Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2148: Empty grave

Chapter 2148: Empty Grave

The continent, the wolf mountain.

According to Ji Yaoxue's entrustment, the deity of martial arts buried her here and did not leave, but quietly guarded here for nearly a year.

In fact, for the deity of martial arts, the Nether has nothing worthy of nostalgia.

But he still hasn't left.

Because, there is one thing that he always wonders.

How did Ji Yaoxue fall?

Ji Yaoxue's talent is not very bad.

On the contrary, at the beginning of her practice, she had a spiritual root, and she was definitely a very talented person.

Even though her talents are extremely poor, in these years, the Taoist deities have given her numerous natural treasures and elixir through the hand of Tao.

It can be said that the martial arts master can find her the treasure that the Nether can find.

With so many treasures, even a mortal mortal, in three thousand years, it should break through and return to the realm.

But Ji Yaoxue's cultivation has always stagnated.

Somewhat strangely, Ji Yaoxue's birthday faded day by day, but her face showed no signs of aging.

What is the reason for this?

For one year, Budomoto respected Ji Yaoxue's grave, thinking about all possibilities.

Could it be said that Ji Yaoxue had been quietly cursed by someone before his death?

Suddenly a thought flashed through the head of the martial arts deity.

This is indeed possible.

The cursing power, the treacherous horror, can indeed have this effect.

However, the Wu people are already extinct by Butterfly Moon.

Where does this curse come from?

What's more, he had previously explored Ji Yaoxue's physical condition and found no abnormalities.

The eyes of the martial art deities fell on the grave not far away.

After groaning for a long time, he made a decision and opened a grave to examine the condition of Ji Yaoxue.

Although this act has no respect for the deceased, the deity of martial arts will never allow Ji Yaoxue to fall like this unknown!

Over the years, he has received many Yuanling Stones from the Divine Realm, plus the refining of the Yunyou King's Tao Fruit, and he has cultivated to the eighth level of life cycle!

At that time, he was unable to detect any abnormalities, but now he is improving, and decided to check it again.

If there is anybody, he cursed secretly, killing Ji Yaoxue, even if Shang Po Bi fell into Huang Quan, he would arrest this person!

The martial art deity stepped forward, waving his robe sleeve, breaking through the dirt on the grave, exposing the coffin inside.

This coffin was created by cutting down a soul-cultivating tree from the martial arts deity, and it can be immortal for thousands of years.

The rosary of the Ming king was made by raising soul wood.

The martial arts master stretched out his palm, his five fingers were bent, and he gently scratched across the void, and lifted the coffin cover directly.

At the moment the coffin lid was lifted down, the martial arts master held it.

Even with his heart, an incredible color appeared in his eyes, his expression shocked!

how is this possible?

The martial art deity stepped forward a few more steps, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and stared again.

Still the same result.

The coffin is empty!

Ji Yaoxue's body is missing!

Inside the coffin, only the one that Ji Yaoxue wore before his lifetime was left, and Su Zimo's old, whitish robe cast for her.

But Ji Yaoxue's body was gone!

No one in the martial arts can think of it. After opening the coffin, it will be such a result.

Ji Yaoxue died in front of him, and he was buried here.

In the past year, the martial arts devotion has remained inseparable and has never left.

There can be no one to take away the body of Ji Yaoxue.

But the fact at hand is that the body of Ji Yaoxue disappeared under the eyelids of Martial arts deity!

He didn't even notice it!

The martial art deity stepped forward and picked up the shirt in the coffin.

A faint scent remained on this shirt.

Martial arts master put away this shirt and stopped for thought.

He has traveled through countless interfaces in the Nether and has seen many strange and magical powers, but none of them can explain this.

The Master of Martial Arts originally wanted to uncover Ji Yaoxue's fallen confusion, but he did not expect to fall into a larger confusion.


In the heart of the martial art deity, a drop of blood was summoned from the storage bag.

In this drop of blood lies a spiritual knowledge from the upper world.

Martial arts master knows that one day he will rise to the upper bound.

Therefore, instead of beheading Sirius, he stayed with him for a while, and might be useful in the future.

Sirius knows a lot, but his mouth is extremely hard and he refuses to reveal many things.

The martial arts master controlled the four fires of karmic fire, calamity fire, martial arts fire and dragon and phoenix flame, and continued to torture him before he gradually yielded.

The origin of Zhending Ding is what Sirius said.

"Great master, what do you command?"

This drop of blood in the air transformed into the appearance of a little wolf demon, humbled, bowed his head to the martial arts deity, and displayed a flattering look.

Sirius couldn't stop the four flames of the martial arts deity, and he had already regarded them as the main ones.

The deity of the martial arts said about the disappearance of Ji Yaoxue's body, and then asked, "Do you know, why is this?"

Sirius was confused when he heard it.

"The villain is also unclear."

Sirius said: "If the corpse is corrupted, it will inevitably leave traces in the coffin. If the corpse is transferred, it will not be possible before the great master!"

This matter does not involve any secrets, and Sirius does not need to hide it.

The Martial Lord did not use flames to burn.

Standing in front of the empty coffin, he remained silent for a long time, and suddenly asked, "In the upper world, can there be reincarnation, or a land government?"


Sirius replied immediately, definitely.

"No matter what kind of creature, after falling, it will enter six reincarnations, leaving traces in the Nether Earth House."

"Some strong men in the upper world practice to the third level of the true realm, and can even leave a mark of the soul. After six reincarnations, the mark is immortal!"

"In the future, you can be reborn and reborn. If someone is picked up and re-cultivated, after reaching the true immortal, it may even wake up the memories of previous lives."

Budo nodded.

In the years when Qinglian was in the upper world, she had heard some legends of immortals, but he hadn't met them.

Unexpectedly, the conditions for wanting to be a reincarnation are so harsh.

The cultivation of this life must be achieved in true wonderland!

Ji Yaoxue fell, naturally there can be no soul mark.

But if, as Sirius said, no matter what kind of creature, after the fall, there will be traces in the land government, one day, he should go to the land government to take a look.

I'm afraid this is the only way to solve this doubt on Ji Yaoxue.

The martial arts master exhaled lightly, waved his robe sleeve, buried the empty grave, and murmured, "Let's go, it's time to leave."


Sirius asked.

"Upper Bound!"

Martial arts replied.

(End of this chapter)

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