Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2154: Life Cycle Nine Heavy

Chapter 2154: Life Cycle Realm Nine

"what is this!"

The master of the Huangsha Palace and more than ten heavenly immortals, thousands of immortals looked shocked, and an incredible color appeared on their faces.

The eight purple haloes are set up behind this purple robe man, interwoven with countless mysterious and complicated runes, as if the mysteries of heaven and earth can be exhausted!

The owner of the Huangsha Palace has lived for 200,000 years and has never seen such a means.

Peerless power?

There are many superb magical powers in the upper world. Although there are few successful masters of the Huangsha Palace, they have heard of them.

But he had never seen such a magical vision!

The magic weapon sacrificed by thousands of earth fairy strongmen collided with these eight purple haloes, and they all shattered and turned into a pile of waste copper rotten iron and scattered all over the place.

There are even cracks on the magic weapon of the Celestial Strong!

The gap is too big!

"This, how could this be the Ascension!"

"This must be the top powerhouse from here!"

Budomoto looked up to the many monks in the field. There was no expression on the cold silver mask, and two deep lotus flowers were faintly reflected in those deep eyes.

The martial art deity urges the Yuanshen to continuously change magic tricks in his hands.

Many monks at the scene suddenly became extremely hot. On the bones, internal organs, and flesh of the body, there were red flames!

The flames from the inside out have no chance to dodge!

"Ah! Ah! Ah"

There were screams from the crowd.

Thousands of earth fairy strong body, bursts of crimson flames.

The monks growled loudly, and flames were pouring from their mouths and noses.

Just in a blink of an eye, these earth fairy strongmen were wrapped in this red fire, reduced to a huge human-shaped fireball, and quickly turned to ashes.

The ashes of these monks, a **** red blood, fell to the ground and piled up in the shape of a lotus.

Red lotus industry fire, specializing in causality!

The heavier the karma on your body, the more intense your karma!

Even the peerless supernatural powers couldn't withstand the burning power of karma, and these earthly strong men present could not bear it.

But three or two breaths were burned to ashes.

The rest of the Huangsha Palace, including a dozen masters of heaven, are also inevitable.

These celestial beings are nothing but relying on cultivation as a realm, relying on qi and blood, and resisting for a moment, but the pain of karma burning is hard to bear!

This karma can't be suppressed simply by virtue of blood and magic power!

On the contrary, some Tianxian sacrifice their magical powers, but they have led to a great prosperity!

The owner of the Huangsha Palace was burned to show the prototype. A piece of yellow sand was burned red. Each grain of sand is like a grain of ruby, crystal clear!

The owner of the Huangsha Palace is in the air, but it only supports more than a dozen breaths. Afterwards, the sand and stones are fragmented, dissipating vitality, and falling on the spot!

The monks who came to the Huangsha Palace were annihilated!

This also means that the Yellow Sand Palace was removed from the name!

The martial art master waved his robe sleeves, collected all the monks' storage bags at the scene, and gathered the Yuanling Stone and other items together.

This harvest, although not comparable to this Yuanling stone mine, is also considerable.

Martial arts master took out a map and glanced towards the two other Yuanling mines in Huangsha Palace.

It didn't take long for the Budo Master to reach the second Yuanling Mine.

Almost all the strong men in the Yellow Sand Palace fell in the previous battle.

The guards of this Yuanling mine are only some Xuanxian monks.

The Lord of the Yellow Sand Palace fell, and the rest of these monks are just some black people, and the martial art deity casually shot and killed everyone and fled.

After entering the Yuanling Mine, the Martial Arts deity still released the ascendants under the mine, and then practiced deep in this Yuanling mine vein.

He wants to practice as soon as possible.

According to his inference, stepping into the life cycle Nine-fold, he can sweep the heavenly realm and suppress all the heavenly strong!

Even if you encounter a true immortal, you may be able to retreat!

Nowadays, if he meets the true immortal, he is more likely to be fierce.

On the other hand, the martial art deity is anxious to be promoted to the realm, but also because the path behind the life cycle is gone.

He must cultivate to the pinnacle of life cycle as soon as possible, in order to be able to see the way behind and continue to martial arts!

The practice of the martial art deity is completely different from the practice method of the three thousand worlds.

No one can point to his practice.

Every step in the future, he can only rely on himself!

Fifty years.

The deity of Martial arts left this Yuanling vein and went to the third Yuanling vein of Huangsha Palace, and then continued to practice in the depths of this third Yuanling vein.

213 years.

The Martial Master departed and left, and the third Yuanling vein had been refined into ruins, and his vitality dried up.

The martial arts deity still stays on top of the life wheel.

Although the life cycle situation is only ninefold, but one layer and one sky, the power gap between each lifecycle is extremely large.

The martial art deity wants to break through, and the amount of Yuanling Stones needed is huge, unimaginable!

Thousands of Tianxian breakthroughs, the amount of Yuanling Stone needed, let him all refine, may not cause any waves.

The martial art deity continued to advance in the demon realm, and based on the map, he quickly selected another mysterious force.

Mount Yachi!

The sovereign of this mysterious power is a nine-headed python.

The master of martial arts did the same, swept all the way, stepped on the mountain of Qiqi, killed this nine-headed python, released all the ascended ones, occupied the four Yuanling veins of the mountain of Qiqi, and continued to practice.

333 years.

The martial art deity refined all the four Yuanling veins, and once again came out of the mountain, pushing another mysterious force, evil moon view!

471 years.

Purple micro brake!

565th year.

Vicious Demon Court!

689 years.

Ecstasy Temple is gone!

796 years.

Extreme cold extinction!

815 years.

Blood Sea Palace is gone!

The martial art deity ascended into the magic realm in 991 years, and the life wheel broke through, condensing the ninth life wheel!

at the same time.

On the territory of this demon realm, the appearance of martial arts deities has caused great fluctuations!

In less than a thousand years, successive Xuan-level forces were swept away.

This Zipao man has a mysterious history and powerful means. He did not occupy the territory. Instead, he occupied all the Yuanling mines and released the ascendant from the lower world.

This person will leave after practicing and will not stay.

There are rumors that this purple robe man is also the ascending person of the Nether World!

Some Xuan-level sectarian forces in the vicinity are almost at risk.

Originally, fighting and killings often broke out among these mysterious forces.

However, due to the appearance of this Zipao man, these Xuan-class forces went so far as to say nothing, all of them quieted down and recuperated.

There are many monks in each of the sects to follow up and investigate the whereabouts of the Zipao man, and make preparations early.

On the edge of this demon domain, undercurrents surging, murderous hidden, I don't know how many eyes are staring at the purple robe man in secret.

People don't know much about Zipao. The only thing that can be sure is that this man's revealed power has not yet reached the level of true immortal.

After finishing the follow-up plots in the past two days, I was stuck. In a few places, I didn't think about it, and never wrote. The more words you have, the harder it is to write. I beg your pardon, if you do n’t have it at night in the past few days, everyone should go to bed early and do n’t wait.

(End of this chapter)

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