Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2268: Prefectural Secret Court

Chapter 2268

"Well, why is this ..."

Just then, in the vast darkness, a sigh sounded.

Immediately thereafter, another huge coercion poured into this space tunnel, and everyone in Qiankun Academy felt light, and the sense of oppression and suffocation disappeared immediately, and freedom was restored.

Before the crowd reacted, the five senses were cut off again, and for a while the heavens and the earth revolved, and the crowd seemed to continue to shuttle in the space tunnel again.

It seemed that after a dozen breaths, a dazzling brilliance flashed in front of them, and everyone was down to earth, gradually regaining their sight.

The surrounding area is filled with fresh air, strong sky and earth vitality, rich vegetation, vibrant, Qiongyu Pavilion, waterfalls flying, and monks walking in the air from time to time, elegant and chic.

Suddenly, everyone has returned to Qiankun Academy!

"Are we still alive?"

"It seems to have returned safely, shouldn't this be an illusion or an illusion?"

Everyone recalled the situation they had just experienced, and they all developed an unreal feeling.

Su Zimo frowned, thinking silently.

When he soared, he had once experienced an immortal king.

But that time was very different from this time.

That time it was King Yunyou who showed up and made no secret.

And this time, he didn't know who the shot was, and he wasn't even sure if the shot came for him.

If this person is not aimed at him, what is the reason for them that they will cause the king of the fairy to shoot?

If this person came for him, what is the reason?

Qinxian Mengyao, King Yuanzuo County, Yanyang Xianguo, or Pangs ...

Either power has a reason to attack him, but it seems that neither power is worthy of such a mobilization.

This unknown enemy is the most terrible.

In fact, over the years, even if Su Zimo worshiped at Qiankun Academy, there was always an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

At that time, in the Sinjong election, King Motosuke suddenly came up and recognized his identity, which revealed a weirdness.

This matter passed a long time ago, but Su Zimo's mind was always lingering.

Is there any connection between this incident and the killing he experienced?

"What is going on?"

At this moment, the master of Honghong County calmed down and couldn't help asking: "How can there be a strong king of the fairy king class, who is watching us?"

"I am not sure as well."

Elder Zhong shook his head and said, "The immortal king is almost the peak power of the upper world, and he will never shoot easily, let alone deal with us ..."

The elders of Qiankun Academy are also confused.

"Who did it later to save us?"

Liu Ping asked curiously.

Elder He said: "No accident, it should be the suzerain."

Sovereign of Qiankun Academy!

This status on the Shenxiao continent is by no means weaker than King Jin, Yanyang Xianwang and others!

Elder Zhong said: "The supreme wisdom of the suzerain, insight into the world, deduction of everything, knowing everything, on the Shenxiao continent, there is an immortal king shot, such a large amount of movement and murderous spirit, most of them can not hide his induction.

"so smart!"

Liu Ping bit his tongue and said, "Wouldn't our academy disciples be able to walk sideways on the land of Shenxiao?"


Elder Zhong shook his head and smiled: "This time the immortal king intercepted and the gap between the two sides was too great for the suzerain to take the shot. If it was a fight with the same order, the suzerain would not care about it. Both victory and defeat have their own causes and consequences. Will intervene forcefully. "

"That's it."

Liu Ping was slightly disappointed.


Elder Zhong laughed: "Anyway, we can be considered a disaster, you go back to rest."

"Su Zimo, Chihong, Liu Ping, the three of you go back and prepare for it. About three days later, the elder will call you and worship inside."

The crowds agreed and dispersed.

"Su Zimo, you follow me."

Elder Zhong also said: "This time you won the top of the list, you can browse and practice your secrets and skills at will in the prefecture's secret cabinet.

"Except that you will not be allowed to take away the mysteries of Gongfa in the Secret Pavilion, you are not subject to any restrictions!"

Su Zimo's eyes brightened.

He spent so much energy to win the top spot for most of the reasons, because of this reward!

In fact, this reward is not valuable to the disciples.

After all, it is a prefecture-level secret pavilion.

In addition, the heaven-like immortals like Qiankun Academy, the secrets and techniques in the secret pavilion are as vast as smoke, and a person's time and energy are limited and it is impossible to practice too much.

For normal monks, it is enough to choose a few exercises and secrets in the secret pavilion that are suitable for their cultivation.

But Su Zimo's mind was to digest and absorb all the exercises and mysteries in the first-class secret hall of Qiankun Academy!

Qinglian Zhenshen naturally can't do this, but the martial art deity can do it!

The martial arts deity has a martial arts furnace, and there is no need to cultivate at all. It just melts all the scriptures in the secret pavilion and separates the mysterious mysteries.

The deity of Martial arts is still retreating to practice the practice methods under Martial arts. At this time, he needs to read a lot of exercises.

At that time, Su Zimo was able to create the nine martial arts changes on the continent. It was also because he had cultivated the four ways of immortal Buddhas and demon monsters, and obtained the inheritance of many powerful men.

Now, if you want to continue demonstrating martial arts methods, the deity must continue to smelt the secrets of Gongfa, looking for experience and inspiration from it.

Perhaps the quality level in the secret court is not high.

But each of the exercises was created and passed down, and they contained the infinite wisdom of the ancestors.

What's more, it is still the mystery of Gongfa collected in Qiankun Academy.

Before long, Su Zimo followed Elder Zhong and reached the prefecture-level secret pavilion of Qiankun Academy.

In front of the secret pavilion, an old man with gray hair was guarding the town, leaning casually beside the door, holding a broom in his arms, closing his eyes and raising his soul, and there was no one around him.

Even if Su Zimo and the two came near, the old man didn't open his eyes.

Su Zimo couldn't see the cultivation of the old man. He could only feel that the old man seemed to have a long life, and he was exhausted.

Elder Zhong saw the old man with great respect and bowed down, saying, "Xuan Lao, this is Su Zimo, this time on the top of the list."


The old man suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange color passed in the turbid eyes, and after a long examination of Su Zimo's body, he nodded.

The old man's tone was flat and praised.

"go in."

The old man moved his body slightly and closed his eyes again.

"go in."

Elder Zhong patted Su Zimo's shoulder and said, "If the elder summons you, I will come to inform you that you can read it in there for three days."

(End of this chapter)

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