Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2243: One size fits all

Chapter 2243: One-Shot Skill

One hundred land fairy strongmen battled at the same time, divided into seven rounds, and finally determined the place ranking.

This is the most efficient and relatively reasonable rule.

It can avoid the Tianjiao demon who is at the top of the battle force and encounter it in advance, resulting in one person being out of order and the ranking is not accurate.

Like the first and second place in the knockout, it is difficult to meet in the first few rounds.

Xie Ling tapped at his fingertips, and stirred up real yuan, submerged into the ground in the middle of the square.


Under everyone's attention, I saw fifty square square bluestones rising slowly in the middle of the wide square, suspended in mid-air.

This bluestone is flat and huge, and it is more than enough as a battlefield for the battle of the immortals.

"Prepare yourself, you can go to the battlefield according to the corresponding numbers on the bluestone battlefield."

Xie Ling exclaimed.

In the middle of each piece of bluestone, there is a number.

The one that says ‘one’ is the first battlefield. The top of the knockout list and the 100th place Dixian are fighting on this bluestone battlefield.

Su Zimo's ranking is sixty-eight, and he is in the thirty-third position with Dixian, on the thirty-third bluestone battlefield.

Coincidentally, his opponent was the Xue family member, Dou Yuan, who had once met on the Wangcheng Great Street.

Every figure jumped up and stood on the battlefield of Qingshi. The battle was about to start.

"In ranking battles, there are not too many rules for monks. You can use magic, falcons, elixir, and fight with each other!"

Xie Ling Shen said: "It's just that if the other party leaves from Qingshi, they can't kill him again."

Many monks have known about these things in advance.

If you leave the bluestone area, there are still people doing things. Many of the immortals present, including Xie Ling, can stop at any time.

"The ranking battle, officially started!"

Xie Ling sighed at the sight of the Qingshi battlefield.

boom! boom! boom!

when! when! when!

With the fall of Xie Ling's voice, there were more than thirty bluestone battlefields, in which an instant war broke out, and the sound of the collision of magical powers, one after another, deafening!

Although it is a ranking battle, it is also a knockout system.

As long as one game is lost, there is no chance to enter the second round of competition.

Therefore, every monk dare not have reservations.

Just after the outbreak of the war, there was a battlefield where the victory and defeat had already been divided.

The first battlefield.

Feng Yin only took a trick to shoot down the 100th place immortal from the bluestone battlefield, and the opponent did not even have time to respond!

Feng Yin's body speed is amazingly fast!

For this scene, everyone watching the scene was no surprise, all nodded secretly.

Many monks turned their eyes, instead of looking at the second and third battlefields, they fell on the thirty-third battlefield.

The two men on this battlefield did not directly confront each other.

Dou Yuan first arched his hand slightly and said, "Su Daoyou, the next battle is definitely better than you. However, regardless of the victory or defeat, the ranking must be calculated. In the next battle, you can only fight with all your strength, please forgive me."

Dou Yuan also saw the shocking battle in the nineth heaven.

He is very clear that if Su Zimo is at his peak, he is not an opponent at all, but now he has a chance to win.

"come on."

Su Zimo looked indifferent.

Even if he knew Su Zimo's condition was weak, he didn't dare to carelessly. He wiped his palm on the storage bag and took out his own magic weapon for the first time!

A cold, long sword was held in his hand. The knife was carved with mysterious patterns, and the breath was strong and strong.

Congenital Step Magic!

The immortals who are qualified to participate in the ranking battle, almost everyone has a congenital magic weapon!

There may be more than one earth **** from the heavenly ancestors, who are of extraordinary origin.

Like the owner of Chihong County, there are as many as three congenital magic weapons!

Two of them came from the kingdom of Yanyang and one from Qiankun Academy.

While Dou Yuan sacrificed his destiny magic weapon, he crushed a talisman of amulet, and immediately formed a rune-protective barrier around him.


Just after finishing these two actions, I saw Su Zimo's soles slamming on the ground, bluestone shocked, and a loud noise came from Dou Yuan's ear.

The next moment, Su Zimo has come forward!

Even if you don't use any body magic, just relying on the power of the body, the speed of the outbreak is extremely terrible!


Dou Yuan looked calm and snorted sharply. He picked up the long knife in his hand and fell down towards Su Zimo.

This knife is so powerful that it is imposing and imposing!

At the same time, the lines on the knife suddenly lighted up, blooming a brilliant brilliance, like a scorching sun, shining on Su Zimo's eyes!

This knife is called a blind knife, and the lines on the knife are stimulated with vitality, and will dazzle in the moment of fighting.

Opponents are unprepared and will appear briefly blind.

However, Qinglian's five senses are too strong.

What's more, Su Zimo's eyes are fused with two major **** stones.

The light of the blind knife had no effect on him at all.

Su Zimo didn't even move his eyelids, just lifted his palm easily, and shook his hands on the blind knife.


The blind knife trembled as if wailing.

Dou Yuan was frightened, his throat was aching, his palm couldn't hold it, and the blind knife was taken away by Su Zimochi's empty fist!


After Su Zimo won the sword, he slashed it with his backhand!

Take the knife and take the opportunity, and all the actions, such as flowing clouds, have no stagnation.

It was as if Dou Yuan gave Su Zimo the long knife in his hand.


A blade of light flashed, as if the waves hit the shore, like the tide rolling, magnificent!

The light is shining.

In front of Dou Yuan, no sword body or Su Zimo could be seen.

There was only a tide as high as a thousand feet, and it was so horrifying that a burst of roar broke out, and it hit him fiercely and hit him!

boom! boom! boom!

The waves are not flat, the waves are rising again, and the tide is constantly surging!

Dou Yuan is not only blind, but even his five senses have been reduced to the limit.

He seemed to be in the endless turbulent waves. Although there were countless magical methods, even though he had thousands of methods, he could not help but follow the waves!

"Such a knife ... really amazing!"

"Unexpectedly, this academy disciple still has this skill. I have never heard of any superior knife method in the academy?"


The meaning of one-stroke power is the power of this one, which can reach the power!

There was a sound of exclamation on both sides of the watching seat.

However, Dou Yuan couldn't hear these sounds at all.


Suddenly, Dou Yuan was shocked and woke up.

All the turbulent waves in front of me disappeared, and everything seemed to be an illusion.

And he had fallen from the bluestone battlefield, fell to the ground, and the amulet on his body was sloppy. I do n’t know when it was broken.


with no doubt.


At this moment, a cold light flashed and fell into the ground in front of him.

It was Su Zimo who discarded the blind knife and threw it in front of him.


Dou Yuan looked complex, took out the blind knife, and arched slightly towards Su Zimo, saying, "Thank you for your mercy.

After speaking, Dou Yuan returned to the table.

(End of this chapter)

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