Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 921: Peerless Master

Chapter 921: Peerless Master

At this time, the Akasaka Prince was immersed in grief, and did not hear anything.

But Bai Yandao Jun frowned, looking at the person, and Shen Shen asked, "Which brother, Nangong?"

The disciple said: "It is Brother Nangong Ling, two sisters Liu Hanyan and Ruxuan."


This time, the Red Star Tao Jun could hear clearly.

Akagi Daojun turned suddenly, came to this person's body in an instant, grabbed the Zongmen disciple's shoulders, stared at his eyes, and asked loudly: "You mean, Nangong Ling, they are still alive, and have returned?"

"Well, listening to the disciples who were visiting near Zongmen said that Brother Nangong was heading for Zongmen." The monk was startled by the appearance of Akasaka, and said quickly.

The news that Nangong Ling was arrested is still a secret and has not been made public.

Bai Yan Dao Jun and Ai Xing Dao Jun are worried that this matter will cause people's hearts.

The two just told their disciples to pay attention to the news and whereabouts of Nangong Ling.

Therefore, the monk did not know why the two Tao Jun were so excited.

Akashiro Tao wants to do it or not, so he must go to meet him.

Bai Yandao Jun calmed down and grabbed him, reminded: "Wait a minute, be careful!"


The Akasaka Prince stunned for a moment, and soon responded.

The matter is too weird.

Nangong Ling's four Yuanying Zhenjun were captured by the Daoist Master of the Netherfire Palace, how could they suddenly return?

Bai Yandaojun looked calm and turned his head and asked, "Apart from the four of them, are there anyone else to follow?"

"This is not clear, it should not be."

The disciple said: "If there is an outsider, the messenger will definitely mention it."

In his anxiety, Akagi Taojun quickly asked: "The three of them were injured. What is their condition, have they been coerced?"

The Zongmen disciple was sweating and said, "The news just said that the four brothers Nangong were safe and sound, but whether they were being coerced ... the disciples really don't know."


At this moment, the voice of Jiujiaodaojun rang in the mind of Chixingdaodao: "Go and pick them up. This calamity should be resolved."

Although, Jiu Huo Dao Jun also did not know how Su Zimo took the Nangong Ling four people and escaped from the hands of Fa Xiang Dao Jun.

But he speculated that only Su Zimo could create this possibility!

In fact, the prince of fire has already speculated about it.

However, he still did not expect that Su Zimo did not escape from the hands of Faxiang Daojun, but killed the Faxiang Daojun directly!

"Okay, I'll go now."

The Akasaka Prince can't wait, his body flickers, and he gallops away from the gate.


On a brand-new spirit boat, the three of Nangong Ling have woke up.

After more than two hours of rushing, Lingzhou will reach Bailianmen.

"Uncle Xiao, what's going on?"

"Uncle Xiao, what happened, didn't we fall into the hands of the Temple of the Underworld?"

"Uncle, what's that old?"

Along the way, after the three of Nangong Ling woke up, he came to Su Zimo in front of him and asked for a moment, waiting to pry his brain away.

Even a quiet temper like Liu Hanyan couldn't sit still, blushing slightly, pulling Su Zimo's sleeve, and whispering, "Uncle, what happened last night?"

Su Zimo has already transformed into a dark-haired blue shirt, but just sat in front of the spirit boat and smiled bitterly: "I don't know, I wake up, we are already on this spirit boat."

"Uncle Xiao, you lie, I don't believe it!"

Ru Xuan pursed her mouth and looked skeptical.

Liu Hanyan also tilted his head slightly, Mei Mei looked at Su Zimo without blinking, and seemed to want to see something secret.

Can't tell why, Liu Hanyan and Ru Xuan are feelings, this must be related to Su Zimo, not as simple as he said!

I have to say that women's intuition is really accurate.

It also makes no sense.

There was a muttering in Su Zimo's heart, and he almost thought that he had revealed some flaws.

However, he couldn't explain it and couldn't say it.

Could it be said that he used the practice of Yuanying Realm to demonstrate his mighty power and killed the Faxiang Daojun, and then transformed into a half-dragon and half-human form, and killed seven returning Taoists?

This may sound even more magical.

What's more, he has not wanted to reveal his identity.

At this point, Su Zimo could only bite his head and said, "I just cultivate for a higher level, awake earlier than you."

Liu Hanyan and Ru Xuan were still skeptical and refused to believe.

Compared to the two, Nangong Ling looks really much.

Nangong Ling helped Su Zimo to make a siege, and said, "Sister, don't bother you, Master, this incident should be shot by a peerless master, so we can save ourselves from danger."

"Who is that peerless master? Why don't you show up?"

Ruan Xuan swaggered and asked.


Nangong Ling looked awkward and lingering.

How could he know who the peerless master is.

Ru Xuan turned her head, staring at Su Zimo, and said, "Hum, little uncle, you don't want to hide, this matter must have something to do with you!"

"I know!"

Suddenly, Ru Xuan flashed an aura of light in her mind and exclaimed.

A few people were taken aback at the scene.

Ru Xuan came to Su Zimo mysteriously, and said firmly: "Uncle Xiao, don't hide it! The peerless master must have been yours, right?"

Su Zimo: "Uh ..."

After a while, seeing that the two were still entangled in themselves, Su Zimo's heart suddenly changed and looked inscrutable, and said, "Well, now that you have discovered my secret, I will not hide it. "

Su Zimo coughed and said lightly: "Actually, it was I who killed the Faxiang Daojun of the Temple of the Underworld, and by the way returned seven people to the Xudao to kill them, and then rescued you."


Hearing Su Zimo's words, Ru Xuan did not believe it.

Liu Hanyan frowned slightly. When he meditated, it seemed that every sentence that Su Zimo said had to be thought about for a long time.

Bailianmen is ahead.


The sound of a broken garment rang out, and a figure came galloping, and in a blink of an eye, it had already landed on this spiritual boat!


The three of Nangong Ling escaped from the dead. Now when they see the Red Star Daojun, they are naturally full of joy, and they stand up and meet.

But then, the three seemed to think of something, and gradually came back, one by one guilty, and dared not speak.

Aksune-kun was originally worried, but when he saw the three of Nangong Ling leaping around without any injuries, his face sank and he was furious!

"You three little cubs don't bother you, ah!"

After a brief silence, the Akasaka Prince roared loudly, spitting the stars, and sprayed the three faces directly.

Su Zimo looked at the three of Nangong Ling, shrugged, a look of self-respect for blessing, and hurried away, for fear of being affected.

(End of this chapter)

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