Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2279: Summit!

Chapter 2279 Climbing to the Top!

On the eighth stone step, a monk in a blue shirt stood there, his hair dancing and extraordinary, exuding an indescribable temperament.

Tens of thousands of disciples in the academy looked at the figure with complex expressions, and some of them didn't calm down from shock.

Some show admiration.

Some bowed slightly, looking ashamed ...

The scornful sneer and scorn of the genius just now, in retrospect, I felt that my cheek was hot and shameless.

This figure is only standing on the eighth floor of the Taoist Ladder, but it seems to have reached the peak of Immortal Road, leaving the world independent, overlooking sentient beings!

In fact, this is not the illusion of everyone.

The eighth stone staircase of Daoxin ladder, tens of thousands of inner disciples present, none of them ever boarded up!

Even if most of the true disciples appeared, when they saw the figure on the eighth stone staircase, they would bow their heads!

Although the heart is weak, it has nothing to do with the state of cultivation.

But in the hearts of many monks, the higher the state of cultivation, the more likely and powerful the Taoism will be.

Now, the appearance of Su Zimo has broken the cognition of many monks.

The first-order Tianxian entered the inner door for the first time.

In the eyes of everyone, as long as one point is occupied, it is difficult to surpass the third stone step of the Taoist ladder, let alone go further.

Now, all this is condensed on one person.

And this person is standing on the eighth stone step!

The hearts of everyone still feel strongly untrue.

how can that be?

If it were not for the first time, no one would believe it, even if there were many people telling the story.

"Su Zimo, Su Zimo."

Elder Zhong shook his head and sighed, and said with emotion: "I never imagined that as soon as he entered the inner door, he made such a big noise."

When you first entered the inner door, you first stepped on the heart ladder and stood on the eighth stone step. This is equivalent to stepping on all the inner door disciples!

Su Zimo ascended the eighth stone stairway. This incident has shocked many monks, and has surpassed Yu Chan, the true immortal!

Liu Ping's approach to Su Zimo has long been strange.

In his mind, even if Su Zimo was able to reach the ninth stone stairway, it was justified.

While the master of Honghong County rejoiced, he was somewhat lost.

She originally thought that she was considered a genius who was not born. Although she could not compare to Su Zimo, it was similar, and she would always have the opportunity to catch up in the future.

Now, she suddenly realized that the gap between the two seemed to be getting wider.

Even if they cultivated the same realm, she never seemed to be able to catch up with that figure!

Fang Qingyun's city is extremely deep. Even if Jade Chan's true immortal is abolished, he doesn't pay much attention to his heart, and there is not much emotional fluctuation in his eyes.

But at this moment, there was a gloom in his eyes.

He suddenly felt a huge threat!

Originally, Su Zimo, who had just entered the inner door and soared in the lower world, didn't look at it at all.

In Fang Qingyun's view, using his means to deal with Su Zimo is as simple as crushing an ant!

Moreover, the gap between the two sides was so great that Fang Qingyun never considered Su Zimo as an opponent.

But when Su Zimo stepped on the eighth stone step and attracted the attention of all the inner disciples, Fang Qingyun realized that his opponent in the inner door appeared!

Although this opponent is still very weak, one day in the future, he will become his strong enemy!


Just then, a woman's moan came beside her.

Fang Qingyun glanced slightly, seeing Yan Bingying staring intently at the figure on the eighth stone staircase, his eyes were a little blurred, and he whispered: "What has he experienced, how could there be such a powerful Tao heart ... ... "

Fang Qingyun was most familiar with Yan Bingying's eyes.

There was a hint of curiosity and admiration in this kind of gaze, and Yan Bingying had only appeared when he saw him!

Fang Qingyun's complexion suddenly gloomed, killing intentions emerged.

Originally, he just wanted to teach Su Zimo a lesson.

But at this moment, he was murderous!

Yan Bingying, as the first fairy in the inner door, was interested in him, which he had known for a long time.

But he never made it clear.

But without a statement, it does not mean that others can confess to Bingying!

At this moment, on the altar, the old man who guarded the secret pavilion suddenly turned around, expressionless, and took a deep look at Fang Qingyun.

There was no emotion in this look.

But for a moment, Fang Qingyun seemed to be poured from a pot of cold water from his head, scaring a cold sweat and trembling!

Just at the moment, this mysterious gaze looked like he was looking up and down from inside and out.

Fang Qingyun gave birth to a feeling that all his thoughts and secrets, even the murderous power just rising in Fang Cai's heart, seemed to hide the mysterious eyes!

He lowered his head quickly, avoiding Xuanlao's eyes, the gloom on his face disappeared, calmed his heart, and gasped slightly.

For a moment, he felt like walking through the gate closed!

"Brother Qingyun, what's wrong with you?"

Yan Bingying noticed the strangeness of Fang Qingyun and asked out loud.

"It's nothing."

Fang Qingyun said vaguely.

Yan Bingying asked again, "Brother Qingyun, how long can you say that Su Zimo can last on the eighth stone step?"


Fang Qingyun was irritable, and absently answered.

Yan Bingying didn't seem to notice the change of Fang Qingyun, and said, "Brother Qingyun, before, because of the origin of Brother Su, we despised him, and it was really wrong."

Fang Qingyun snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Yan Bingying seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "Master Su will not be able to set foot on the ninth stone step?"

"No way!"

Hearing here, Fang Qingyun subconsciously opened his mouth and said categorically: "The ninth stone stairway was formed by the amalgam of the academies and called the level of wisdom."

"Even Brother Yuehua, when he stepped on the ninth stone step, he couldn't bear it and fell off the Taoist ladder."

"What is he Su Zimo and how can he bear the supreme wisdom of the sovereign?"

As soon as the words fell, the figure on the eighth stone step moved again.


I saw Su Zimo stepping up and stepping towards the ninth stone step!

Many monks held their breaths, widened their eyes, stared at the figure on the ladder of Daoxin, and did not even blink.

For fear of blinking, I miss the most critical scene.

From the eighth stone step to the ninth stone step, Su Zimo seems to be extremely difficult.

His feet were hanging above the ninth stone staircase, and he did not fall down slowly!

The hearts of tens of thousands of inner disciples also hung high, as if to the top of their throats, all of them looked tense, as if they were in them.

Ten breaths.

Twenty breaths.

Half a quarter of an hour has passed ...

This step seems to be impossible.

At the moment when everyone was about to relax, Su Zimo's soles stepped on the ninth stone step, followed by his figure, and climbed to the heart ladder!

(End of this chapter)

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