn't bear it, and opened his mouth to spit out blood.

(End of this chapter)

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