Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2242: I want to order!

Chapter 2242 I Want To Order!

Elder Zhong groaned a little, stood up and hugged his fists in front of Xie Ling: "His Royal Highness, too many changes have taken place in this knockout match."

"The eighteen peaks and divines joined forces to siege a disciple in my academy, which caused him to consume too much and seriously affected the combat effectiveness."

"I suggest that the ranking battle be postponed by one day so that it can be more fair."

Elder He also quickly said, "That's right."


Motosuke-gun first came out and sneered: "What's the joke, who didn't consume in the knockout match, in order to be a disciple of Qiankun College, we need to change the rules?"


Qingfeng Tianxian also said in a deep voice: "After the knockout round, there will be a ranking battle. The purpose is not to give these earth fairy rest time and let them take control of the situation by themselves."

"Otherwise, the rankings in the knockout stages have no meaning."

"A change in the knockout round is part of the competition. You can't change the rules because of a little change."

The monks in the Great Jin Dynasty and Feixianmen all died.

King Yuan Zuo and Baihai Tianxian naturally did not want to see Su Zimo topped the list.

The Qingfeng Tianxian represents Yufengguan and refuses to give in.

He can also see that if Su Zimo rests for a day and returns to the peak, Feng Yin may not be his opponent.

Several elders of Qiankun College looked at Zhenxie Xie Ling.

After all, Xie Ling is the principal of this annual conference and has the right to make decisions.

Xie Ling was a little silent, looking at the elders of Qiankun College, apologizing, shaking his head and saying, "As Yuan Zuo and Qing Feng said, since the rules are set, they cannot be easily changed. Otherwise, this rule will also Pointless."

Several elders of Qiankun Academy were not surprised by this result.

After all, according to the truth, the Wannian Conference really can't change the rules just because it takes care of a disciple of Qiankun College.

Only then did they stand up and fight for it, but they just tried it with a hint of hope.

"That's the case."

Elder Zhong looked at Su Zimo and Shen said, "Zi Mo, withdraw from the ranking battle this time, there is no need to fight on."

"Elder Zhong, don't worry."

Su Zimo looked indifferent, and said, "Since participating in the competition, I will not temporarily withdraw."

He didn't want to win the top spot because of his name.

It is because, at the top of the list, the Sunburst Congress gives the most generous rewards!

Among them, there are a lot of precious cultivation resources such as Yuanlingye, as well as rare elixir of parasol.

You can also enter the palace of the kingdom of the sun and the sun, choose a secret exercise to practice, and choose a magic weapon in the palace arsenal to take away ...

These rewards have greatly improved Su Zimo.

He is now the pinnacle of the eighth-order Dixian, and without a surprise, he can soon break through to the ninth-order Dixian.

If these rewards are digested, he may cross the Great Realm directly from the Nine-Step Divine Immortal in a very short period of time, reach Tianyuan Realm, and become a Tianxian!

In order to compete with Yun Ting on the list, he must promote cultivation as soon as possible!

He will never give up any opportunity to touch.

Motojo-gun Wang Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Only now he was still worried that Su Zimo would withdraw from the ranking battle due to the persuasion of several elders from Qiankun College.

Only then did he relax.

"Su Zimo, I'll wait here to see how you end this fiasco!"

Motosuke-gun sneered.

"is it."

Su Zimo glanced briefly at King Yuan Zuojun and said, "You're afraid you're going to be disappointed. I'm going to make a decision on the top of this list!"

After hearing this, Feng Yin couldn't help laughing, and shook his head slightly.

If Su Zimo was at its peak, he would not dare to speak out.

Now, the gap between the two states is so huge, he can't hold back an eighth-order earth **** who is weak and exhausted?

"it is good!"

Xie Ling nodded slightly, showing appreciation, saying: "Since you have no problems, the ranking battle will begin now."

"King of Yunting County, Su Zimo is about to compete for the top spot in the ranking. Do you still have to leave early?"

Xie Ling asked again with a smile.

"I said, nothing to see."

Yun Ting shrugged slightly and said, "Even if the wind finally wins, in my mind, the top of the list is Su Zimo."

"Su Zimo, it's okay to lose, but you have to save your life and remember the engagement between us!"

Yun Ting said again, turned away, turned into a sword light, and disappeared in the sky.

In fact, in Yun Ting's heart, he also believed that there was no suspense in this battle, and Su Zimo had no chance.

That's why he said just that.

Su Zimo's problem is not just the state, but many of his hole cards, which have been exhausted in advance, and have not yet recovered.

This battle between the two sides is inherently unfair.

"His Royal Highness, can Mr. Su have a chance to win?"

Xu Xiaotian asked in a low voice, worried.

Xie Qingcheng groaned for a long time and shook his head slightly: "If he meets an ordinary opponent, with Brother Su's melee strength, he should win."

"But if he wants to eventually compete for the top spot, he will have to face the wind. He will have little chance."

After a short pause, Xie Qingcheng said, "Not to mention that the rules of ranking battles are extremely beneficial to the top of the knockout round."

"What do you mean?"

Xu Xiaotian asked.

Xie Qingcheng said: "The rules of the ranking battle are extremely simple. There are two rounds of confrontation, divided into seven rounds, which will determine the top of the final ranking and the ranking.

"In the first round, the first place in the knockout match was the last one; the second place was played against the 99th place; Brother Su was ranked in the 68th place, and the match should be the 33rd place in the knockout.

"In the second round, there are still 50 people left, and we will continue to face each other. The first place will play against the 50th place, the second place will play against the 49th place, and so on."

"In the third round, twenty-five people are left. Twenty-four will face each other in pairs.

"This empty place left the top of the knockout round, which is Feng Yin!"

After hearing this, Xu Xiaotian said suddenly: "In other words, Feng Yin will get more time to rest, fight less, and consume less."


Xie Qingcheng nodded and continued: "In the fourth round, there are thirteen people left, and one will be left. This round will be left at the top of the knockout list."

"In the fifth round, there are seven people left, and they will be left alone again. They will still fall on Feng Yin. That is to say, in the seventh round, there are three chances to take turns, and Feng Yin can be used to rest!

Xu Xiaotian looked worried.

In this way, one side was fighting with others on the spot, while the others on the other side were gaining energy.

The gap between the two sides will only grow wider!

"But the two-on-one matchup just decides the winner. How should the ranking be determined?"

Xu Xiaotian asked again.

Xie Qingcheng said: "Three Immortals and Four Immortals each sent a Tianxian strong to judge the rank of the loser and finally determine the rank of the loser."

(End of this chapter)

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