Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2230: Hunt!

Chapter 2230 Pursuit!

Tai Hua Xianren is not afraid.

He just didn't want to fight with Su Zimo in this ninth heaven.

Su Zimo's powerful and difficult, far beyond his imagination, at most only shocked him, but has not yet reached the point where he was afraid.

So far the battle between the two sides has been about the same.

Today, Su Zimo has released the unparalleled vitality and the spirit of Yuanshen has returned to its peak.

Even if he continued to entangle with Su Zimo here, the Taihua fairy was not sure to kill it.

Rather than avoiding the frontiers.

When he leaves Nine Dragons and can use the magic weapon, it is not too late for him to take another shot!

In his storage bag, there are several powerful magic weapons, which greatly improved his combat power.

No matter how bad it is, he also prepared some elixir, which can also be taken.

In the Ninth Heaven, after all, there are many restrictions, and his combat power cannot reach its peak!

"I'm not afraid of him!"

In the heart of the Taihua fairy, a silent meditation sounded, it seemed to be strengthening their beliefs.

At this point, the Taihua Xianren abandoned Su Zimo and turned away.

On the other side, Tie Han, as the commander of the torturous ground guard, obeyed the command of King Gensaku-gun and could never retreat!

Even if he was blind, Yuanshen was wounded, he was not afraid!

However, in the case of successive blows, the long sword condensed in his hands was also greatly less powerful.

Su Zimo just punched empty-handed, and the tentacle grabbed the past, and directly crushed this long knife!

At the same time, Su Zimo raised his other hand and broke into the palm of the Yuanzhang Yuan, shooting down to Tiehan's Tianling cover!

Tie Han raised his other arm, trying to resist.


But the power of Dashang Yuanzhang, how fierce, directly broke Tie Han's arm, flesh flew, and blood was permeated!

The huge power did not stop at all, and it was still suppressed towards Tiehan!

"Taihua, you ..."

At this moment, Tie Han's one-eyed glance at the Tai Huaxian who turned away left him anger.

Taihua Fairy's move is equivalent to selling him to Su Zimo!

At the moment of life and death, Tie Han also broke out a strong desire to survive, suddenly raised his head, leaned backwards, and fell down!

This time, it is dangerous to avoid the key.


Dazhuanyuan pressed Tiehan's arm and patted it on his chest!

With the sound of a crackling bone sounding, Tie Han's chest suddenly collapsed into a palm-sized pit!

Unfortunately, the power of Suzi Moyuan was exhausted, and the six teeth and three heads and six arms also disappeared.

If not, his strength has soared six times, and with three heads and six arms, it is just enough to be close to Tie Han to kill him!

Of course, this palm almost took away half of Tie Han's life!


Tie Han fell heavily on the ground, no blood on his face, clenched his teeth, and kicked his feet on the ground. His whole body almost touched the ground and ran back!


At this moment, Su Zimo was aware of the movement and noticed the fleeing Taihua fairy.

"Want to escape?"

Su Zimo's expression was cold, and his eyes were surging.

Anyone who lives in Dajin Xianguo and Feixianmen can live, but Taihua Xianren cannot live!

Ye Fei died tragically in the hands of the Taihua fairy. Su Zimo must let him die and let him be buried!

If before, Su Zimo had a lot of body magic, he had enough self-confidence, he could kill Tiehan first, then turn around to catch up with the Taihua fairy.

But now, his body magic has been released and cannot be urged for a short time.

Today, the Taihua Xianren has taken a step ahead.

If I go to hunt down Tie Han, when I come back, I am afraid that the Tai Huaxian people have escaped.

Jiu Zhongtian is too big, and it is impossible to find a person hiding here, such as a needle in a haystack.

If it is out of the Ninth Heaven, under the watchful eyes of many Tianxian strongmen, if they want to kill the Taihuaxian people, they do not know what will happen.

"You have to stay here!"

At this point, Su Zimo gave up Tie Han, turned abruptly, and chased after the Taihua Xianren in the distance!

The dozens of monks next to the stone monument were stunned.

The cooperation between the Great Jin Dynasty and the Fei Xianmen ended with such an ending, Tie Han was seriously injured, and the Taihua fairy was carried away!

And Su Zimo strode meteor, murderous, eyes locked on the figure in the distance, obviously did not intend to let Tai Huaxianren!

Tie Han covered his chest, coughing blood in his mouth, and looked miserable.

He was already a mortal man.

If Su Zimo chases and kills him, he can't support three rounds!

Unexpectedly, Tai Huaxian's departure saved his life instead.

Tie Han looked at the back of the Taihua Fairy and smiled mockingly.

Later, he looked at the tall stone monument not far away, and his eyes fell on the name left by the stone monument.

As he is now, he has no chance to compete for the ranking.

Yuan Shen was injured, physically damaged, and his eyes were blinded. It is unknown whether he can break through to Tianxian in the future!

Tie Han looked lonely, turned around, and moved in the direction of the fourth heavy sky.

If you want to save your life, you can't stay here.

No matter if Su Zimo can kill the Taihuaxian, he will die when he returns!

Only by going to the first four layers of heaven to find a place to hide, it is possible to save his life.

Next to the stone tablet.

Originally, it was only the wind and the wind that watched the war. Suddenly he moved in the direction of Su Zimo and the Taihua fairy.

This battle has hit so far, even he was curious and wanted to see the final result.

Yue Feng, everyone in Yunlei, also chased after each other.

Xie Yun guarded the owner of Chihong County, but did not chase him, lamenting: "Chonghong, this college is really a ruthless person!"

"rest assured!"

Although the prohibition on the owner of Chihong County was not lifted, she could speak. She resentfully said: "Brother Su will never let Taihua go, he will avenge Brother Ye!"


Xie Yun shook his head slightly and said, "Su Zimo's combat power may be better than the Tai Hua Xianren, but if the Tai Hua Xianren always avoids fighting, and runs away with one heart, he has no chance."

The owner of Chihong County was silent.

She also knew in her heart that Xie Yun was right.

After all, Su Zimo only has one person. If the Taihua fairy wants to escape, Su Zimo has no way to stop him.

on the square.

Many monks looked at this scene with horror.

This battle has hit everyone's expectations.

Feixianmen and Dajin Xianguo suffered heavy losses. They were killed by Su Zimo and reached the top of the list!

These two major forces can be described as losing face!

Even more frightening is that this battle does not seem to be over.

Su Zimo still hasn't given up, and he is right behind Taihua Xianren.

"Look, what's going on over there?"

At this moment, someone turned his eyes and exclaimed when he saw a scene not far from the fourth teleportation array.

(End of this chapter)

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