Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2267: Halfway

Chapter 2267 Intercepting Halfway

It has been more than a hundred days since the end of the ten thousand year conference.

The battle on the list has already spread in the kingdom of the sun and the sun, and even across the continent of Shenxiao, causing heated discussion among countless monks.

When Su Zimo and his party left Yanyang Xianguo and walked on the long streets of Wangcheng, they could clearly feel that many monks in Wangcheng looked with a little excitement.

In the eyes of many monks, there was even a touch of admiration.

"Look, that person is Su Zimo!"

"I thought he had three heads and six arms. He looked so fierce and killed so many people. I didn't expect to be a clear-eyed scholar."

"Yeah, if no one mentioned, who would have guessed that he was the top of the list?"

Many monks stopped and talked softly, looking over here.

Every ten thousand years, the top of the birthplace list.

But no one on the top of the list can play such a shocking record and kill such a reputation!

With his own power, he killed eighteen peak immortals, and one of them was the reincarnation true immortal.

In successive battles, the second reincarnated true immortal can also be defeated to win the top spot on the list.

This battle of the rankings is unprecedented!

"I heard that Su Zimo is of ordinary origin and comes from the Nether."

"So what? A group of heavenly pride and evil, and two reincarnation true immortals, are not yet stepping stones for others!"

"In less than 10,000 years, it will be the Shenxiaoxian Society. I don't know if he has a chance to be on the list."

"If the sky list opens, I am afraid that another round of blood rain will be set off!"

"Yun Ting has already fought the war. There must be a battle between the two. That battle will be the most dramatic battle in Shenxiaoxian domain for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Hehe, this Su Zimo offends so many people, he can live to the God Xiaoxian Society to talk about it."

Someone sneered and looked disdainful.

Su Zimo listened to the hustle and bustle of the surrounding sounds, looking indifferent, not at all concerned.

Everyone in Qiankun Academy was full of energy.

At this million-year conference, Qiankun Academy made the most of the limelight, ranking among the top ten, occupying three seats.

Su Zimo's birth turned out to shock everyone.

And Liu Ping's willow blossoming, the sudden emergence of a different army, won the third place on the list, it is unexpected joy!

This time, if Ye Fei falls, Qiankun Academy will become the biggest winner!

Not long after, Su Zimo and others came to the teleportation array in Wangcheng City, and were ready to start the teleportation array and return to Qiankun Academy.

"Zimo, Chihong, and Liu Ping. After returning to the academy, the three of you followed me to meet the elder."

Elder Zhong said with a smile: "The realm of the three of you has reached Tianyuan Realm, and you can worship inside and become disciples inside the academy."

In Qiankun Academy, the promotion of monks and the appointment of various positions in the academy are under the control of the elders.

The three Su Zimo all stepped into Tianxian in the secret realm of Indus. This time, they made a name for themselves in the First World War. The three worshipped inside. It was completely logical.

While talking, the crowd set foot on the teleportation.

Above the large array, the rays of the pattern shone and dazzled, and a huge beam of light burst out, enveloping everyone in Qiankun Academy.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt a great pull and disappeared from the teleportation array.

The distance between Yanyang Xianguo and Qiankun Academy is very far away, but by using the teleportation array, about tens of breaths can return.

Everyone was walking through the space tunnel. Even the ninth-order Tianxian's power had lost five senses and could not feel the passage of time.


Everyone in Qiankun College was shocked, and the five senses were restored.

"Return to Qiankun Academy?"

"It doesn't seem right, where is this?"

The crowd looked around, but they could only see a dim, seemingly still in the space tunnel, did not leave.

"There was a problem during the transfer?"

Elder Zhong frowned and murmured.

"Will the teleportation array be destroyed?"

Su Zimo asked.

"will not."

Elder Zhong shook his head.

Normally, the teleportation array has been successfully started, and everyone enters the space tunnel. Even if someone destroys the teleportation array in the King City of Yanyang, it will not affect them.

Just then, a huge coercion shrouded!

The horror of this coercion is simply unthinkable. Under this coercion, everyone has no thought of resistance and cannot move!

The gap is too big!

Compared with this huge coercion, the crowds of Qiankun Academy are like ants!

Immediately, the killing intentions came!

Everyone at Qiankun Academy, including Su Zimo, felt a strong breath of death. It seems that the next moment, they will be killed on the spot!

"How could this be?"

"Is it true?"

In Qiankun Academy, some monks were frightened, and their voices were trembling.

Su Zimo looked dignified and didn't say a word.

Such powerful coercion, such a terrible breath, he once experienced it himself when he ascended to the upper realm, and he still remembers it so far!

This coercion can never be true!

Several elders of Qiankun Academy turned pale.

Elder Zhong's heart was heavy, and he shook his head: "I am afraid that the strong man who can emit such coercion has surpassed the true fairy ..."

Beyond the true immortal, that is ...

The crowd widened their eyes and looked shocked.

Is it the fairy king?

Thinking of this, there was a touch of despair in the eyes of everyone.

At the same time, many monks also understood that I am afraid that only the fairy king has such a means to intercept them from the space tunnel!

However, everyone couldn't figure out why the fairy king would strike them.

Among them, the one who is the highest in the realm is only the ninth-level Celestial Celestial. They have no chance to contact the Celestial King. How can they make the powerful of the Celestial King appear?

Furthermore, they came from Qiankun Academy. Which fairy king would start them?

"Senior, please show mercy!"

Elder Zhong worked hard to stay calm, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "I'm waiting for Qiankun Academy. Is there any misunderstanding?"

No one responded, but that terrible coercion shrouded everyone's heads.

Moreover, the killing is getting heavier!

Everyone even felt that they would be buried here anytime!

Su Zimo looked cold and squinted slightly.

There was an intuition in his heart that the strong man hidden in the dark was most likely coming for him!

But he couldn't tell where the strong man came from.

King Yun You is unlikely.

The temperament of King Yun You should not hide, and most likely will appear directly.

If it wasn't King Yunyou, who would it be?

The fairy king invited by Qin Xianmeng Yao?

Or is it the king of Yuan Zuo County, the immortal king of the Great Jin Dynasty?

Or is it a fairy land?

Su Zimo once seized five kinds of treasures in the Ninth Heaven, and absorbed a large amount of life essence of the refined Indus ancient tree in the secret realm of Indus, and met with Xie Tianhong.

If Yanyang Xianguo murders him, it may not be impossible!

But no matter what, if the powerful king of the fairy king shots and intercepts, even if he summons all the four sacred souls on the prison, he cannot resist.

I don't know if there are any book friends from Hubei. I hope you can spend this difficult time safely, pay more attention to rest and ensure sleep. I also hope that book friends in other places can be safe. After all, this book has not been written, and the old knife is looking forward to having everyone to accompany you to go together.

(End of this chapter)

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