Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 922: Which is Junior?

Chapter 922 Which is Junior?

From outside the gate to the gate of Bailian Hall.

The three men of Nangong Ling were sprayed all the way by Akashiro Dojo, and he was reprimanded. They were sprayed so that they had no skin, and their faces were drooling.

Without Nangong Ling's entanglement, Su Zimo looked at the lively side and was happy.

Akashiro Tao naturally asked about the whole thing.

Su Zimo still pretended not to know it. He stunned it and said that he was already awake on a spiritual boat.

The Red Star Daojun and Su Zimo all came to the gate of Bailian Hall, and then stopped the reprimand and took a breath.

"Master, you are tired too. We know something wrong, so drink drool."

Ru Xuan would most please the Red Star Daojun, and he hurried to get together, and did not know where to get a cup of steaming tea and passed it.

Akimichi Jun snorted, took the tea, drank it, and said angrily: "Wait for this period of time, see how I can teach you!"

The three Nangong Ling looked at each other, knowing that this pass is over.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, invariably, pulling up their sleeves and wiping saliva from their faces.

"It's okay. One month later is the Qianhe Tea Party. At that time, there will be a chance for you to perform your crimes with merits." Bai Yan said with a smile, playing round the field.

Akashiro Tao thought for a while, turned around, and frowned at Su Zimo, Shen said, "Master, although you are young, you are the three elders of them!"

"These three juniors made trouble, and you followed it. Don't know to stop?"

Su Zimo has just come up with the Heavenly Sword Technique and is ready to continue to enlighten him. However, he did not expect that the Red Star Tao Jun turned his head and began to teach him.

"I've known all day that I can read a broken book there. What kind of name can I see?"

After completing the training of the three men in Nangong Ling, Akashida still apparently still did not lose his breath, and continued, "You, the three of them, have to study hard and be a role model. "


Su Zimo was stunned.

For the first time, he heard that someone called the Tiansha Jianjue a "miscellaneous book".

Su Zimo knew that Chi Xing Dao Jun cared about Nangong Ling and turned his head to teach him.

Su Zimo didn't take it seriously, he smiled arrogantly and didn't justify it.

But the three of Nangong Ling next to him couldn't listen anymore.

Liu Hanyan quickly stepped forward and said, "Master, this is not to blame Uncle, I want to go to a rally. Brother Nangong and Sister Ruxuan accompanied me. Uncle He tried his best to stop, but I was too stubborn……"

"Don't blame Shimei."

Nangong Ling also said: "After one month, Shimei will participate in the battle for refiners. She is too stressed, so she wants to go out and relax."

"Moreover, the uncle did try his best to stop us. I was always making trouble. The uncle was worried that we were in danger, so he followed."

After experiencing the situation in Fengyun City, Nangong Ling watched Su Peng slay Cheng Peng, who had lost 15th vision list.

He also disappeared the third sword in the Vision List, suppressing it so that he could not even pull it out. His impression of Su Zimo was greatly changed!

At this time, he also stood up and helped Su Zimo speak.

Akashichi Jun frowned slightly.

His disciples have always respected the teacher and have never disobeyed him.

These disciples never replied even when they were reprimanded so harshly.

Unexpectedly, he just said this Mo Ling lightly, these disciples could not stand it.

Akashiro Dadao took a deep look at Su Zimo, and secretly exclaimed: "It seems that I am a master."

He knew the three disciples around him best.

All of them are proud and proud, and suddenly there is an uncle who is younger than them and has a similar realm. They must not be convinced!

Unexpectedly, only two months later, his three disciples even started to speak to this uncle.

Ru Xuan also jumped out, even more directly, and said angrily: "Master, you are not allowed to say little uncle! Do you know that in Fengyun City, the three of us would have been bullied for a long time. died!"

Speaking of this, Ru Xuan's eyes were reddish, and she almost cried.

Chixing Daojun has been to Fengyun City, but he only knows about it, but I don't know the details.

Before waiting for him to inquire, Ru Xuan was already crying and described several battles in Fengyun City.

Successively defeated the two great Tianjiao on the Vision list, slaying two hidden assassins, and breaking through a dozen swordsmen monks to join forces. This record is shocking enough.

Coupled with Ru Xuan's rendering, his voice is full of emotions. Even the red star road prince and the white flame road prince are listening to the excitement and passion.

Chixing Daojun's brow gradually stretched out, looking at Su Zimo's eyes, also softened a lot.

Liu Hanyan took a black stone out of the storage bag and passed it, saying, "Master, this is the stone."

Akashiro Taojun took over.

As soon as the consciousness of the state of law was swept away, it was found out.

"Sure enough it is lava spar."

Akashiro Dao and Bai Yan Daojun looked at each other and nodded.

Ruxuan added: "Although I don't know Master, why are you suddenly anxious to collect these top spiritual materials, but if there was no little master, this stone would have been snatched."

"Well, Mo Ling did a good job."

Akimichi Daojun holds his own identity, and it is impossible to apologize to Su Zimo, so he haha ​​said, "Cough, it is indeed my master brother, really giving Zongmen a long face!"

Nangong Ling finally smiled.

Who knew what Chixing Daojun thought of, suddenly turned his head and stared at the three Ru Xuan, counting off: "Uncle is the uncle, what little uncle! How old is it?"

"Look at the three of you, there are no rules! Change it in the future and hear nothing!"

"Got it."

The three of Nangong Ling did not dare to speak back, and promised weakly.

With the lava spar in his arms, Akashiro Damon turned and walked into the main hall, intending to hand this stone over to Jiudao Daojun.

Deep in the hall, in a fairy spirited spirit pond, sits a red light flashing god.

As soon as Chixing Daojun placed the lava spar next to him, he heard Jiuhuo Daojun faintly say, "Just now, you are quite prestigious."


The Akimichi Dao heard the voice of Jiu Dao Dao not very right, he laughed and said, "Master, you joked, I am a lesson for the tiger."

"Which is Junior?"

Jihuo Daojun asked again.

"All, all."

Chixing Daojun had some hair in his heart, his eyes fluttered, and he lost his confidence.

The **** of blazes, slowly walked out of the pond, and said coldly, "Mo Ling, my disciple! I respect you as a master of Heavenly Heart! Do you dare to call him a master?"


Akashuni Jun was startled.

In this way, he had to respectfully call Uncle Mo Ling!

"How dare you have the courage to dare to teach you Master Mo Ling, this is to rebellious offenders, to deceive the teacher to destroy the ancestors!" Jihuo Daojun snapped again.

Akashichi Jun thundered, kneeling on the ground, scared to cry without tears.

This is good. I came in and sent a stone. I didn't get a compliment. I was scolded and covered with a scold, and there was an extra uncle ...

Thanks for the big stone, how far will it always be, summer fruit, T8Y, speechless, after dusk, go away and give a reward ~

(End of this chapter)

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