Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2149: Magic domain

Chapter 2149 Demon Realm

Hearing the word "upper bound", Sirius's eyes flashed with excitement, but quickly converged and disappeared.

Martial arts deity put "Sirius" back into the storage bag.

In the corner of the storage bag, the silver light flickered, and a movement in his heart took the silver light out.

This is a silver mask, from the upper world, and a treasure.

Not only can you hide your looks, but you can also isolate the inquiries of others.

At the beginning, Sirius was stored in this silver mask, followed by Zhending Ding, and fell from the upper world.

The martial arts master groaned a little and put this silver mask on his face.

This silver mask is as thin as a cicada's wing, covering most of its face, without affecting the breathing, revealing a pair of eyes that are deep and deep.

I don't know where it will land this time.

Because Qing Lian was ascended, she had been intercepted. This time, out of caution, the martial arts destiny still planned to wear a silver mask.

What's more, Qinglian Zhenshen has just established a foothold in the upper world.

If after the ascension of the martial arts deity, it is possible to set up more enemies for the true body of Qing Lian, and bring a lot of unnecessary trouble.

The figure of the martial art master slowly lifted off into the sky and looked at the sky, exuding a sense of Mahayana perfection, which touched the sky.

The martial arts deity has now cultivated to the eighth level of the life cycle, and according to his calculations, he should have broken through the earth fairy and reached the level of heaven fairy!

Cultivation to his realm, the control of the consciousness is already infatuated.

Over the years, in order to realize the power of the calamity, he has called the calamity several times and cultivated the calamity fire.

In the Nether, as long as the practice is completed to the Mahayana realm, and God's knowledge is disseminated, you can trigger the advent of heaven.

For this deceitful concealment, the martial arts deity is already skilled.


In an instant, the sky was overcast with clouds, the thunder was rolling, the coercion was overwhelming, and the calamity appeared.

This scene attracted the attention of many monks.

Among them, there are some old people of Su Zimo, like little fat people, gentle, Ji Chengtian, Gu Yun ...

Under everyone's attention, I saw a figure wearing a purple robe with a silver mask, bathed in the power of the scourge of the heavens, and entangled with a thunderbolt like a python, slowly rising.

The figure soared without any pause.

The calamity that destroyed the earth seemed to tickle this person.

In an instant, the forty-nine days disappeared.

This purple figure also completely disappeared at the end of the sky.

"This time, he really left."

Softly and softly.

Everyone was silent, everyone's face was full of emotion, with a trace of parting sadness.

Although they had known Su Zimo very early, for thousands of years, not everyone could cultivate to the level of rising to the upper bound.

Even some of them may not be able to soar for the rest of their lives.

Ji Chengtian said: "Each person's fate is different, and they can't ask each other. It is no regret to know Brother Su in this life."

"Let's practice well, it won't work for 3,000 years, we will practice for 30,000 years. One day, we can also take off!"

The little fat man was extremely optimistic and said with a smile: "Maybe, by then, the elder brother has been side by side in the upper world, and established a world-renowned reputation. We can rise up and go to him!"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed, and the sorrow in their hearts also faded, and they all dispersed.


The martial arts master could not help himself, feeling a huge traction, wrapped himself flying upwards.

At first, he looked down, and still could see the heaven of the barren land below.

As the distance got higher and higher, the Tianhuang continent was as small as dust, and finally disappeared completely from his sight.

I don't know how long after that, the Martial arts master felt like he was passing through a layer of film, the environment suddenly changed, and the surrounding world was surrounded by a touch of vitality.

Not surprisingly, that film should be the barrier between the upper and lower bounds.

The martial arts lord made a slight profit, and with his life cycle in the eighth level, he was better than the strength of the heavenly immortal, but he couldn't break the traction of restraint on himself.

The martial art deity passed through the sea of ​​stars, and after a long time, a large shadow appeared on his head, endless.

He hadn't waited for his response yet, and his figure seemed to be plunging into the space-time tunnel.

After a whirlwind, the figure of the martial art deity stabilized.

"An ascendant is up again!"

"Including this person, there are already a hundred people, and they will be arrested and ready to go!"

As soon as the Martial Lord was standing, there was a noise coming from around.

He turned his gaze and looked around.

He stood in an area similar to an altar, surrounded by a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth vitality, much richer than that space in the heavens and gods!

Around this altar, there were still a dozen monks, each wearing a black robe, fiercely looking, and exuding a thick **** body.

The consciousness of the martial art deity is swept away.

These dozens of monks are different, but they are all Xuanxian, some are seventh-order Xuanxian, and some are eighth-order Xuanxian.

The man who cultivated the highest was the Nineth Order Xuanxian. In addition to his black robe, he was also wearing an armor, which seemed to be the leader of these dozen people.

Not far away, there were ninety-nine monks kneeling.

Every monk was scaly and scaly, his face was pale, and his eyes were flashing with terror and fear.

Looks like this, these ninety-nine monks have just soared.

"Hey, that guy, what are you doing with the pestle, don't get me down!"

A sixth-order Xuanxian came towards the martial arts deity, cursing in his mouth.

"Which interface is this?"

The martial arts master slightly opened the storage bag and asked suddenly.

"This breath ..."

Sirius felt it carefully, his eyes brightened, and he said, "This should be the demon realm of heaven!"

Budo nodded.

The celestial realm is extremely broad and can be roughly divided into three regions.

Jiuxiaoxian Realm, Bliss Pure Land, and Demon Realm, in the middle of the three major areas, separated by construction wood.

Although he and Qinglian Zhenshen both ascended to heaven, they were not in an area, and they were too far away.

Not to mention that between Jiuxiaoxian Realm and Demon Realm is between Jiudaxian Realm. With the strength of Qinglian's true body, there is no accident, and it will take decades.

"Magic domain ..."

The Budo master is thoughtful.

The sixth-order Dixian who came over, seeing that the martial arts deity had not responded yet, could not help smirking and cursing: "Ignorance, still pretend to be here!"

Every Ascendant, when he first arrives in the Upper Realm, thinks he is the supreme under heaven, but in their eyes, all Ascendants are scooped up fish and can be slaughtered!

This person is going to give this newly ascended purple robe man a lesson, let him suffer a bit and recognize the reality!

One of the kneeling crowds, an old man who couldn't bear his face, said loudly, "Dear friend, hurry down and obey the order, so as not to suffer innocence."

"What is free?"

The martial art deity turned to look at the old man and asked lightly.

The old man sighed and said, "Young man, you have just ascended, and you are not clear about the situation. No matter what your status and status in the nether, how loud your reputation is, you can only bow your head when you ascend here."

"Did you see the bones next to them? Those people were disobedient and killed by them!"

(End of this chapter)

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