Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2482: All misunderstood

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The woman's eyes are very plain, but the clothes are light, but it seems like the world is Zhongling, all things are beautiful, and there is an elegant and noble charm in her body.

The breeze blew, and the women's jacket fluttered, revealing a slender and graceful posture, which was heart-wrenching.

There are many female students in the academy, but compared with this plain-clothed woman, she immediately fell off.

Even Yan Bingying, who claims to be the first beauty of the inner door, has become overshadowed in front of this woman.

"There are such women in the fairy land of Shenxiao?"

"I'm afraid only Sister Mo Qing, who is really here, can be compared to it."

Many disciples of the academy felt emotional when they saw this undressed woman.

One person sighed: "It is said that the four fairies are the best in the world, and they are immortal and beautiful, but we haven't seen the other three other than Sister Mo Qing."

"But I think that the three fairies must be at least as good as this Taoist friend before they are well-deserved."

While everyone was feeling emotional, the woman seemed to find the crowd here and walked towards this place.

Although there were many disciples in the academy, there were not many people who could recognize the identity of this woman. Yuehua Jianxian was one of them.

"Book Fairy Bamboo?"

Yuehua Jianxian frowned slightly and murmured, "What is she doing here?"

"Brother Yuehua, what did you just say?"

Xiao centrifuged, the tone did not consciously rise, and quickly asked: "Book Fairy? Book Fairy, one of the four fairies?"

Few people heard what Yuehua Jianxian said, but Xiaoli's voice, everyone in the academy could hear clearly!

The crowd burst in an instant and set off a huge wave!

This plainly dressed woman turned out to be one of the four fairies!

What are the characters of the four fairies?

Many disciples of the academy have never seen one side together with the painting fairy Mo Qing of the door, not to mention the other three fairies.

Unexpectedly, today everyone actually saw another of the four fairies, the book fairy Yunzhu!

Yuehua Jianxian ignored Xiao Li, but instead showed a smile and greeted Yunzhu. He arched and said: "It turns out that Yunzhu Fairy is here. Why didn't you let me know in advance, so I'll meet him personally."

The disciples in the academy who were present who could speak to the book fairy Yunzhu were probably only Yuehua Jianxian.

For example, although Yang Ruoxu and Xiao Li are also true immortals, their fame is too small, and their combat power cannot be ranked among the true immortals.

What's more, the two had never seen the book fairy Yunzhu before, and there was no friendship at all.

Yunzhu didn't talk to Yuehua Jianxian, and seemed a little anxious, and immediately asked: "Yuehua Daoyou, have you seen Taotao?"


Yuehua Jianxian heard the bounce in the corner of his eyes, always feeling something was wrong.

But he didn't respond for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Yunzhu Fairy, don't worry, who do you think this peach looks like?"

Yunzhu said: "He is a Daotong around me, about eight or nine years old, named Tao Yao."

The smile on Yuehua Jianxian's face froze, his head humming, and he became a little confused.

Yunzhu's Daotong, that Taotao, is Taoyao?

Is this...a coincidence?

The crowd in the square gradually became quiet, and countless eyes turned one after another, falling on Su Zimo, the boy with powder makeup and jade.

"Sovereign, I, I am here."

Tao Yao shouted timidly.

Although her voice was weak, Yunzhu heard clearly, and quickly turned to look at it, seeing Taoyao safe and sounded, and then relaxed and smiled.

Yuehua Jianxian looked embarrassed and coughed, saying: "Yunzhu Fairy, I think there might be some misunderstanding..."

After seeing Tao Yao, Yunzhu was overjoyed. He didn't seem to hear what Yuehua Jianxian said. His body moved, and he had come to Tao Yao.

"Who bullied you?"

Yunzhu frowned and asked.

Her gaze landed on Tao Yao’s already broken waist plate, her face sinking, and she said coldly, "Who broke the waist plate I gave you?"

Everyone present could feel the anger in the heart of Shuxian Yunzhu.

Moreover, everyone sees it, this Daotong, who is called Tao Yao, is obviously the person next to Shuxian Yunzhu, and it has nothing to do with Demon Famine!

Many disciples secretly laughed secretly, showing an expression of gloating.

Everyone looked at Yuehua Jianxian's eyes, all showing a trace of pity, waiting to see how he ended.

Hearing Yunzhu's inquiry, Tao Yao narrowed his mouth, blinked his watery eyes, stretched out his hand, pointed to Yuehua Jianxian, and said, "It's him!"

Yunzhu looked across.

"I'm not, I don't..."

Yuehua Jianxian quickly explained: "Yunzhu Fairy, I really don't know, he is a Daotong around you, all a misunderstanding."

Yunzhu took off the token from Tao Yao's waist and injected it into the true yuan. Although the token was broken, the word "bamboo" still appeared faintly on it.

"Misunderstanding? You see clearly, this is my personal waist tag!"

Yunzhu said coldly: "Peach is not the Daotong around me, who is the Daotong?"


Tao Yao looked wronged, gently shaking Yunzhu's arm, and said with tears in his eyes: "Just that man said that I was a barbaric Daotong, and said that I was a devil, and scolded me for being mean..."

"Peach does not cry, be good."

Yunzhu squatted quickly, holding Taoyao's pink and tender cheeks with both hands, comforting softly.

Peach Yao is not causal, bloody, and has a pure breath. Anyone who sees him will unconsciously feel good.

In addition, he is clever and innocent, and now he looks wronged, and instantly arouses the sympathy of many monks.

Yuehua Jianxian's accusation against Tao Yao was originally dismissed by everyone. After Yunzhu appeared, it even confirmed the judgment of everyone.

Seeing Tao Yao's pitiful appearance, we all felt a pity of pity.

Even Elder Chen shook his head slightly, his face unbearable, and he sighed a long way: "Ah, what a good child, being bullied like this, this is aggrieved by Tianda!"

Both Chihong County Lord and Liu Ping stood beside them, their eyes widened, and they looked stunned.

Although the two did not know the true origin of Tao Yao, they also knew that Tao Yao was not Yunzhu's Taoist at all.

But now, in this big and small acting, they both almost believed!

"Blackened, blackened!"

Liu Ping looked at Tao Yao as if he knew him for the first time, whispering in his mouth.

Su Zimo was also dumbfounded.

Seeing Yunzhu appear, he instantly understood Yunzhu's intention, so he was so determined that he didn't speak, and he let Yunzhu handle the matter.

But he did not expect Yunzhu to make such a show with Tao Yao.

Yunzhu is free and easy, and occasionally likes to play around.

Taoyao's such a good boy actually followed suit, and cooperated quite well.

Yunzhu got up and looked at Yuehua Jianxian, his eyes cold, and said: "Yuehua, you talk about it, when did my Daotong become a barbaric person, and when did he join the Demon Realm?"


Yuehua Jianxian was asked on the spot, his expression was slightly embarrassed, and he was sweating in a hurry.

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