Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2153: Battle of Yellow Sand Palace

Chapter 2153: The Great Yellow Sand Palace

Yellow Sand Palace, mysterious forces.

In the demon domain, there are countless Zongmen forces like this.

The owner of the Yellow Sand Palace is not human.

This place was originally a desert, and a Demon Stronger fell here.

The blood of this Demon Stronger is infecting the desert. Although it fell, the blood of the strong still contains huge power.

Nourished by the blood of this strong man, a mass of yellow sand was bred in this desert.

With the help of the blood and the legacy of the Demon Realm, this group of Huangshazhijing carefully, a little practice, soon entered the path, and finally achieved something, united people, and created the Huangsha Palace.

The Huangsha Palace has been established for more than 100,000 years.

There are not many mystical ancestors in the demon domain for more than 100,000 years.

Many Xuan-level sectarian forces will soon be annexed by other sectarian forces.

The Yellow Sand Palace is located on the edge of the demon domain. Few strong people notice this side, so it can exist for so long.

So far, as the master of the Huangsha Palace, this group of Huangsha's essence has cultivated to the fifth level of Tianyuan Realm. In this area under his rule, no creature can challenge his authority!

In this marginal zone, the Yuanling Mine is also quite scarce.

In this territory under his jurisdiction, there are only three Yuanling mines.

On this day, the owner of the Huangsha Palace was in retreat, and suddenly there was some restlessness. It seemed that something had happened.

"Why is there less Yuanling Stone in this period than in the past?"

The main figure of the Huangsha Palace was a middle-aged man, wearing a yellow robe, with thin and yellow cheeks, rough skin, and extremely sharp eyes.

He frowned as he walked outside.

Behind him, more than a dozen followers, all of whom are Xianxiu.

When these followers heard him asking, they looked a little weird, shocked, and seemingly discouraged.

Some followers stop talking.

"Why, someone secretly moved their hands and feet, even dare to swallow the Yuanling Stone I cultivated?"

Huang Shagong's face sank, and he asked coldly.

A follower hurriedly said, "The palace master really knows everything, Yuanling Stone is indeed less. It is not that someone dares to swallow your cultivation resources, but ... there is a problem with Yuanling Mine."

"What could go wrong with Yuanling Mine?"

Huang Shagong's palace owner groaned a little, then his face changed drastically, and he asked tentatively, "Did you say, what ancient creatures were dug out under the mine?"

If the falling soul is okay, if he really digs out a living soul, even he will choose to escape!

"That's not true."

A follower said: "The Yuanling Mine was occupied by a mysterious Zipao man. No one knows his cultivation status, and no one is his opponent."

"A monk from outside?"

Huang Shagong asked, frowning.

The follower shook his head and said, "No, I heard that it was an ascension. After killing Kong Yi and others, and occupying the Yuanling Mine, all the ascension people under the mine were released."


The Lord of the Yellow Sands Palace is slightly safe.

How powerful can an ascendant of the lower world be?

Why is this Zipao man letting other ascension people under the mine go away?

"When did this happen?"

Huang Shagong asked.

"It's been almost ten years."

A follower said: "Several guardians saw the palace master in retreat and did not dare to be disturbed. He led the monk in the palace to go there and wanted to take Yuanling Mine back. As a result ..."

The follower paused for a moment, and glanced at the face of the owner of the Palace of the Yellow Sands secretly, and said, "All were dead."


Huang Shagong Palace's face was gloomy, and he slowly said, "Ascension? I want to see, where is the Ascension, dare to be arrogant on my site!"

"Send the order, let Xue Hufa and Gu Hufa summon monks above the palace immortals, whether they are in retreat or not, gather me up and get ready to go!"

Huang Shagong Palace's master waved his hands with great anger.

However, the dozen or so followers stood still, motionless.


Huang Shagong Palace's gaze was horrified.

A follower said timidly, "The Lord of Qilu, Xue Hufa and Gu Hufa are dead ..."

"Then tell the remaining guardians!"

Huang Shagong said sternly: "I have seven major protections in Huangshagong. Couldn't all die!"

"Five dead, two left, and scared away ..."

The follower said hard.

The host of the Huangsha Palace was blushing, took a deep breath, and exclaimed: "The monks at the Huangsha Palace obey, everyone will gather in front of the hall and follow me!"


Under the Yuanling Mine.

For more than ten years, this Yuanling mineral vein has been smelted to seven or eighty-eight by the martial arts deity.

His method is extremely overbearing, which is equivalent to forcibly plundering the vitality of a Yuanling vein and refining the foundation!

After he left, the Yuanling mine was basically abandoned.

Even if some people continue to dig, they can't dig much Yuanling Stone.

For more than ten years, smelting a Yuanling mine, this speed is quite scary!

Even in the upper world, there is no method to achieve such a speed of cultivation and to have such a powerful and predatory predatory effect!

The scale of this Yuanling mine is not large. On the other hand, it is because of the four kinds of Dao fires that martial arts deities have cultivated.

With the blessing of four kinds of fire, the refining speed of the martial arts melting furnace is extremely amazing!

Of course, if the Master of Martial Arts wants to make a breakthrough, the vitality of the heavens and earth is also extremely amazing, but this small Yuanling mine cannot be satisfied at all.


The martial art demon seemed to feel something, and opened his eyes.

Deep in the gloomy Yuanling Mine, there seem to be two purple flames burning!

"finally come."

The martial arts master murmured slowly and got up slowly.


A loud noise!

The figure of the martial art deities emerged from the soil. The Yuanling Mine under his feet, because of more than ten years of smelting, was open below, with countless sands and stones shattering, collapsing, and dust rolling!

The Lord of the Yellow Sands Palace led many monks of the Yellow Sands Palace just here, and when they saw this scene, they could not help but be furious!

"Spread the wild cards on my yellow sand palace, come here!"

The Lord of the Yellow Sand Palace did not hesitate, and without any hesitation, directly ordered, pointing towards the deity of the martial arts, and chirping, "Kill me!"

This time, there were thousands of Dixian strongmen dispatched from the Huangsha Palace, and their momentum was huge.

Even the Tianxian strong have more than ten people.

The owner of the Palace of the Yellow Sand Palace did not believe that so many people were together and could not hold back a single ascension!

More than ten Tianxian shot at the same time.

All peerless supernatural powers came through the air.

Thousands of earth immortals shot, great magical powers, magical mysteries, covered the sky, densely packed, shrouded down.

The martial arts master stood in the air, with a cold silver mask on his face, and seemed to be drowned at any time under such an offensive!

But behind him, purple halo condensed one after another!

One, two ... Seven, eight!

The eight life wheels, all released!

All mysterious magical methods, all mysterious weapons came down, and all were dispelled and broken by the eight life wheels behind the martial arts deity!

These eight life wheels embody the power of martial arts, contain the will of martial arts, and interweave the martial arts methods, as if immortal and immovable!

(End of this chapter)

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