Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2231: Willow

Chapter 2231 Willow Tree Shows Prestige

In the fourth day, the huge willow tree not far from the teleportation array is undergoing amazing transformation!

I don't know what happened, countless willow leaves are turning yellow at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

The drooping willow branches are also quickly withered.

The old rough bark of the willow was also peeling off a little bit.

But the vitality of Willow's body is getting more and more vigorous!

"This academy disciple is blessed by misfortune, a good fortune!"

Zhenxian thanked for inspiration.

His cultivation is the highest in the realm, and his eyesight is far better than others.

He can see that the Yuan Shen of this academy disciple, after merging with this giant willow Yuan Shen, the Yuan Shen realm may have broken through to Tianxian. This body has been reborn, born again, and the future is unlimited!

The qualifications of this academy disciple can be seen at a glance.

Although he paid homage to Qiankun Academy, he will be a fairy at most in the future.

But now, with such a great opportunity, the potential of this son is unimaginable!

This time in the Ninth Heaven, Su Zimo naturally received the most treasures.

Secondly, it was the disciple of Qiankun Academy who gained the most.

"Really good."

The real fairy Xie Ling thought of the chance of this academy disciple, also related to Su Zimo, and couldn't help sighing.

Su Zimo seized the foundation treasures of the Four Heavens, Xie Ling's heart was originally a little dissatisfied with him.

But now, seeing the battle that just happened, Xie Ling thought for a moment, this treasure let him take it away, and it was nothing, so he should give some favors.

A good relationship with this son is at least not a bad thing for Yanyang Xianguo.

Not long after.

That willow tree has been transformed, the original giant willow disappeared, and it was replaced by a seemingly weak willow tree seedling.

The trunk is only the size of the arm, and a few willow branches are hanging upside down. They are slender and weak, and it seems that they can be broken by a gust of wind.

The willow sapling began to shake his body, and then became more and more intense.


Not long after, this willow tree made a slightly immature human voice, in a rush, suddenly pulled itself out of the soil, all roots must be exposed.

After this move, Willow seemed to have exhausted a lot of strength and stood still.

After a short pause, the willow's body gradually became illusion, many roots and whiskers gathered and coalesced, and the trunk evolved.

Under the watchful eyes of many monks, this willow sapling disappeared and was replaced by a child of eight or nine years old, with Liu Ping faintly seen between his eyebrows.

The child wore a green robe with pink makeup and jade cuts, and the hair was naturally combed into small braids, slightly swaying like a willow branch.

After the child transfigured his body, he looked down and held it on the spot.

"So short?"

The child looked at his small white-skinned hand and was startled again: "So small?"

The child hurriedly transformed into a sparkling mirror, glanced at the mirror, scared silly on the spot, and broke it with a punch.


The child sweared.

But his voice was immature, and the swearing sentence seemed indecent.

"Master Su, you're hurting me!"

The child is Liu Ping, who devoured the giant willow god, and wanted to cry without tears.

He did inherit Juliu's body, was born again, and was perfectly integrated with this body, but somehow he returned to his childhood appearance under the influence of misery.

Liu Ping hurriedly explored his 'weak' body.


Liu Ping froze slightly.

His cultivation is a realm, but there is no retreat. The realm of Yuanshen has even broken through to the level of heaven!

Moreover, although this body is thin, the vitality and strength contained in it are extremely horrible, and it inherits the power of Juliu perfectly!


Liu Ping, holding his little fist, was unbelievable, and said to himself, "Although my body has become smaller, it seems to be stronger than before?"

"No, Brother Su is in danger!"

Suddenly Su Ping thought of Su Zimo, Liu Ping quickly opened his short legs and ran towards the teleportation array. The little braids on his head were almost flying.

After coming to the teleportation array, Liu Ping directly rose to the fifth sky without hesitation!

After reaching the fifth day, Liu Ping distinguished the next direction, and was about to run towards the stone monument, but suddenly frowned.

Not far away, there was a figure, covering his chest, walking towards this place shivering.

The man was pale, bloodied, and blinded, with a tinge of blood on his body, extremely embarrassed.

"Iron cold?"

Liu Ping stared, almost didn't recognize it.

Compared with the former ruthless and ruthless leader of the torturous ground guards who killed with iron blood, the iron in front of him is like a bereavement dog, with a depressed mood and looks miserable.

Liu Ping didn't know how Tiehan had fallen into such a situation.

But he recalled that before Tie Han chased him, he couldn't help but sneer and stepped forward to stop Tie Han's way.

Tie Han stepped in a footstep, turned his eyes, and glanced at the child in front of him.

The child seemed familiar, but his spirit was injured and his mind was confused.

In addition, I was hit badly by Su Zimo this time. I didn't think much about it, but I sank and said coldly, "Where's the doll, get out of me, don't stand in the way!"

Even if he was severely wounded by Su Zimo, Yuan Shen was wounded, and immortal, he was not his opponent!

Slim dead camels are bigger than horses!

He is the commander of the tortoise guard, and has countless means of killing!


Liu Ping stared and gritted his teeth, "Open your dog's eyes and see, who is your grandpa?"

Liu Ping's words were quite imposing, but to say it childishly had no effect.

"Little cubs don't know if they live or die!"

Tie Han didn't put Liu Ping in his eyes, reached out his big hand, and grabbed at Liu Ping's head!

Liu Ping's head is not as big as his palm!

Although he could not use Yuan Shen to procure supernatural secrets, but just relying on the physical blood, it was enough to kill most of the earth gods!

This action implicated the chest injury, Tie Han forsaw the severe pain and said nothing!

His palm is enough to crush the baby's head!

Liu Ping was startled.

He had seen Tiehan's methods, and he did not dare to slam the iron body.

Liu Ping was about to run the academy's magical skills to fight against Tie Han's palms, but somehow, a strange memory appeared in his mind.

Ghostly, he shook his head slightly.

The little braids on the head, as if they had spirituality, suddenly turned into a few delicate and tender willow branches, and drew them hard to Tiehan's palm!


A few beeps!

There were a few scarlet bloodstains on Tie Han's arm!

The willow branches were wrapped around Tie Han's arm, tightening.

Liu Ping found in horror that these branches of the willows had even been drawn into Tiehan's flesh and bones!

Scarlet, viscous blood was flowing out, with a chill in the bones, but these willow branches were not afraid of the cold, nor stained with a bit of blood, but still a green.

If you continue to exert force, Tie Han's arm may be severed by several willow branches!

(End of this chapter)

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