Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2170: Escalation

Chapter 2170: Escalation

Su Zimo did not expect that after worshiping at Qiankun Academy, he fell asleep and retreated for thousands of years, but he was still being watched!

But he couldn't figure out where this hostility came from.


The chief of Chihong County was Su Zimo's injustice, and said: "This matter, Deacon Chen and Lu Wenbin violated the rules of the college first. What is wrong with Su Zimo?"

"The academy gate rules do not allow disciples to fight in private. Just this, you can let him be a handyman for several years and give him a lesson!"

Elder Teng waved his hand and said coldly, "Take this Su Zimo with Chen Sheng and Lu Wenbin, go to the mixed service area and exercise for a few years before coming back."

The Lord of Honghong County was about to speak. The elder Teng stared at the Lord of Honghong County and said: "Although the Lord of the County is distinguished, don't forget that this is Qiankun Academy, not your Fairy Land!"

"If you dare to obstruct the law enforcement of the college, you will also be punished!"

The head of Chihong County's Liu Mei was upright, his heart was furious, he was rubbing a pair of little tiger teeth, and the fierce stare of Elder Teng.

In the eyes of everyone, she was so scolded that she was the county's owner, and she had never been so wronged.

But she knew in her heart that the people in the academy really didn't care about her county's identity.

If she persists, Elder Teng will surely drive her out of the house to become a general servant.

If this matter is passed back to Yanyang Xianguo, she will become the laughingstock of the royal family of Yanyang Xianguo!

The main face of Chihong County was blue and white for a while.

She had the intention to help Su Zimo speak, but she had some scruples.

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded next to him: "Thank you for your help, I will take care of this."

The master of Honghong County looked sideways, just to see Su Zimo's calm and soft eyes. Somehow, her mind gradually calmed down.

Su Zimo said this, but also made her feel better, no longer snoring, nodded his lips.

Su Zimo turned to look at Elder Teng, and slowly said, "Elder Teng, if I shot at you now in the academy, if you have any counterattack, is it not a private fight, even a violation of the academy's door rules? "

The monks around, heard these words, shook their heads one after another.

This is a majestic challenge to law enforcement elders!

Although everyone knew that Su Zimo was completely innocent in this matter, after all, Su Zimo had just worshiped the Zongmen for a long time, and he was an outside disciple.

What's more, many monks have heard that Su Zimo is from the lower world.

Such an identity, dare to challenge law enforcement elders, is simply asking for trouble!

"Ha ha."

Elder Teng smiled suddenly, looking at Su Zimo's eyes, full of contempt and sarcasm, and proudly said, "Su Zimo, do you know what is the law enforcement elder?"

"If you dare to do something to me, you are challenging the rules of the college. I have every reason to kill you on the spot!"

"You don't even have the chance to be a handyman!"

"is it?"

Su Zimo also smiled and said quietly: "If I hit you, you won't even have a chance to fight back."


There was a restlessness from the crowd around.

"Is this guy too arrogant?"

"I don't think it's arrogance, it's a problem in my head."

"How can his disciples who have risen from the underworld be qualified to challenge law enforcement elders. Not to mention, Elder Teng is a **** of heaven, and he dares to be so presumptuous as a **** of earth. I really don't know how to die!"

Many monks looked at Su Zimo's eyes as if looking at a dying man.

Among the outsiders, most monks just heard the name of Su Zimo, and even met for the first time, and had no friendship with him at all.

Although it was known that Su Zimo was difficult to target, there was not much sympathy and compassion in the hearts of everyone.


Elder Teng smiled angrily, and said murderously: "Give me up and drive him out of the academy! Killing you is all my dirty hands, you're a slave!"

"You offended Dajin Xianguo, you didn't need me to shoot at all!"

"If this Su Zimo dares to resist, he will kill on the spot!"

Su Zimo looked complacent, and said calmly: "Elder Teng, expel me out of the division, I'm afraid you can't be the master yet!"

Su Zimo was so calm, naturally he had his intention.

The Wannian Conference is about to start. Qiankun Academy attaches such great importance to the rankings. Unless he commits a heinous crime, he will never be expelled from the Academy at this time.

Su Zimo is not worried about the trouble.

He even hoped that this matter would be a big one, and it would be better to spread it to the inside door!

This incident was originally caused by Deacon Chen and Lu Wenbin. Elder Teng's law enforcement was unfair. After the trouble, he was able to find the source of this hostility and resolve the issue.

Seeing Su Zimo so calm, Elder Teng couldn't help sneering: "No wonder you have no fear or fear, it turns out that someone is in charge of you!"

"I tell you, even if Yang Ruoxu comes over today, I can't protect you!"

"Do it!"

Elder Teng scolded.

Several deacons behind him rushed over and rushed up.

Seeing that the war was about to start, a huge godly coercion suddenly came down in the air, and these deacons were all set in place!

"Elder Teng, what caused such a big fire?"

A voice sounded slowly.

The next moment, Yang Ruoxu stepped in the air and descended in front of Yuanling Pavilion.

"Meet Brother Yang!"

Many disciples, elders of the deacon salute.

Even Elder Teng's eyes flickered with a rush of laughter.

Although he is an elder of law enforcement, he is only an elder of law enforcement from outside. He cannot control Yang Ruoxu at all.

Over the years, Yang Ruoxu has cultivated rapidly, and his position within the door has also increased rapidly.

On several occasions of the Zongzong election, Zongmen even sent Yang Ruoxu to solicit disciples from all over the world.

Of course, Yang Ruoxu's combat power in the inner door is not the top, but only in the top ten.

Normally, such events as the abbot's abdication of the Emperor Xianzong have not come to him.

Many monks are unclear as to why Yang Ruoxu was so valued.

It wasn't until the Election of the Emperor Xianzong thousands of years ago that the fairy Mo Qing came forward to protect Yang Ruoxu, and even nearly broke out with Qin Xianmeng Yao, before some people reacted.

After the election of Xianzong, there were many rumors about the fairy Mo Qing and Yang Ruoxu.

But if Yang Ruoxu had the support of Huaxian Moqing behind him, he could get such attention in the inner door, but it makes sense.

The matter of Mo Qingxian and Yang Ruoxu was not only in the Shenxiao fairyland, but the whole Jiuxiao caused great shocks, which became more and more exaggerated.

Even in the academy, among the many monks, they dare not discuss it in public, and there are many speculations in private.

In the original election of Xianzong, although Qin Xianmeng Yao returned without success and was unable to take Su Zimo away, this rumor has indeed spread in heaven.

The trio became tigers, and the crowds of gold swarmed. Her goal has been achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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