Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2150: All dead!

Chapter 2150 All Dead!

Around this altar, there are indeed a lot of bones.

Some bodies, even with fresh flesh, did not seem to have fallen for long.

"Old thing, you talk a lot!"

Another seventh-order Xuanxian picked up the iron chain in his hand and beat it down heavily.


On the old man's body, an extra bloodstain appeared instantly, and the flesh flew open!

The old man groaned, trembling, his face pained, and he dared not to snor.

At this moment, the sixth-order Xuanxian has come to the altar.

The man stepped forward, reached for the silver mask of the martial arts master, and cursed in his mouth, "When he arrives in the realm, he still wears the mask and takes it off for Laozi!"

The martial arts master didn't look at him at all, and flicked his robe sleeve with his backhand, and drew directly on the sixth-order Xuanxian.


The sixth-order Xuanxian's body exploded on the spot, and turned into a mist of blood, annihilating everything!

The audience was silent!

The dozen or so monks in black robes were still talking and laughing. Seeing this scene, everyone's smiles were stiff.

Hands and feet were locked by iron chains, and the ninety-nine monks kneeling on the ground were all stunned and looked horrified!

In their eyes, the monk who was so powerful that he could not resist at all was actually killed by the ascendant with a robe sleeve!

how is this possible?

They are also ascenders. How could this person have such a powerful power?

Not only were they confused, but the dozen or so monks from the upper realm also couldn't figure it out, and I was on the spot.

The Budo master slowly walked down the altar and walked towards those dozen people.

Among the crowd, the headed black armored man reacted first, quickly spreading his senses, and turned around in the body of the martial art deity.

But this person's heart was even more confused.

Based on his spiritual practice, he couldn't detect the ascension of the ascendant!

how can that be?

A Nether monk who has just ascended can never be higher than his practice.

Could it be said that this person has practiced some kind of hidden realm?

It must be so!

The black armored man made his judgment.

In fact, the cultivation of the martial art deity is a realm, let alone that he cannot detect it. Even if the cultivation of the martial arts is far beyond his celestial beings, the true immortal might not see the depth of the martial arts.

Martial arts is different from immortal Buddha.

The martial arts destiny has created an unprecedented path, created a life cycle, opened a secret state in the body, and exploded the potential.

Even the deity of martial arts and the true body of Qinglian have to verify each other, so that we can probably infer which realm of spiritual life corresponds to the secret realm of life, how can other people detect it.

"Ascension, you better be honest with me!"

The Heijia man secretly spread a voice, and a dozen Xuanxian around him quickly spread out, each offering a magic weapon, surrounding the martial arts deity.

"This is the territory of the Yellow Sand Palace!"

The men in the black armor saw that everyone had formed a siege of the martial arts deity, and they were calm and sneered: "Here you kill yourself, I don't think you want to live!"

"In the Demon Realm, it's all about weak meat and strong food, the law of the jungle."

Sirius's voice sounded in the storage bag: "In other places, you may still pretend to look like it, but in the demon realm, it is **** and killing!"

"On this land, only the fiercest and fiercest people can stand!"

"What kind of influence is your Yellow Sand Palace?"

Suddenly Martial Lord asked.

"Nature is mysterious!"

The black armored man proudly said.

But soon, a puzzle appeared in his heart.

How could this ascendant know the hierarchy of the sectarian power in the Upper Realm?

The Master of Martial Arts did not wait for him to respond, and pointed to the ninety-nine ascendants kneeling on the ground next to him, asking, "What are you going to let them do?"

"Astronauts in the lower world, come to the upper world, naturally they will be enslaved by us for a period of time."

The man in the black armor said: "If you are doing well, I can send you to Lingtian to be a spiritual farmer and plant elixir. It's easier.

"If you don't open your eyes, hehe, you can only send mine deep underground!"

After Qinglian Zhensheng soared to the upper bound, Lingnong and mining had done it.

Although he has no personal experience, the two masters of the martial arts are physically and mentally connected. Hearing these two things, his heart also raised a resistance.

"Do it!"

At this moment, the black armored man seemed to be a little lost when he saw the deity of martial arts, without hesitation, he directly ordered.

The black robe monks who had been eager to try have shot, sacrificing their magic weapon Feijian, beheaded and assassinated towards the martial art deity.

The monk in black armor also quickly pinched the magical powers of magic, and broke out!


"Blow the wind!"

"Thunder strike!"


All the magical arts of magic came and rushed!

If the martial arts despise is not seen or even dodged, the magic weapon Feijian descends on his body despite all these magical magic.

Seeing this scene, those ascended kneeling on the ground couldn't bear it, avoiding their eyes one after another.

Only then did he remind the old man of the martial arts deity, seeing that the martial arts deity was extraordinary, and there was a hint of hope in his heart.

But now he sighed softly.

Even if it is reinforced and iron bones, besieged by so many monks, I am afraid it will be beaten to death.

The black armour man breathed a sigh of relief.

Prior to this, he was unable to detect the realm of martial arts deity, and there was still a little worry in his mind.

But now, there should be no surprises.

Such a fierce offensive, even the first-order Dixian, may not be able to retreat!

With this idea falling, many magical magical tricks and magical flying swords came one after another, and fell on the body of the martial art deity like a storm.

All the magical powers of the magical powers collapsed and failed to stir up a little ripple.

All the magical flying swords slammed into the body of the martial art deity, and across the clothes, there was a jingling sound!

Under the eyes of all, these magic flying swords were all shattered, and turned into a pile of bleak scrap copper and iron, scattered all over the place!


The black robe monk's face changed, and he took a breath.

What does this mean?

Just motionless, will all the magical magic and magic weapon fly?


In the minds of the black armored man, only this thought remained.

He didn't want to, he turned and fled without even reminding other monks.

boom! boom! boom!

Behind him, there was a sound of flesh and blood trembling, which made people shudder.

He couldn't help but glance back.

I saw an unidentified purple figure on the battlefield behind him, constantly galloping.

The monks standing in front of this purple figure all turned into blood mist, and none was spared!

All dead!

The dozen monks did not even have a scream, they died before they died!

The man in the black armor only felt that his legs were weak, and he was so frightened that he did not dare to look at them again, took a deep breath, and desperately escaped.

As long as he can escape to the nearest spiritual mine, he may survive!

That spiritual mine, there are a lot of immortal strong guard.

Dixian strong, can definitely kill this purple robe monk!

It didn't take long for the sound of impact behind him to disappear, a faint **** gas drifting with the breeze.

Heijia men dare not look back.

He was afraid he would see the cold silver mask again, those indifferent eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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