Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2134: True immortal

Chapter 2134: The True Immortal Appears

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo was slightly safe in his heart.

If there were no four immortal Tianxian strong shots, even if he offered all the hole cards, it would be difficult to escape this calamity.

"What do you guys do!"

Yuan Zuojun stared at Tian Yuan and Yang Ruoxu, staring angrily and questioning sharply.

"what are you going to do?"

Yang Ruoxu asked faintly.

Although the nearby Qingfeng Tianxian didn't take the shot, at this time he sneered and said, "King Motosa, your identity is noble, but don't forget where this is!"

"If you want to do whatever you want, go back to your Dajin fairyland."

Tian Yuan also spoke slowly, with a bad tone.

King Yuan Zuo County gritted his teeth and said, "This son has killed me so many torture guards in Dajin Xianguo. No matter where he goes, I, Yuanzuo, Dajin Xianguo will not let him go!"

Lone Star Shen said: "You friends also saw a scene in the valley, but you need to protect him?"

Bai Haitianxian shook the folding fan and smiled gently, "His Highness breathes anger. In my opinion, it's really strange that this person can't blame him."

"After all, it was these criminal defenders who took the initiative to go into the valley to chase and kill Su Zimo, and finally being killed by someone can only be regarded as the result of their own killers.

Baihai Tianxian comes from Feixianmen and is in the same Sect as the master of Mengyao County.

At this point, even the Baihai Tianxian came forward to speak for Su Zimo, and the situation was already extremely unfavorable.

Motosuke-gun's face turned blue, and he was very angry, and said, "So you blame me instead?"

"I never said that."

Baihai Tianxian shook his head slightly, his face still smiling.

Qingfeng Tianxian waved his hand and stopped paying attention to Motosuke King, saying, "Begin selecting people."

At the end of the Election of Xianzong, one hundred people have been selected. Next, according to the ranking of the number of Panlonglings, the four great candidates of Xianzong will be selected.

If there are two immortals at the same time, or if more than one immortal believes one person.

Then the right of choice will fall on this person.

See which door he chooses eventually.

"Pan Longling has the highest number, Su Zimo, standing in front."

Qingfeng Tianxian said in a deep voice.

Su Zimo stepped out of the crowd and came to the crowd.

"Introduce yourself briefly, your background, your family background, and what the teacher is."

Qingfeng Tianxian Road.

"In Xia Suzimo, from the Nether."

Su Zimo did not hide it, and said frankly.

When this sentence was spoken, there was a restlessness up and down the Panlong Mountains, and many monks had begun to whisper.

"So poorly born, he's a subordinate."

"Looking at him with so many means, I thought that from what kind of famous family, because he offended the immortal kingdom of Dajin, he was chased down and suppressed."

"What's going on in the Nether, others are tough, this Xianzong election is the first!"

"Oh, how about the first, and how about worshiping the Four Great Celestial Sects? The Feng Cantian was still the Emperor Xiandi, and in the end it was not fleeing everywhere, nowhere?"

Su Zimo can clearly notice that not only the millions of monks below, but also many monks in the Four Great Sects also showed a touch of contempt and ridicule.

The four heavenly immortals looked calm and did not show this emotion.

Not only that, Yang Ruo stared at Su Zimo's eyes, with a touch of appreciation and encouragement.

"You guys heard it too!"

Yuan Zuojun Shen said, "This Su Zimo is just a humble and lowly man. His life is like a mustard. How can four Taoist friends sell me a thin noodle?"

"The hero doesn't ask the source."

Yang Ruoxu turned his head to look at King Yuan Zuo County and said, "I Yang Ruoxu is also from the lower world. In your eyes, is Yuan Huozuo humble and mean, like a mustard?"

Su Zimo was slightly surprised.

No wonder Yang Ruoxu just gave him that look.

There was an uproar among the crowd below.

Most monks did not know Yang Ruoxu's origin.

Motosuke-gun also choked.

Where did he know that Yang Ruoxu came from the lower world, and then he said that although he was targeting Su Zimo, he also scolded Yang Ruoxu.

Yang Ruoxu stopped paying attention to King Yuan Zuo and Shen said, "Qiankun Academy intends to bring Su Zimo into the ancestors. Three people choose.

"The mountain and sea immortals are important people."

Tian Yuan didn't say much, but his tone was firm and hesitant.

Qingfeng Tianxian followed closely, saying: "Yu Fengguan is important."

Baihai Tianxian hesitated before he smiled and said, "Feixianmen also intentionally."

The four great immortals are important at the same time!

If it were just ordinary monks, perhaps the four great immortals might not have such a direct conflict with Motosuke-gun.

But Su Zimo's performance was too eye-catching!

This is a monster that is rare to see for thousands of years.

What's more, Su Zimo inherited many supernatural secrets, such as the Xuanling Beidou map, such as the Heavenly Sword Technique, and his future achievements are inestimable.

"Since our four great immortals are interested in you, it depends on your choice."

Yang Ruoxu nodded to Su Zimo.

"and many more!"

Motosuke-gun interrupted quickly.

If Su Zimo formally worshipped the four great immortals, he would have no reason to take any shots!

"Does Motosa have something to say?"

Qingfeng Tianxian frowned slightly, and asked impatiently.

Yuan Zuojun took a deep breath, calmed his mind, bowed slightly to the four heavenly immortals, and performed the ceremony.

As the county king of the Immortal Kingdom of the Jin Dynasty, he used to salute fellow monks in this way.

"Next, please ask four Taoist friends to give this person to me. I, Yuan Zuo, can swear here that if the four Taoist friends have any requests, they will do their best to fulfill their trust.

Yuan Zuo County's Wang Shen said: "As long as the four Taoists promised not to take him into the door, I would have to thank them! If the four Taoists have any needs, they can come forward."

The words of King Motosa Jun, without concealing them, were uttered in full view, sincerely.

The promise of a county king, even a relatively downcast king, cannot be ignored.

What's more, there may also be heavy treasures!

Motosuke's contribution is definitely worth it.

As long as he can catch Su Zimo, he may get many magical secrets on Su Zimo and get jade charms.

By that time, the probability that he will break through the true immortal will be mostly!

Baihai Tianxian gently shook the folding fan with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tianyuan face sinks like water.

Yang Ruoxu's eyebrows were lowered, his expression indifferent.

Qingfeng Tianxian was unmoved.

The four great immortals looked different, but did not express their positions, leaving King Yuan Zuo County in place.

The time passed by, and the longer it dragged on, the more embarrassing and embarrassing the situation of King Gensuke's face.

Motosuke King clenched his fists and clenched his teeth.

He has given up his identity, but the four heavenly immortals still have no intention of giving in!

At this moment, a distant figure galloped towards this place at an amazing speed.

This is a middle-aged man with gray hair, raising his hands and throwing up an invisible majesty.

As soon as this person appeared and stood up in the air, the momentum will cover all the monks present, even the four great immortals are worse than that!

This is the true immortal!

Although everyone could not detect the state of cultivation of the middle-aged man, they could vaguely judge it.

Su Zimo saw this man, but frowned, his expression changed slightly.

He can be sure that this is a true fairy.

This is the former Qingyun County guard, Jingyue Zhenxian!

(End of this chapter)

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