Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2156: War slave

Chapter 2156 War Slave

"Our young masters have listened to Daoyou's record in recent years and appreciate it very much."

"This time, I heard that Daoyou will go through this place. The young master specially set up a banquet and invited some suzerainians from here to come. These big men heard the name of Daoyou and wanted to A glimpse of style. "

Tian Ze's words were on the surface complimenting the martial arts deity, but in his words, he revealed two levels of meaning.

One is that the young master of the Red Valley, Chili Tianxian has great prestige in the nearby territory.

Secondly, the presence of the suzerainty figures of the various sectarian forces is actually secretly putting pressure on the martial arts deities!

The martial art deity's eyes were deep, with a cold silver mask, and no one else could see his look changed.

He heard nothing from Tian Ze.

The wind next to him squinted slightly, and suddenly asked, "Not yet asked, Taoist name?"

"Desolate military."

The martial art deity opened his mouth and spit out two words.

After turning his eyes, he seemed to say unintentionally: "There are rumors outside, saying that friends have ascended from the lower world. I don't believe this."

"I'm from the Nether."

The Budo master said faintly: "Ascension is less than a thousand years old."

Tian Ze and Bie Feng looked at each other and could see the doubt in each other's eyes.

How could it be possible to wipe out all the sectarian forces just after soaring for a thousand years?

Everyone walked in the air, and within a short time, they had already reached the main hall of Chihu Valley.

Martial art deity looks around.

The familiar breath of Fang was just around here, but now he disappeared and he couldn't judge the exact position for a while.

Directly in front of the main hall, a man with dark hair and red robes sat in the middle and high position, his eyes narrowed and narrow, and he stood looking down at the martial art deity, his eyes flashed with cold light.

Not surprisingly, this one should be the master of the Red Valley Valley, Red Li Tianxian!

Under the left and right hands of Chili Tianxian, two rows of monks were sitting in turn.

As soon as the martial arts deity was swept away, it was found out that these two rows of monks are top Tianxian strong!


When the martial arts deity entered the hall, the two rows of Tianxian strongmen turned their eyes, some looked cold, some expressionless, and some did not conceal the hostility on their faces.


Chili Tianxian didn't get up, raised his head slightly, and said, "Presumably this is the mysterious Zipao people who have been famous for thousands of years."

Tianze stood up and said in a deep voice: "Master Qilu, this is the man. His name is Huang Wu."


Chili Tianxian's mouth slightly tilted, and said, "This name is quite rare."

There was a loud laugh on both sides of the hall.

Tian Ze pointed to two rows of top Tianxian strongmen and introduced: "This is the temple owner of Wushuang Temple, this is the owner of Tuxian Pavilion, this is the village owner of Tianluozhai, this is Fenghuo Suzerain ... "

These people's names are naturally very loud.

Tian Ze introduced all the way to the past, none of these Tianxian strong men got up, just looked coldly at the martial arts deity.

The Martial Master did not seem to hear Tian Ze's introduction. He remained motionless, his eyes half opened and half closed, looking for the source of that hate.


The owner of Tuxiange Pavilion couldn't bear it, and started shooting. Leng Huo said, "Desolate martial arts, what a big shelf! When you come to this Chihu Valley, you haven't removed your mask, let me wait and see what you really look! "


The master of Tianluozhai sneered, "Who knows where you came from, the mouse, hiding your head!"

The suzerain present here are all sacred forces in this territory, and they have long heard about the means of deity of martial arts.

They would not dare to speak with the martial arts masters unless they were in Akagi Valley.

"You don't have to be angry."

Chili Tianxian waved his hands pretending to be pretentious, and said, "A stranger is acting strangely. He is naturally strange. Since this Taoist is willing to wear a mask, wear it."

"Desolate, haven't you thanked our young master yet?"

Tian Ze stood behind Budo, and squinted.

The martial art deity entered the hall and did not salute anyone, not even saying a word, which has caused dissatisfaction among everyone present.

Although Chili Tianxian didn't say it clearly, in his eyes, there was already a flash of murder!

Suddenly Martial arts stomped his feet and asked, "What's under this hall?"

He vaguely captured that the source of that hate should come from below the hall!

"Below is the best one among the captives in my captivity."

When mentioning this, Chili Tianxian was a little proud, looked at the lords of the two rows of the hall, and asked with a smile: "I don't know if anyone brought by you this time can beat my war slave."

"Away from Daoyou, this time I found a moon-wolf Sirius. Although the blood is not pure, it is also very fierce and can compete with Daoyou's war slaves!"

As he said, the owner of Tuxiange Pavilion wielded his sleeves and threw out a huge cage with a ten-foot-tall wolf with silver short hair!

This giant wolf is repaired to be Xuanyuan Realm, with wide-mouthed fangs and fierce eyes, and his hair is flashing with strange silver brilliance. In his eyes, two round moons are faintly reflected.

According to legend, this vein of the wolf tribe can devour the full moon!

Chili Tianxian laughed and said, "Okay, okay, okay! The moon-wolf Sirius doesn't seem to be weak, but he doesn't know how many swords he can take me!"

"Come out!"

Chili Tianxian waved his palm, and the ground in the center of the hall suddenly cracked. A thin figure with a chain wrapped around him, in a ragged shirt, with a dark knife in his right hand, rushed out from the ground, filled with skyrocketing hatred!

The man had a shaved hair, scaly wounds all over his body, and many wounds on his body had not yet scarred, and some flesh had decayed.


As soon as this figure came into the hall, he stared with red eyes and rushed towards Chili Tianxian.


But without taking a few steps, Chili Tianxian sneered and moved.

A tiny spike suddenly popped from the chain of this person, like a thorn, and instantly pierced into his body!

Suddenly, blood was flowing on this person!

Even the man's knee bones were pierced by thorns.

He didn't seem to feel the pain, he didn't say a word, but he was trembling and almost fell to the ground, but he still stared fiercely at Chili Tianxian, anxious to swallow it alive!


The next master of Tuxiange chuckled softly: "You Liyou Daoyou, you have been captured by this war slave for some years, but you haven't surrendered yet, and you want to defeat the Lord."

"It doesn't matter, disobedient person, I will torture him a little bit!"

Chili Tianxian said with a smile: "On my site, who dares to disobey me, this is the end!"

As Chili Tianxian said, he looked at the martial arts deity.

He said this to the Martial Arts Master!

However, Wudao's deity is unheard of, just looking at the scaly war slave who is not far away, and there is a horrifying killing in his body!

(End of this chapter)

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