Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2301: maze

Chapter 2301 Maze

The martial art deity is surrounded by the golden Sanskrit text of the Prajna Nirvana, with Sirius and Yan Beichen rushing out of the **** evil dog, and rushing towards the front.

The vast majority of evil dogs in **** do not dare to hunt.

But there are still more than a dozen hell-hate dogs hanging far behind the deity of Martial arts. They are about to move, and the blood in their eyes is getting brighter!

"With the protection of the ancient scriptures of the Great Departure, don't you run so fast?"

Sirius gasped.

"These ghosts and souls in Ah Bi Hell are afraid of the Great Emperor of the Year, not this ancient scripture."

The martial art deity was extremely calm, and Shen said, "They are now retreating, just because the ancient scripture contains the Tao and Law of the Great Master."

"As long as they realize that I am not the Great Departed, and far from the terrible means like the Great Departed, these **** creatures will still rush up!"

Sirius glanced back at those hellhound dogs behind them, and murmured secretly.

He also realized that the deity of Martial arts spoke well.

The Prajna Nirvana can only deter this group of **** creatures temporarily, but it cannot suppress them.

Not only that, when these **** creatures realize that there is no threat to the martial arts deity, they will arouse the resentment in the hearts of these **** creatures!

This group of **** creatures was the top powerhouse on the famous side of the upper world. Many of them were kings and emperors.

Many years ago, it was suppressed by the Great Emperor in Abi Hell, and endured endless suffering, even without the chance of reincarnation!

In this dark and gloomy hell, the strong ghosts of these powerful men have long lost their glory, and even evolved into such ugly **** evil dogs. The resentment in their hearts can be imagined.

And these resentments are likely to be vented to the martial arts deity!

Sirius asked again, "When we flee this way, when is it a head? Besides, how do you know that you can find the old master's bones in this direction?"

The martial art deity said: "After entering this place, I ran the" Magic Scriptures "and urged the Moro mask. In this direction, I felt a breath of the same origin."

The time of the fall of Emperor Bo Xun was relatively close.

In other words, even if he has fallen, there may still be some Dafa breath in his bones.

What's more, the Moro mask was originally made from a clone of the Emperor Po Xun, and naturally has a natural response to the Po Xun Emperor!

"Yes, this method is good."

Sirius also wanted to understand this truth, and his spirits rose.

He saw at least a glimmer of hope!

If they can find the bones of the Emperor Bo Xun as soon as possible and get the "Magic Buddhist Sutra", they can find a way out.

The longer you stay in Abi Hell, the less chance you have to escape!

Dozens of evil dogs behind him are constantly approaching!


In the oblique stab, an evil **** dog with three heads was killed, and his breath was terrifying, and he snarled in the direction of the martial arts deity!

The three evil dogs were unafraid of the golden Sanskrit surrounding the martial art deity, and rushed directly to the past.

Several **** evil dogs blocking him in front of him were too late to escape, and they were knocked upside down by him. A **** evil dog was also stopped by him and bitten, and blood was splashing!

The three evil dogs didn't look at each other, six blood-red eyes, always staring at the martial arts deity, murderous!

Feeling the power fluctuations on these three evil dogs, the Budo master speculated that he might not be able to carry even this evil dog!

The black fog in front of it is getting denser!

With the flash of light from the golden Sanskrit script of the Prajna Nirvana, the martial arts faintly saw that there was a tall and steep black stone wall in front of it, with strange stones and blood on it!

This black stone wall is exactly the same as the stone of Tiewei Mountain. It seems that the front has reached the end of Abi Hell!

Martial arts master came to the black stone wall, galloping along the edge of the stone wall.

The hell-dog with three heads was getting closer.

At this moment, a huge hole emerged on the black stone wall in front of which was thick black mist!

They had no retreat, and the martial arts master hesitated slightly, and ran in with Sirius.

Breaking into the hole, the martial art deity slowed down and glanced back.

Through the dark fog, I can see three evil dogs standing in front of this dark hole, but they seem to be daunted, without following him in.

For the time being to get rid of the danger, the martial arts deity and Sirius both breathed a sigh of relief.

In this cave is a long martyrdom. As the martial arts deity and Sirius continue to deepen, the surrounding black mist gradually fades.

Before walking far, there was a soft feeling at the foot of the martial art deity, like stepping on some sand.

He looked down and saw a thick layer of gray dust on the ground, leading to the end of the martyrdom.

Martial art deity bowed his head, grabbed a handful of gray dust, and twisted it gently.

"It's ashes!"

Martial arts frown slightly.

In this martyrdom, I don't know how many souls have fallen. Now there are no corpses left, only this piece of ashes is left. Even the identity of these souls cannot be guessed.

At this moment, there seemed to be something tiny moving in the ashes of the palm of the deity.

Immediately afterwards, Budo's deity looked slightly changed, and the ashes in his hands were suddenly thrown away!

In this ashes, a rice-grain ant crawled out, and quickly dived into the ashes, disappeared.

Just now, this ant bit the martial art deity.

The scary thing is that there is a bit of pain in the Budo deity!

His physical body today is conscientious and indestructible.

Even if it is a congenital magic weapon, or even some magical psychic magic weapon, it may not hurt him.

And this little ant even bit him!


Sirius also noticed this scene, exclaimed, his tone changed!

"The old master of that year was just drowned by a **** ant colony and died of food!"

Recalling a scene from that year, Sirius' voice showed deep fear.

"It seems this way is right."

The Budo master took a deep breath, and took Sirius forward.

Now that you see the ants, it also means that you are getting closer to the body of Bo Xun Emperor!

The terrain in the cave is extremely complex, and it looks like a palace in all directions, with countless crisscross roads.

Some martyrdoms are interconnected.

The end of some martyrdom may be a dead end.

If you do n’t have a map, if you break into this place, you may not be able to find a way out even if you have traveled hundreds of years or thousands of years.

This place is very different from the only place, it is more like a huge maze!

Fortunately, the deity of martial arts constantly urged the "Magic Scriptures", relying on the induction of Po Xun emperor's monastic law, and continued to move in a direction.

Although there are occasional detours, but the direction is right, the induction between this way and the law is also getting stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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