Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2481: Yuehua missed

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Yang Ruoxu frowned heavily, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xiao, what a big sin it is to betray Shimen and join the Demon Realm. Such words can't be said nonsense!"

"Since I dare say it, I have absolute confidence!"

Xiao Li sneered, stared at Su Zimo, and shouted: "Su Zimo, you tell me, where did the Daotong from your side come from!"

"What do you want to say?"

Su Zimo was expressionless, asking a question.

Seeing Su Zimo's reaction, Xiao Chengzhong made a big decision and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I tell everyone! The Daotong next to you is the Sect Master of the Desolation of the Demon Realm, and the Daotong next to the Wuwu!"

Su Zimo was quiet.

In the Langfeng City at that time, there was chaos. Many true immortals were chased by the martial deity, only to escape, and no one could see him return with Tao Yao.

Xiao Li's words did not cause much reaction in the crowd.

The vast majority of disciples in the academy are confused.

How could this child who is called Tao Yao have something to do with the devil's desolation?

Xiao Li saw no reaction from the crowd, and quickly explained: "In the first battle of Langfeng City in the Yuxiao Fairyland, it was because Daotong around Huangwu was arrested. At that time, Su Zimo also happened to appear in Langfeng City."

"Before that, Su Zimo had never had a servant around, but after he came back that time, there was a Daotong around him!"

"So, this Tao Yao is the Daotong next to Demon Famine!"

Many disciples of the college rolled their eyes and disagreed.

Everyone thought that Xiao Li was so confident that he had some strong evidence.

Unexpectedly, he forcibly pinched these two things together and came to the conclusion that a funnel is full and shitless.

A disciple of the academy whispered: "The demon martial arts slays a ring in Langfeng City just to rescue his Daotong. As a result, after a big mess, he leaves happily and finally throws his Daotong there again? ??"

"Perhaps the lack of martial arts is not very good, and finally forgot to save people, just let Brother Su pick up a leak..." said another.


The monks next to them could not help but listen, and laughed out loud.

A disciple of the academy said with a curse: "If this Taoyao is really a Daotong next to Huang Wu, why hasn't Huang Wu made any movement after so many years?"

Another person also said: "With the devil's temperament, if he learns about this, it will be like a mad dog soon, killing our **** Xiaoxianyu?"

"The most important thing is, if it is a barbaric Dao Tong, why does this Tao Yao willingly follow Brother Su? Was Brother Su influential?"


Someone couldn't bear it, and laughed out loud.

The monks next to them all held back their smiles and suffocated their faces.

In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Li's speculation was a joke.

Su Zimo smiled and said nothing.

Seeing the reactions of many disciples in the academy, Xiao Li panicked and looked awkward.

He himself knew that this matter was full of funnels.

But now that he has decided to target Su Zimo, he can only continue to say daringly: "You, I haven't finished."

"Such a fierce battle in Langfeng City, Su Zimo can come back alive, which is very strange in itself!"

In fact, the vast majority of the fallen in Langfeng City are true immortal strongmen, and the remaining innocent people have almost no casualties.

Xiao Li waited for everyone to react, and quickly continued: "This is only one possibility! That is, Su Zimo has turned to Shunchen to submit to Arawu, becoming a **** that Arabu buried in our academy!"

"So, Su Zimo can bring back the Dao Tong with the martial arts."

This time, without waiting for everyone in the academy to speak, Elder Chen was already unable to listen.

Elder Chen coughed and said, "Xiao Li, do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, I think you or..."

In the view of Elder Chen, Xiao Li's speculation is too far-reaching.

Xiao Li was asked by Elder Chen, helpless, and subconsciously looked at Yuehua Jianxian beside him.

"It is not easy to ask for evidence."

The corner of Yuehua Jianxian's mouth is slightly tilted, and his eyes glance at Taoyao, and a cruel, deep-rooted eye movement is unpredictable!


Su Zimo's complexion changed.

Yuehua Jianxian's shot did not target him, so his spiritual consciousness showed no response.

too fast!

The goal of Yuehua Jianxian is Tao Yao!

The top true immortals like Yuehua Jianxian, who shot at a heavenly immortal, without the help of spiritual consciousness, Su Zimo couldn't react at all.

He quickly pulled Tao Yao, trying to dodge sideways.

It is a pity that it is still a step slower.


Yuehua Jianxian came to Taoyao's side and reached out to Taoyao and grabbed it, but at this moment, the abrupt change began.

The token at Tao Yao's waist suddenly burst into a strange brilliance, protecting Tao Yao.

Yuehua Jianxian felt a tingling in the palm of his hand, and was unable to touch Tao Yao!

After a short delay, Su Zimo took advantage of this opportunity to pull Tao Yao back to death.

At the same time, Yang Ruoxu also came down, holding the Haoran sword, awe-inspiring, with eyes like a sword, holding Yuehua Jianxian in front of him!

Yuehua Jianxian frowned slightly and missed it?

The light radiated from this Daotong just now can resist the power of the true fairy level!

Kaka Kaka!

At this moment, Tao Yao's waist token appeared a crack, the light dimmed.

Although this waist card blocked Yuehua Sword Fairy's blow, it could not bear the power of Yuehua Sword Fairy, so it was discarded.

"Yuehua, what are you doing!"

Yang Ruoxu questioned loudly.

"It's nothing."

Yuehua Jianxian looked indifferent, shook his palm, and said casually: "Since everyone wants evidence, I just intend to follow Su Zimo and search for the soul of this Daotong."

"Just by your wild guesses, you must search for the soul of an innocent person?" Yang Ruo looked at him in anger.

"Go away!"

Yuehua Jianxian looked cold, and said: "As the head of a true disciple, I dare to block the soul of a Daotong!"

Yang Ruoxu did not retreat in half a step and asked, "If after the soul search, there is no evidence, what will you do?"

"No, no, naturally I guessed wrong."

Yuehua Jianxian sneered: "Why? Do you still want me to pay for the life of a humble Daotong? Don't say I just searched for his soul, I killed him directly, and the law enforcement elders wouldn't say anything! "

Yuehua Jianxian, as the head of the true disciple, is far more powerful than others, and disposing of a servant Daotong, no one really cares.

In a blink of an eye, the situation has developed to this point, and the two true disciples confronted each other, struggling!

"Peach, where are you?"

At this moment, a call came from afar, the sound was soft and beautiful, and there was a trace of anxiety and worry.

Everyone followed the reputation.

I saw a woman in plain clothes coming from the sky in the distance.

Many monks just looked at it from afar, and they felt their eyes lit up, their eyes could not be moved, and their hearts were amazing.

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