Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2151: Snatching Spirit Ore

Chapter 2151 Robbing Spirit Mines

Feng An was panicking.

As the ninth-ranked Xuanxian of the Yellow Sand Palace, he is also a small and large leader, with his men guarding this ascending altar, and has made no mistakes for tens of thousands of years.

The monks who ascended from the Nether, no matter who they were, no matter what race they were, were suppressed by them as slaves.

Anyone who resists will suffer the harshest punishment and may even be killed on the spot!

The upper world is not a paradise.

This demon domain is even more so, full of killing and blood!

Under every inch of land in the Demon Realm, I can dig out an unknown number of bones!

Every ascended person is invincible in the Nether, but ascended, in their eyes, they are as weak as ants, and they can be bullied at will.

Since ancient times, nothing has changed.

But this time, this natural law seems to be broken.

Feng An can't imagine how people who have just soared have such a horrible body!

That purple robe monk didn't even use other means, just relying on the flesh and blood, no one could resist!

All magical magic and flying swords can't stop this person's flesh and blood.

Feng An flees desperately, afraid to turn back.

He has urged Yuanshen to the limit and released all means of ascension.

Maybe he escaped too fast, or maybe the monk in purple robe had some scruples. When he fled to the Yuanling Mine near Huangsha Palace, he didn't encounter any danger.

Seeing dozens of Huangsha Palace immortals, they were watching around the Yuanling Mine in front, and the fear of Feng'an was eased slightly.

He dared and looked back.

Behind nothing!

That purple robe monk never came after him.

On the way, he scared himself.

"Fan, you are not guarding the altar. What are you doing here?"

A second-order ground fairy saw him, and frowned.

"What are you running, panic!"

"What happened, scared like this?"

Kong Yi, the leader of this spirit mine, walked slowly, noticing the anxiety in Feng An's eyes, Shen Shen asked.

At this point, Feng An had fled all the way, whether it was Yuan Shen or Qi, he was exhausted, sweating, his face pale, and he was shocked.

"Meet Brother Kong."

Feng An swallowed and said, "Just a monk in a purple robe soared over the altar, wearing a silver mask."

"As soon as this man soared, he shot and killed all my men!"

Feng An described the scene he saw, one by fifteen to ten.

Dozens of Dixian frowned.

This incident sounds like heaven and earth.

How could a monk who had just soared to kill some of the high-ranking Xuanxian in Huangsha Palace?

Everyone looked at each other and sneered.

"Fan, what are you talking about?"

"You know, in our Huangsha Palace, nonsense, deceiving the end of Shangxian!"

The ground gods looked cold and yelled.

Feng An quickly waved his hand: "Several brothers, what I said is true and true, I have seen it with my own eyes!"

"What do you mean by that person?"

Kong Yi asked lightly.

Feng An hesitated, and said, "His cultivation is a realm, and I cannot detect it."


There was a laugh in the crowd.

There was also a trace of irony in Kong Yi's eyes, saying: "Feng An, now there are only two possibilities. Or, you are talking nonsense; or, you are in a certain illusion method, what you see It's all an illusion! "


Feng An kept talking.

He wanted to explain but didn't know how to speak.

Even in his mind, there was some doubt.

Is he really caught in some kind of fantasy and deceived?

At that moment, Kong Yi suddenly asked, "The person you just said is wearing a purple robe and a silver mask?"


Feng An nodded subconsciously.

Later, he noticed that Kong Yi was looking into the distance with a strange look.

Feng An turned his head and looked.

At this glance, he almost scared him away!

I saw a man in a purple robe walking in the void in the mid-air, walking slowly, and in a blink of an eye, he had come near!

"Brother Kong, that's him!"

Feng An shouted.

The person who came is the deity of martial arts.

After he ascended to the upper bound, his primary goal was to first collect a large number of cultivation resources, such as Yuanling Stone and Ning Yuandan, absorb refining, and break through to the ninth stage of life.

He heard that there was a Yuanling mine near here, and he was ready to rob.

Qinglian Zhenshen, because of her special bloodline, was hunted down by King Yunyou again, her identity is sensitive, and after rising to the upper bounds, she had too much scruples and tied her hands.

After Qinglian Zhenshen entered the Yuanling Mine, she did not dare to make any big moves, but just secretly cultivated under the veins.

Different from Qing Lian.

No one knows the identity of the martial arts deity.

No one knew who he was.

The martial art deity wears a silver mask, which is completely unavoidable!

He asked Feng An what kind of power the Huangsha Palace was, and it was also the situation he would face after robbing this Yuanling mine.

Yellow Sand Palace, mysterious forces.

Generally speaking, when the practice reaches Tianxianjing, you can open a sect and establish a sectarian power.

Of course, the strength of each Xuan level sect has its strength.

Like the gates of the immortals of the Great Jin Dynasty, the supreme star rain is a nine-level heaven, and there are still many heaven immortals in the gate. This category is the best of the Xuan-level gates.

If the lord of the ancestral gate or the leader of the influence is only a low-ranking celestial being, the strength is naturally relatively weak.

In such a huge area as the Demon Realm, forces such as the Xuan-level ancestral gate and the prefect-level ancestral gate are as vast as smoke and countless.

Almost all the time, in the realm of the Demon Realm, there are clashes between various sectarian forces, fighting for cultivation resources and killing each other.

There is no order and chaos. Some sectarian forces may be destroyed within a few years.

The martial art deity came here on the one hand to **** this Yuanling mine.

On the other hand, he also wants to try, what kind of power can life burst into!

"Did you kill me Monk at the Yellow Sand Palace?"

Kong Yi looked fiercely and asked slowly, staring at the martial art deity.

"it's me."

The martial art deity keeps pace.

"Okay, honestly!"

Kong Yi sneered, and secretly heard the dozens of celestial beings around him, ready to start, and said, "You have the courage to kill me, the monk of Huangsha Palace, and do not rush away, and dare to come to the door."

"This Yuanling mine is mine."

The deity of martial arts pointed to the Yuanling mine not far behind him, his tone indifferent, as if describing a matter of course.

"what did you say?"


"court death!"

Many Huangsha Palace immortals were furious, and before Kong Yi ordered, they shot.

(End of this chapter)

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