Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2171: On the sword

Chapter 2171 On The Sword Terrace

Yang Ruoxu still wore a white robe, his face was sharp and angular, his skin was slightly dark, his eyes were deep, and he stared at the elder Teng, showing his majesty.

Seeing the appearance of Yang Ruoxu, Su Zimo's heart widened.

He was very impressed with this inner brother.

Yang Ruoxu also comes from the lower world, and deep in his heart, he will naturally develop some intimacy.

What's more, it was Yang Ruoxu's integrity and perseverance that allowed him to get rid of the hunting of King Yuan Zuo and enter the academy.

Based on the nature of Brother Yang, if he knew the ins and outs of this matter, he would never stand by.

This time, without waiting for Su Zimo and Elder Teng to speak, the chief of the Honghong County stepped forward, telling the matter again in a few words.

The merits of this matter are not complicated.

"Elder Teng, as an outside law enforcement elder, you just made a bad decision."

Yang Ruoxu said: "If my law enforcement is unfair, how can I convince the public and make my disciples feel at ease!"

Elder Teng laughed and wanted to argue.

But when he touched Yang Ruoxu's eyes, the momentum suddenly weakened, and he bowed his head to avoid his eyes.

Yang Ruoxu practiced "Hao Ran Zheng Qi Jing". In his eyes, he contained Hao Ran Zheng Qi, unyielding, and even dared to confront Qin Xianmeng Yao.

Elder Teng Xiu's state of affairs is a bit worse than Yang Ruoxu. In addition, his heart is faint. When Yang Ruoxu saw it, he dared not to say a word.

"This time, I think you may be confused and not care about you."

Yang Ruoxu's eyes were sharp and he took a deep look at Elder Teng, and he seemed to be able to see through all the secrets on him, saying, "Otherwise, the mistakes you made are enough to cut off your position as law enforcement elder!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Elder Teng was sweating all over, and the momentum of the talent was gone, and he honestly said, "Thank Brother Yang for forgiveness, we are indeed a little dizzy."

"Yang Ruoxu, you are so powerful!"

Just then, a sound of teasing came from mid-air not far away.

Immediately after, a figure came down.

When many monks saw the people, they were shocked and bowed to salute, shouting: "Meet Brother Pang!"

The comer was wearing a blue gown and a long sword, and his black hair was simply tied behind him, his eyebrows like swords.

The most striking thing about this person is the big hands.

The ten fingers are long and fair, and they are born with a pair of swords!

After Su Zimo paid homage to Qiankun Academy, he closed it for thousands of years. He had no contact with the people in the academy and naturally did not know this person.

The main **** of Chihong County conveyed the message: "This is an inner disciple, Pang Yu, who is not small, sword repair. It is said that the combat power can be ranked in the top five of the inner gate! Maybe even stronger than Brother Yang Ruoxu!"

Su Zimo nodded.

After Pang Yu's arrival, only the elder Teng who bowed his head, swept away from Wei Nuo Nuo, raised his head and lifted his spirits!

It seems that the patron of the elder Teng is most likely the inner disciple Pang Yu.

But Su Zimo didn't understand. He didn't know this Pang Yusu, so how could he complain.

Why did this Pang Yu target him.

"Brother Pang."

When Yang Ruoxu saw Pang Yu, he was expressionless and saluted.

In the realm of self-cultivation, most of them refer to their elder brothers or younger brothers by their height.

If the two people cultivate the same realm, it will be measured by the length of worship time.

Both are ninth-order Tianxian, but Pang Yu took longer to get started than Yang Ruoxu.

"Brother Yang, you are just an insider disciple, the position of the law enforcement elder of the academy, can you change it at will?"

Pang Yu stared at Yang Ruoxu and said coldly.

"I really cannot change."

Yang Ruoxu's look remained unchanged, saying: "However, if anyone has unfair law enforcement, report it to the Academy, presumably the elder Teng's position cannot be maintained."

"You can't, you can't, you can't count it!"

Pang Yu sneered: "Brother Yang, don't think I don't know what you are thinking! You are from the Nether, and that Su Zimo is also from the Nether, so you will try to protect him!"

"Here is the academy. You Yang Ruoxu is not the first in the door. If you want to call the wind and rain in the academy, it is not your turn!"

"The clear one clears himself up, Brother Pang speaks heavily."

Yang Ruoxu replied, saying: "Since there is such a big dispute on this matter, it is better to report it to the college, and ask the college elders to decide."

Hearing this sentence, Elder Teng panicked.

He knows best about this.

In this case, Su Zimo was completely innocent.

If it is reported to the college, it will only be him who is punished. At that time, it will really be like Yang Ruoxu said. He may not be able to maintain the position of law enforcement elder.

Pang Yu's face sank.

He also knew in his heart that if the matter was reported to the college, it would only harm his face.

At this moment, Elder Teng's eyes rolled around and suddenly said, "Two brothers, don't hurt your peace. The things outside the door are trivial and harmless."

"In my opinion, it's okay."

Elder Teng said with a smile.

After a short pause, he turned sharply and looked at Su Zimo not far away, and said, "However, I have a personal grudge with this Su Zimo!"

"This person just said so loudly that if he fights with me, I won't even have a chance to fight back. This sentence, the monks present, can hear clearly!"

"heard it!"

In the crowd, immediately some monks shouted loudly.

Elder Teng looked stunned and Shen said: "You think I am unlawful in law enforcement and I do not respect my identity as an elder of law enforcement, but I have practiced for many years and I will never allow you to be so derogatory!"

Su Zimo frowned slightly, looking at Elder Teng, and said, "So, what does Elder Teng want?"

"This is a personal grudge between you and me. It has nothing to do with college gates. I don't use the identity of law enforcement elder to oppress you."

Elder Teng said in a righteous voice: "But you are not bad at speaking, you and I will go to the sword stage and compete!"


Hearing this, the master of Honghong County cursed inwardly.

There were also many monks showing contempt.

Although Elder Teng speaks beautifully, his practice is a first-order heavenly god, and Su Zimo is only an eight-stage earth god, and the two are in a big realm.

It is so obvious that bullying is small, and he is even said to be grand.

Yang Ruoxu frowned slightly and said, "Elder Teng, the gap between the two of you is too great. This test is not necessary."

"No better than that."

Elder Teng said with a smile: "This Su Zimo came here honestly and apologized to me. I can forgive him."

"If he doesn't apologize, he is responsible for everything he says!"

Elder Teng's eyes are old and hot, and he has long seen that with Su Zimo's temperament and acting style, it is impossible to apologize in public.

"You speak wildly, you have to accept punishment!"

Looking at Su Zimo, Elder Teng sneered, and said, "Here is the academy. On the sword stage, life and death are not allowed. You can rest assured that I will save your life, but I will give you an unforgettable lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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