Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2241: Ranking battle

Chapter 2241 Ranked Battles

Over time, more and more names appear on the top stone.

And Su Zimo guarded this place, and the remaining three earth gods of the Dajin Immortal Kingdom and Feixianmen failed to escape. They were all killed in the Nine Heavens!

Motosuke-gun and Baihai Tianxian could only watch this scene without help.

At this point, the 22 peak immortals of the Great Jin Dynasty and Fei Xianmen's trip were wiped out by the army, and none were spared!

Dixian, even the most powerful Dixian, is not much for these two forces.

Dixian is at Feixianmen, just a disciple outside.

In the Dajin Immortal Kingdom, it was just a torture ground guard.

The fall of more than two dozen people is not a loss to the two major forces at all, not even a single hair.

However, the impact of this incident on the prestige of the two major forces is incalculable!

The list was removed, and the two forces joined forces and were killed by one person. Even the reincarnated immortal fell into the body. These news will soon spread throughout the entire Shenxiao continent, causing great shock!

Even for a long time in the future, it will become the topic of discussion among many monks on the continent of Shenxiao.

Motosuke-gun and Baihaitianxian are regarded as losers.

The immortal kingdom of Dajin and Feixianmen naturally suffered from it.

The knockout is still going on, but for many monks in the square, there is no interest.

Everyone just accidentally looked up at the stone monument, whose name was added.

Most people are still excited and immersed in the earth-shattering battle of Fang Cai!

"This Su Zimo in the academy is really famous for being a World War I."

"Yes, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have to participate in the rankings battles. Even if he is at the top of the rankings this time, he can't hide his glory."

For many monks, competing for the list is nothing more than fame and fortune.

In this ninth heaven, Su Zimo has obtained enough treasures.

Now, with another shocking battle, he has become famous.

In the eyes of everyone, it is not important whether Su Zimo continues to participate in the ranking battle.

Nearly an hour later, there are already one hundred earth gods on the earth stone monument, except for the fallen Taihua immortals and others!

This also means that the knockout rounds of the ground are officially over.

The true fairy Xie Ling slowly got up, her eyebrows flickering, her hands constantly changing in mid-air, inspiring a true light of the gods, submerged in the mirror above the sky.

The scene in the sky was gradually dissipating.

Subsequently, a huge gap cracked in the void, and countless figures fell out of the river like a river.

Many monks have controlled their bodies and returned to the palace of Yanyang, with a feeling of passing away.

Millions of immortals participated in the knockout round, and more than 100,000 people fell into it!

The other monks landed one after another and returned to their Zongmen camp. The hundred monks on the top of the stone tablet were under the control of Xie Ling's divine thought, all suspended in the mid-air of the square, attracting much attention!

The one hundred monks were ranked in order of the knockout stages and stood in a column.

The person who is headed is the first hidden in the knockout!

"The first is Wind Hidden, as expected."

"Strange, the second is Yue Feng of Shanxian Xianzong? The third is the owner of Chihong County? What about the Taihua fairy?"

Most of the immortals who participated in the knockout stage just came out of the Ninth Sky, and it is unclear what happened on the fifth sky.

"Iron cold and Qingchen are not among the top ten?"

"what happened?"

"Hisse! Who is that person? Why are you holding so many heads in your hands!"

Some Dixian saw Su Zimo in the 68th position, startled, and exclaimed.

Twenty-two blood-stained heads, each with their long hairs tangled together, were twisted into a bunch, and were dropped by a blue-shirt, a brooded monk, and looked extremely shocked!

Some earth gods took another look, only then did the heads of the Taihua immortals, Tiehan and others in their mouths be among them!


What exactly happened!

These dixian faces were horrified, and there was already a monk with them whispering about the battle that broke out in the Fifth Heavy Sky, and for a time, the square was noisy.


There was a round of applause, and when Yun Ting slowly got up, he exclaimed: "Su Zimo, you really did not let me down, I haven't come here in vain. If you kill well, you will have a good fight!"

"Remember the battle between you and me, above the list, I am waiting for you!"

Yun Ting laughed and was about to leave.

The purpose of his trip has been achieved, so he does not want to stay here for a while.

"The ranking battle is about to begin. Will King Yunting continue to watch the battle?"

Xie Ling asked with a smile.

"Nothing to see."

Yun Ting waved his hand and said, "Even if there is no ranking battle, only one person at the top of the list can afford it!"

Yun Ting didn't say clearly, but everyone could hear who this person was, and everyone had their own judgments.

In that battle, Su Zimo used his own strength to kill eighteen earth gods, including the prestigious Taihua immortals, Tiehan and other local gods, and the top of the list. He did indeed Well deserved.

Xie Ling smiled and said, "Anyway, according to the rules, the ranking battle still has to be carried out. Only when the ranking battle is first, is the top of the ranking."

Qingfeng Tianxian also said: "There are many means to fight the battle between the earth immortals. In the Nineth Heaven, the earth immortal's combat power is limited and it can not exert all its power at all. The battle did not prove anything.

Wind hidden from the Royal Wind View.

Seeing the fame and light of the top of the list, most of them would be taken away by Su Zimo, and he naturally refused to give in.

What's more, beside the stone tablet, Su Zimo patted Mo Qian's shoulders, as if he was teaching a child, making Qingfeng Tianxian very uncomfortable, and he would not let Su Zimo be too proud.

Yun Ting pouted his lips and ignored Qingfeng Tianxian.

Everyone naturally has a yardstick for measurement, and he is too lazy to argue with it.

Yun Ting got up, was about to leave, his eyes turned, and landed on the seats of Dajin Xianguo and Feixianmen, with a sarcastic look: "Yuanzuo, Baihai, what are you two doing here?"

"You don't need to care!"

Motosuke-gun said coldly.

The faces of the two were ugly. If they could hit Yun Ting, they would have stepped forward to tear Yun Ting into pieces!

Yun Ting shook his head and shook his head: "The immortals of the Great Jin Dynasty and Fei Xianmen have been removed from the list. Do you not leave with someone quickly? Do you think you are not shameful here?"

"Our people have indeed fallen, but their monks are still on the list."

Baihai Tianxian sneered coldly: "Since you said Su Zimo is the top of the list, I'd like to see, what else is he fighting for!"

Everyone knows that in the battle of Jiu Zhongtian, Su Zimo played all the cards, consumed a lot of money, and was injured. He must be unable to compete for the top spot.

At least, at the level of Feng Yin, Su Zimo couldn't get through!

Feng Yin arrived at the top of the stele early, and has been recuperating, and her state has been restored to its peak.

Su Zimo's continuous battles are now exhausted.

In this regard, the gap between the two sides is too great.

How did Zi Mo's twenty heads not be detailed in the book before, and was sprayed by a book friend. How big is your protagonist? Well, this time I describe it, because those heads are not bald, they have long hair ...

(End of this chapter)

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