Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2155: Familiar with the breath

Chapter 2155: Familiar Breath

Chiba Valley was originally a very ordinary mysterious force at the edge of the demon realm.

But for nearly 10,000 years, it has rapidly risen nearby.

Some people say that the landlord of the Red Valley once had a good chance, strayed into an ancient relic, got an ancient picture, repaired it by leaps and bounds, and the combat force skyrocketed, swept through the territory by a group of Celestial Strongmen!

Later, the owner of Akagi Valley Valley retreated, and has not appeared for thousands of years.

It is rumored that the Akabani Valley master retreats and practices, ready to make a breakthrough, and when he reappears, he will step into the real world and become a true demon!

In the upper realm, the monks in the three realms of Xuanyuan, Diyuan, and Tianyuan, regardless of which path they practice, have almost no difference in terms of title, and they can all be called immortals.

According to legend, it was because the founder of this cultivation system was originally a man of immortality.

Others say that the emperor who ruled the last era came from Xianmen.

Over time, some interfaces began to have their own unique names, similar to the black witch and earth witch in the witch world.

The same is true of heaven.

Among the magic realm and bliss pure land, the monk titles corresponding to the three realms of Xuanyuan, Diyuan and Tianyuan still retain the tradition of Xianmen.

But once the fruit has been gathered, the name will change!

The monk of true realm in the demon realm is called true demon, and the monk of real realm in bliss pure land is called Luo Han.

If the owner of Akagi Valley becomes the true demon, the rank of Akagi Valley will rise to a higher level and become a prefecture-level force!

By then, all the large and small Zongmen forces in the vicinity will bow to their feet!

For thousands of years, although the owner of Akagi Valley has not appeared in retreat, the reputation of Akagi Valley has grown stronger.

Because of the only child of Akagi Valley Valley Master, Chili Tianxian's rise speed is as fast as that of Akagi Valley Valley Master.

In the tens of thousands of miles of Chiba Valley, this Chili Tianxian was already invincible when he was still in Yuanyuan Realm!

It can be said that the Chili Tianxian is stronger than the Chihu Valley Guzhu.

In the eyes of everyone, Chili Tianxian is younger, less than 100,000 years old, and has unlimited potential. His future achievements will be even greater than those of Chihu Valley!

This day.

Chiba Valley, in the main hall.

Chili Tianxian was sitting in the middle of the high place, his eyes narrowed slightly, flashing the cold light, looking at the monks at his hands.

There are dozens of people in the main hall, all of whom are Tianxian Xiuwei.

Moreover, the cultivation of these celestial beings is not weak, at least they are seventh-order celestial beings!

These heavenly gods in the hall are almost all the major guardians of the Red Valley. They have a distinguished status in the valley, and His Majesty is in charge of many land gods and black gods.

On the left and right sides of Chili Tianxian, next to him, there were two people sitting at the starting point, both of whom were Ninth-order Tianxian.

Tianze, clearing the wind, protecting the left and right valleys of Chihu Valley.

"Master Qilu, just received the news, the Zipao man appeared again, and seeing his route, it is very likely that he will pass through the Chihu Valley."

"Young Master, let me bring some people, and I will kill this person!"

At the start, a big-handed man stood up and said loudly.

"Hu Hufa, it's just you, I'm afraid you can't defeat that person."

The guardian of a sharp-necked monkey cheek next to him sneered slightly, making a sneer.

"Hum, I can't, can you?"

Hu Hufa glared and asked loudly.

"Naturally, I can't do it. To me, if we join forces, we may not be the opponents of that person. This person has a mysterious history. I am afraid that only by the master's own shot can it be suppressed."

The man said.

Hearing this sentence, Chili Tianxian's mouth showed an imperceptible smile and seemed very satisfied.

"Tianze, break the wind, what do you say."

Chili Tianxian looked to the left and right two guardians.

Tian Ze Shen chanted: "Young Master, for thousands of years, this person will appear every once in a while, and has already destroyed nearly ten Huangsha Palace, Hachiyama, Xieyueguan, Ziweicha, and Fiend Pavilion Mystic forces. "

"As far as I know, some of these forces are also in the town of Tianxian, but they were all killed by this person, and the person who came was not good."

"Is the visitor bad?"

Chili Tianxian hummed slowly and said slowly: "On my site, such people are not allowed. I want him to die!"

Tian Ze said: "In my opinion, we don't have to fight with him. Instead, we try to solicit it and earn our income."

Bie Feng nodded slightly, and said, "Young Master, I also agree with the Left Guardian."

Chili Tianxian looked slightly cold and asked, "Why, do you have no confidence in Akagi Valley, or do you have no confidence in me?"

"Can't I kill this person by my means? I don't dare to say the whole demon domain, but in this land, under the true fairy, I am supreme!"

"The means of the Lord is naturally beyond anyone's reach."

Tianze and Biefeng said quickly.

After a short pause, Tian Ze said, "It's just that this person is not weak and can be regarded as a personal talent. If he can be under the control of the income of the owner, he will add the reputation of the owner.

"Well ... you're saying something."

Chili Tianxian murmured.

The wind groaned and said, "So, if this person comes, let us give him a chance first. If he knows something, the young master can take advantage of it, and if he doesn't know him, kill him!"


Chili Tianxian nodded slightly, and was very satisfied with this suggestion.


Ten days later.

As soon as the deity of Wudao arrived in Chiba Valley, a group of monks greeted him. The two headed by them were the right and left protection of Chiba Valley.

The two major protection methods exude divine knowledge, and carefully looked at the martial arts deity, but they did not see any famous.

"Taoyou, we young masters have asked."

Tian Ze arched his hand slightly, and said with a fist.

"Who is your young master?"

The martial art deity asked coldly with a cold mask.

"Red Li Tianxian."

Clear the way: "Our young master has prepared a banquet and we will wait for our friends to take our seats."

The martial art deity is not interested in what kind of master and what banquet.

His only goal is to cultivate resources, practice as soon as possible, and develop martial arts.

The martial arts master was about to decline, but suddenly his expression moved, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked towards the depths of Chiba Valley.

There, he felt a familiar and long-lost breath!

A very strong hate, soaring into the sky, hating the sky and hating the earth, is filled with extremely violent negative emotions!

When Tian Ze saw the Master of Martial Arts looking out into the distance, he seemed to move intentionally, and said, "There is the main hall of Akagi Valley, and the Lord has been waiting for a long time."

"Okay, go and see."

The martial arts deaf shouted subconsciously.

Tian Ze and Bie Feng thought that martial arts deity had always been this way. Although he heard a chill in his words, he didn't take it seriously.

What's more, if they really enter the Red Valley Valley Hall, everything is under their control!

(End of this chapter)

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