Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2280: Nine elders

Chapter 2280 The Nine Elders

Su Zimo did not fall like the Yuehua Sword Fairy, and fell down the moment he ascended the ninth stone stairway, but stood firmly on it, standing tall and standing still!

Ninth level!

Since the existence of Daoxin Ladder, no one in Qiankun Academy has been able to climb to the ninth stage except the suzerain!

The ninth stage is called the stage of wisdom.

The aristocracy of the academy learns about heaven and man, has insight into all things, knows the secrets of the heavens, and contains infinite wisdom.

It is said that after the failure of the ninth order of the Moon Sword Fairy in that year, he only said one sentence: "Sovereign Taoism, inaccessible, supreme wisdom, unpredictable!"

After that, Yuehua Jianxian never tried to climb the ninth stage.

The other disciples of Qiankun Academy did not even have the ability to touch the ninth order, let alone stand on it like Su Zimo and stand upright!


Fang Qingyun clenched his fists subconsciously, and roared deep in his throat.

But soon, he realized that he was a bit ill, and quickly converged his mind, hiding the murder and hostility in his eyes, and glanced around.

Fortunately, no one around noticed him, and even Xuan Lao didn't look at him again.

Everyone's eyes fell on the figure of the ninth stone step!

This is truly eye-catching!

No one spoke. On the large ground, tens of thousands of inner disciples gathered together, and the crowd was quiet, but they were silent.

Everyone is waiting for a result.

Can the first-tier Tianxian, who just entered the inner door, ascend to the lower world, finally pass the test of Daoxin in the ninth stone stage?

What Tang Peng fainted, Yu Chan's immortal was abolished, and it didn't take long before.

Taking out just one thing is enough to cause a lot of vibration in the academy.

But nowadays, many monks have forgotten, no one cares at all.

Around Daoxin ladder, more and more monks gathered here.

Not only disciples inside, but also some true disciples have come from the place of true biography, the entire Qiankun Academy has been shocked!


Just then, there was a strange wave in the air.

Immediately afterwards, an old man in a white robe appeared in midair with a cane. Although he had to be gray, he was drowsy, his eyes were bright, and he looked at the monk on the heart ladder.

"Look, it's the elder!"

"Elder Elder was shocked!"

There was a wave of agitation in the crowd.

Xuan Lao looked up slightly, glanced at the elder slightly, and then looked away without speaking.


A figure appeared in another void.

As soon as this figure appeared, there was a strong **** killing spirit permeating behind him, as if there was a corpse mountain and a sea of ​​blood emerging!

The old man looked much younger, but his face was pale, his eyes were dark, and his body was exuding a cold scent that nobody should enter.

After the old man appeared, many disciples on the ground shivered.

"It's the second elder!"

"I heard that the second elder was in charge of the criminal law, the most cruel and ruthless, unselfish, and once there was a true disciple who broke the door regulations, he was directly abolished!"

"Snoring! Don't be noticed by the second elder!"

The waves that had just begun in the crowd calmed down quickly.


On the other side of the void, a dark cave was suddenly burnt by a group of flames, and an old man came out, as if the body was bathed in flames.

In the flames, there are countless magical weapons that are floating around.

"It's the Eighth Elder of the Academy!"

Elder Zhong whispered softly: "Eight elders in the academy are in charge of all the magic soldiers, casting magic weapons, and want to obtain the top magic weapon soldiers in the ancestral gate, they must go through the permission of the eight elders.

"Brother Su first stepped on the ladder and made such a big noise. Three elders have already appeared!"

Liu Ping secretly tongued.

"Climbing to the top of the road, unprecedented achievement."

Elder Zhong said with emotion: "These elders appear to witness this scene, naturally it is common sense."

Between the three, another old man appeared in the air.

The elder wore a blue robe, and after showing up, there was a faint scent of medicine on the entire site, refreshing.

"This is the Seven Elders of the College."

Seeing the confused faces of the masters of Chihong County and Liu Ping, Elder Zhong said: "The Seven Elders are in charge of all the elixir in the academy.

The words did not fall, another old man appeared!

The old man is kind-looking, looks extremely friendly, has a smiley face, and does not need to be white. At first glance, it makes people feel good.

"This is the four elders."

In the direction of the four elders, Elder Zhong bowed slightly and said, "The four elders are mainly responsible for external affairs in the academy, as well as some trials of fighting methods in the academy."

"Things like leading you to the Longevity Conference are the responsibility of the four elders, and I belong to the four elders."

"How many elders are there in the college?"

The chief of the Honghong County could not help asking.

"There are a lot of elders in the academy, and their statuses are different, but the highest elders are only nine!"

Elder Zhong said: "The elders of the Ninth National Congress carry out their duties and control everything in the college. Under the suzerain, they are the elders of the Ninth National Congress."

Before Elder Zhong spoke, two more elders appeared.

Nine elders, Fu Yu who controls the academy.

The six elders are actually a beautiful middle-aged woman with a temperament. She is cold and responsible for all the buildings in the academy, including the formation method!

In a blink of an eye, seven elders from the Nine are here!

"Looking at this situation, the elders of the Ninth National Congress may get together!"

Liu Ping whispered.

Sure enough, not long after, two more elders came together!

The three elders are in charge of all the spiritual peaks, caves and heavens of the academy, and control the academy's Yuanling Stone, Yuanlingye and other cultivation resources, and are responsible for publishing the ancestral mission.

As soon as the five elders appeared, they caused a lot of shock.

Behind him seems to condense thousands of horses and horses, exuding the spirit of iron blood killing, the pressure is rolling, suffocating!

The second elder was in charge of the criminal law, and his murderous spirit was a little eerie.

The murderousness of the five elders, however, gave a tragic feeling!

All nine elders of Qiankun Academy appeared, stood in the air, surrounded the Daoxin ladder, their eyes fell on Su Zimo's body!

Many monks are nervous and excited. The grand gathering of the elders of the Ninth National Congress is a rare event!

Most of the disciples present at the scene did not necessarily have the opportunity to meet the nine elders of the academy after practicing for more than 100,000 years.

Nowadays, everyone has taken advantage of this opportunity to see the true beauty of the nine elders through a first-order Tianxian who entered the inner door.

"The elders of the Ninth National Congress have appeared at the same time. This is unusual. Is there any profound meaning?"

Elder Zhong groaned a little, as if thinking of something, was shocked, and whispered, "Did you say ..."


Liu Ping couldn't help being curious and hurriedly asked.

"The elders of the Ninth National Congress may have aroused apprenticeship!"

Elder Zhong said in a condensed voice.


The chief of Honghong County and Liu Ping both whispered.

Elder Zhong looked stunned and said, "If you can worship one of the elders, it will be the true disciple of our college!"

"Su Zimo, this is going to be a step!"

(End of this chapter)

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