Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2169: Stun

Chapter 2169: Slap With One Palm

"Su Daoyou, don't be impulsive!"

The owner of Chihong County quickly reminded him.

Today, more and more monks gather in front of Yuanling Pavilion. In the eyes of everyone, if Su Zimo hurts his hands, he will be punished even if he initially holds it.

If Su Zimo hadn't heard it, he came to the deacon Chen, his eyes were full, and he issued a cold and biting murderous act, trying to move, as if the next moment would be shot!

In his realm, he has cultivated to the eighth-order earth immortal and the Yuanshen realm, and has already reached the first-order heaven.

This is a comprehensive crushing of the spirit!

Deacon Chen felt a pressure like Mount Tai in front of Su Zimo, and his chest was choked, and he couldn't breathe.

Under such tremendous pressure, Deacon Chen was panic-stricken and chaotic.

Seeing Su Zimo's eyes bright and leaning forward, he seemed to be culling the next moment, could not help but think of some information about Su Zimo.

This Su Zimo, decisive and decisive, dared to kill more than one hundred torturous guards under the watchful eye of King Genzuo in the Election of Xianzong!

This person has no scruples, no fear, and is completely a lunatic!

"not good!"

Deacon Chen chuckled in his heart and said, "This man is going to kill me!"

He wanted to turn and run away, but found that he seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force and had difficulty moving.


Deacon Chen snarled, full-blooded blood, squeezed his hands with his hands, and a great magical power broke out, hitting Su Zimo's body directly!

This is exactly a subconscious response.

After Deacon Chen saw Su Zimo's shot, he would never be able to sit back and wait, only to resist!

In his opinion, as long as he resisted Su Zimo's move, other monks could react and suppress Su Zimo!

But at the moment when his supernatural power broke out, he saw Su Zimo's eyes, passing a trace of maggots.

Su Zimo is still standing still, never moving at him!

Where can Detective Chen and Lu Wenbin conceal Su Zimo?

He has never experienced anything on the continent. They are far worse than him!

"be cheated!"

Deacon Chen sank in his heart and wanted to close it.

The two were too close together, and just before the great magical power burst out, they had already hit Su Zimo's chest with a muffled sound.

Seeing this, Lu Wenbin frowned.

At first everything was going according to his expectations, but at the last moment, this deacon Chen actually made a terrible difference, and he first started with Su Zimo.

In this way, Su Zimo has every reason to fight back!

"Deacon Chen, you are so bold, that you dare to shoot at the same door without permission!" The master of Honghong County stood out for the first time and yelled loudly.

As soon as Deacon Chen shot, he knew the bad things.


Deacon Chen looked at the many monks around him, trying to justify.

At this moment, Su Zimo smiled and said, "Deacon Chen, you hit me with a great magical power, and I will return you a hand, it is fair."

As soon as the words fell, Su Zimo suddenly shot.

Deacon Chen had just seen Su Zimo's hand raised, but had not been able to make any response. A huge force was drawn on his cheek.

There was a buzz in his mind.

It was as if his head was struck by a heavy stone hammer, and there was a crackling sound in his ear, and his cheek was painful.

The next moment, he lost consciousness.

Under the watchful eye of others, Su Zimo raised his hand, seemingly understatement, and gave Deacon Chen a mouth.

The deacon's figure, like a disconnected kite, flew a dozen feet lightly, fell into the grass, and remained motionless.

"So strong!"

"Did you find out that Deacon Chen's great magical power hit Su Zimo's body? He seems to be fine and his face is normal."

"The flesh and blood, resist the next great magical power? How is this possible!"

Many monks whispered.

"what happened?"

Not far away, a majestic old man came from the sky, exuding a strong breath from the sky, came to the door of Yuanling Pavilion and looked around.

"Meet Elder Teng."

Many monks saw the old man and saluted.

This is the elder of law enforcement outside the door, but a first-order heavenly immortal, the status can be much higher than Deacon Chen, with real law enforcement power!

The master of the Honghong County stepped forward, pointing to Deacon Chen not far away, and said, "Elder Teng Mingjian, this deacon Chen secretly swallowed the Yuanling Stone deposited by Yuan disciples in Yuanling Pavilion, and was still in the college privately. "

"As a result, he didn't study well, but he was taught by others."

Elder Teng frowned slightly, waved his sleeves, moved his vitality, and dragged the fainted Deacon Chen directly forward.

Everyone saw Deacon Chen with blood on his face, and the collapsed half of his cheeks, all secretly tongued out, looking at Su Zimo's eyes with a hint of fear.

This shot is too hard!

Just fan it like this.

Elder Teng worked his magical powers, repaired most of the injuries on Deacon Chen's cheeks, and awakened them before throwing them in front of him.

"Is it Yuanling Stone you privately swallowed outside students, still fighting privately in the academy?"

Elder Teng's eyes caught people's eyes, and he asked Shen Chen with a silent voice.


Deacon Chen woke up and saw that the law enforcement elders were alarmed, his heart was half cold, and he quickly explained: "Elder Teng, this matter does not blame me, it is Lu Wenbin who made me embarrass him!"


Elder Teng's gaze fell on Lu Wenbin in the crowd.

"Don't talk nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with me!"

Lu Wenbin's face was gloomy and he had to stand up and justify.

Deacon Chen also broke out, biting his teeth, "Lu Wenbin, don't pretend to be innocent. Do you dare to swear that it has nothing to do with you!"


Lu Wenbin was speechless and flushed.

Su Zimo watched the two dogs biting the dog aside, both too lazy to bother.

In this matter, as long as the elder Teng enforces the law impartially, the two men will certainly not escape punishment, and he does not need to show up at all.

Elder Teng knew this when he saw this scene.

"Chen Sheng, Lu Wenbin, you two have violated the college rules and fined you both for relegation and to stay in the mixed service area for a few years."

Elder Teng waved his hand.

Immediately after the elder Teng, other outside deacon stood up and left with Deacon Chen and Lu Wenbin.

"Elder Teng, I don't blame me for this, it's all directed by Lu Wenbin ..."

Deacon Chen was anxious and justified aloud, "I also fought privately because I was deceived by this Su Zimo. I thought he would do it first, so I retaliated ..."


Elder Teng looked and looked at Su Zimo not far away.

Elder Teng's gaze turned around Zongmen's token in Su Zimo's waist to see the name above, and then he recovered his gaze.


Elder Teng pointed at Su Zimo and said lightly, "You fight with people in the academy without authorization, and you also become a few years of mixed service."

Su Zimo squinted slightly, his face sinking.

The elder Teng had no intention of making this decision.

After knowing his identity, he obviously changed his mind temporarily!

(End of this chapter)

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