Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2135: Tit-for-tat

Chapter 2135 Tit-for-tat

Inside a carriage in the crowd.

The girl whispered softly, "The lord of the county, I really made you right. Something really happened, even the true fairy appeared!"

Su Yi woman hummed, and continued to look at the sky.

There was a burst of restlessness from the crowd around.

The Xianzong election is only to select the land immortals. Whether it is the four great immortals or the monks watching the war, the highest is the Tianxian strong.

Regardless of which side or interface the true immortal is in, it is a mainstay and has a distinguished position.

Originally, the forces of all parties respected Tianyuan and Yang Ruoxu, and all parties could maintain balance.

The advent of Zhenxian will instantly break this balance!

The four great immortals saw this person and frowned.

Motojo-gun's heart was overjoyed, and he hurriedly greeted him, saying, "Mirror Moon, you are finally here!"

Because of the wind and the sky, both King Motosuke and Ginyuki Shinsen were not badly hit.

The king of Gensuke-gun loses the territory of Qingyun-gun, and Jingyue Zhenxian also loses the status of county guard.

Of course, the two have been together for many years, after all, there is still some friendship.

Upon receiving the mysterious stationery, King Motosuke-gun sent a message to Jing Yue Zhenxian before leaving for the place.

He had already vaguely guessed that in the Panlong Mountains, he would likely encounter many obstacles.

Therefore, he decided to move and invited Jingyue Zhenxian out of the mountain to come and preside over the situation for him.

Motosa-gun's King City Mansion is deep and extremely intelligent.

Otherwise, he could not have become the county king in charge of Qingyun County, practicing a clone, confusing the world, and hiding strength.

However, over the years, somehow, he was in trouble and frustrated.

King Genzuo blame all this on Su Zimo's head.

"Sir, some things have been delayed, coming a little later."

Jingyue Zhenxian slightly arched at Motosuke-gun, said Shen Sheng.

"It's not too late, you're here!"

King Yuan Zuojun pointed at Su Zimo, not far away, and resentfully said: "Under the eyes of all, this sinner has killed me more than one hundred torture guards. Now, about to worship the four great immortals, we must Catch him! "

"With so many torture guards, if I still let him escape under the eyes of the king, what's the face of my Jin Dynasty!"

More than a hundred torturers died!

Jing Yue Zhenxian's face sank.

Su Zimo was the one he first discovered and brought to the Thunder City, and then there will be a series of incidents later.

If this matter is really traced back to the source, he will hardly be disconnected.

Therefore, even if he knew that the immortal election was improper, Zhenxian came.

Jingyue Zhenxian also knows one thing. Although he is a true immortal, if Su Zimo is worshipped among the four great immortals, he will not be good at it.

The idea turned sharply, Jingyue Zhenxian looked at the four great immortals, and arched, "In the next mirror month, you are polite."

"Have seen Shangxian."

The four great immortals did not dare to be rude, and got up one after another.

Although Jingyue Zhenxian is not Qingyun County Guard, she is also a strong one.

The four great immortals all heard it.

Jingyue Zhenxian didn't make a detour, and said when she opened the door, "I know, letting four people give up Su Zimo, and the four are not easy to explain."

"Let's do this. The four sell me a thin noodle, as long as the four immortals represent the four great immortals, they don't need to recruit this person."

No one from the Four Great Sects enlisted Su Zimo, and King Yuan Zuo's side could naturally shoot without fear!

The only thing he feared was the Four Great Sects.

Zhenxian came out to be important!

The face of the true immortal can be quite different from that of King Motosa.

Zhenxian represents another level of power.

Even if the four heavenly gods are unwilling, it is not easy to express them directly, and they are in direct conflict with Jingyue Zhenxian.

Jingyue Zhenxian said again, "As long as four people agree to come down, and four people will find me in the future, I will not quit."

Zhenxian's promise, this weight is even heavier!

"This Su Zimo is over. The Jin Dynasty immortal comes forward, and he will be arrested regardless of everything."

"This is also expected. If you think about it, offending the county king and killing so many torturers, or a subordinate, how could you live?"

Many monks shook their heads with emotion.

Su Zimo in the air looked calm and silent.

The current situation has nothing to do with him.

In other words, his life and death are completely between the thoughts of these people!

"Since Jingyue Shangxian said so, I withdrew on behalf of Feixianmen."

Baihai Tianxian smiled slightly and said with a hand.

Zhenxian came forward, it is no longer necessary for him to continue.

What's more, Qin Xianmeng Yao came from the immortal kingdom of Jin Dynasty. He took a step back, and it was also a favor.

Jingyue Zhenxian nodded slightly, smiling, saying: "Not long ago, I also met the Lord of Mengyao County. If I meet again, I will say a few words in front of the County Lord."

"Thank you so much."

A joy in Baihai Tianxian's heart.

If it is because of this, it is enough to make a good impression on Qin Xianmeng Yao.

"What do the three say?"

Jingyue Zhenxian's eyes flew across, looking at Tianyuan, Yang Ruoxu, Qingfeng Tianxian, and there was a hint of coercion in her tone and eyes.

Tian Yuan is still sinking in the water.

Yang Ruoxu looked indifferent, his eyebrows lowered.

Qingfeng Tianxian's brows were a little uneasy and became a little uncomfortable.

Jingyue Zhenxian has been famous for a long time.

In other words, the true disciples of Yufengguan are qualified to talk to him.

God knows whether this mirror moon true immortal has any friendship with a true disciple of Yufengguan.

If it is against the true disciple of a certain sect, it is really worthless.

Qingfeng Tianxian smiled suddenly and said, "I'm free here, there is no problem in recruiting or not. Shangxian had better ask the attitude of the other two."

Qingfeng Tianxian played a trick.

In fact, he did not say at all that he would not recruit Su Zimo, but left the matter to Tian Yuan and Yang Ruoxu.

If Tian Yuan and Yang Ruoxu both retreat, he will not carry them hard and retreat.

If Tianyuan or Yang Ruoxu persists, the attention of Jingyue Zhenxian will be transferred to these two people.

Jing Yue Zhenxian sneered.

Although he could see Qingfeng Tianxian's thoughts, he didn't break the point, turning his eyes to Tianyuan and Yang Ruoxu.

"I disagree."

Tian Yuan suddenly spoke.

The spirits of many monks were refreshed and their eyes glowed.

This is hard to carry!

The Tianxian strongman of Shanhaixianzong is facing hard steel with the true immortal of the Great Jinxian Kingdom.

Su Zimo also became a little nervous at this time.

When he came to participate in the election of Xianzong, the tendency in his heart was Shanzhai Xianzong.

On the Longyuan star, he had conflicts with three other true disciples of Xianzong.

Although she did not reveal her identity, she also had some resistance.

Fei Xianmen exited, Su Zimo didn't care, at least Shanhai Xianzong was still there.

Jingyue Zhenxian's eyes were faint, staring at Tianyuan, slowly said: "Tianyuan, the first in the last Tianbang, strong means, strong personality, fearless, I have heard it!"

"See you today, it really deserves its name."

Jingyue Zhenxian's words clearly praised Tianyuan, but in his tone, there was a touch of sensation.

(End of this chapter)

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