Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2300: Brahma shock

Chapter 2300 Brahma Shock

The martial art deity continues to move forward.

A few more Hellhounds appeared along the way, but they were all beheaded and killed by him.

In this dark, horrifying space, there is a suffocating atmosphere everywhere.

I don't know how long, Sirius's heart became more and more restless.

"Let's search for it in such a directionless way. Even if there is no threat, I am afraid that if we look for a million years, we may not find the old master's bone.

Sirius couldn't help but say.

"You should be right in this direction."

The martial arts master kept pace and said lightly.

"How do you know the direction is right?"

Sirius asked.

The deity of martial arts was about to explain, and Lingjue suddenly warned!

He looked around, and saw the red lanterns appearing in the dark fog around him, approaching here quickly!

A gust of wind blew, and the dark mist faded a lot, revealing the shape of many **** evil dogs!

I do n’t know when the martial arts deity and Sirius have been surrounded by the evil **** dogs. You can see the evil **** dogs everywhere you look!


Many **** evil dogs stared at Martial arts deity and Sirius, bloodthirsty light appeared in their eyes, and a roar of deep throats.

"How to do?"

Sirius gritted his teeth and asked.

"Run out and follow me!"

The martial arts master has a big eye, and when he is in shape, he takes the lead and rushes directly into the surrounded by the evil **** dog in front!


Many **** evil dogs also burst into a roar and issued an offensive at the same time, killing towards the martial arts deity!

The spirit of martial arts rises, and the sound of the tide is heard in the body, dancing his fists, fighting in all directions!

boom! boom! boom!

Each punch of the martial arts demonstrating a powerful and unmatched power, hitting the bodies of these **** evil dogs, either blasting their bodies or breaking them apart!

There is no evil dog that can resist the fist of martial arts deity!

The martial arts deity is like a human-shaped magic weapon, rushing all the way, killing a blood path, unstoppable!

Sirius followed closely behind and did not dare to drop half of his body.

The evil **** dogs around are still swarming towards this place, chasing and biting wildly behind the martial arts deity and Sirius!

As long as Sirius moves slowly, he will be drowned by countless evil dogs, and in a blink of an eye, he can be torn into pieces!


The martial art deity was a punch again, and a **** evil dog collapsed, and his body was slightly shaken.

This punch, as if hit on Tiewei Mountain, is extremely hard!


The martial arts master kept walking and glanced sideways.

The evil **** dog that was only blown away by him before falling, not far away, even shook his head, and stood up again!

This **** terrier was almost unscathed by his punch!

What Sirius is worried about has already happened!

Over time, there will only be more and more scary ghosts.

The ghosts appearing behind will become more powerful!

Until now, there are already evil **** dogs that can resist his full punch.

If after a while, there will be a ghost and a ghost that can kill him!

However, there is a puzzle in the head of Martial arts.

Why are these ghosts and ghosts appearing now in the form of this **** evil dog?

This should have something to do with Abi Hell, but what was the specific connection, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

At this moment, he cannot be distracted!


At this moment, another evil dog from Hell rushed up, and the martial art deity gave a backhand punch!

Who knows that this evil helldog also responded extremely quickly, protruded his claws and fist against the martial arts demon, at the same time opened his mouth, biting hard towards the martial arts demon's throat!

The martial arts look remained the same, exhaling, and shaking the hell-dog.

At the same time, the deity of martial arts was punched again, hitting the celestial cap of this **** evil dog, shocked it back!

After receiving a punch from the martial arts deity, this **** evil dog just shook his body and was not affected by the slightest impact. He landed on the ground and pounced again.

The momentum of martial arts stagnation also stagnated.

Sirius followed, and the two of them halted their bodies. In a moment, many **** evil dogs pounced on them, and a **** stench came to their faces!

"It's over!"

Sirius sighed.

Under the influence of yin and yang, although he escaped from Abi Hell to be born and even reborn, he did not expect to be buried here today.

Thinking of this, Sirius closed his eyes and could only sigh for good.

At this moment, the master of martial arts vomited the Sanskrit sound and recited a mysterious Buddhist scripture.

The Sanskrit sounds resounded throughout the world.

A golden Sanskrit text emerged, enveloping the martial arts deity, Sirius, and Yan Beichen, forming a barrier.

These hell-dogs just rushed up, but suddenly saw these golden Sanskrit, their faces changed greatly, and they quickly stopped their figure!

The **** evil dogs in the back couldn't control his body, collided with the front, and messed up!

Fang Cai ’s hell-dog, who can fight with the martial arts deity, does not fall into the wind, and sees these golden Sanskrit texts and blood-red eyes, showing deep fear.

Sirius opened his eyes and saw such a shocking scene, not only stunned.

Countless evil dogs around him, but dare not step forward!

Many hell-dogs have even begun to run away, as if they saw something terrible.

Some hell-dogs lie on the ground, shivering, and scarlet eyes are full of fear.

"what is this?"

Sirius opened his wolf's mouth and asked subconsciously.

After a short pause, Sirius seemed to think of something, blurting out: "I see, it is Prajna Nirvana!"


The martial art deity did not hide.

He decided to go to Abi Hell this time to look for the "Magic Buddhist Sutra". The biggest reliance is actually the Prajna Nirvana.

Ah Bi Hell was created by the Great Emperor himself.

The weapon of the Great Emperor is the prison prisoner.

In the prison, the "Prana Nirvana" is engraved.

Most of the ghosts and ghosts in Abi Hell fell into the hands of the Great Emperor, and they must be very familiar with the Prajna Nirvana.

The fear of the great warrior has already penetrated into the soul!

Even if they turned into ghosts and ghosts, condensed flesh and blood, turned into some **** evil dog, when they suddenly heard the Scriptures of the Great War, they would be afraid!

as expected!

After the martial arts chanted the Sanskrit text of the Prajna Nirvana, many **** evil dogs retreated and did not dare to step forward.

"Come on!"

The martial arts master whispered and hurried forward.

The many evil dogs in front of him gave way to one after another and did not dare to stop them.

Even if there were a few powerful Hellhound dogs, they looked a little hesitant and didn't rush forward.

(End of this chapter)

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