Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 924: Xianmen Road Fire

Chapter 924: Immortal Dao Fire

Temple of the Underworld.

A cold, gloomy face was reflected in the gloomy and cold hall under the flickering candlelight.

After a while, a monk from the Temple of the Underworld quickly walked into the hall, kneeling on one knee, and holding his fists: "Master Qi Qi, Yu Bo and the seven returning brothers have all been found, they ..."

"It's all dead."

The host of the Temple of the Underworld said quietly, it seemed no accident.

Today, it is already noon. At this time, Yu Bo and others have not returned, which means that the interception has failed!

But he was puzzled.

According to the news from Bai Lianmen's eyeliner, the four of Nangong Ling went to Fengyun City, and there was no follower of the power of law.

How did Yu Bo fail this time?

In the mind of the Lord of the Underworld Hall, a name emerged, Mo Ling.

He frowned.

This is impossible!

According to reliable information, Mo Ling is only Yuanying Realm and cannot threaten everyone in Yu Bo!

"The corpse is up."

The master of the Temple of the Underworld calmed his mind and said something.

Several monks in the Temple of the Underworld carried eight corpses, walked into the hall, and carefully laid on the ground before slowly retreating.

The Lord of the Underworld Hall stepped down the high platform and came to the side of the eight corpses with his eyes fixed.

"Shou Yuan is exhausted?"

The Lord of the Underworld Hall frowned.

What happened that actually caused Yu Bo's birthday to be exhausted and died?

This method of death is too weird!

It is impossible for Yu Bo to release any means to actively exhaust his life.

The head of the Temple of the Netherfire looked away and looked at the other seven corpses, and the pupils contracted slightly.

The wounds on the seven bodies were simple!

Either the eyebrow is pierced or the head is smashed, and there is no extra wound on the body!

Die cleanly!


The master of the Temple of the Underworld sniffed, his expression changed slightly, and he seemed to find something.

"Master, what's wrong?"

The monk standing in front is the first refining genius of the Temple of the Underworld, and also the chill that is going to engage in a refining battle with the Bailianmen!

"There is a lingering scent."

The host of the Temple of the Underworld groaned and said, "Good overbearing demon!"

Ming Han frowned and asked, "Did Yu Bo and others have been accidentally attacked by high-level demons?"


But soon, the owner of the Temple of the Underworld shook his head and said, "No! If the high-level demon is attacked, the four juniors will not be able to survive, why are their bodies gone?"

At this moment, a disciple of the Temple of the Nine Fires came galloping outside, kneeling to the ground, and reverently said, "The Lord of Kailuan, the message from Bailianmen's eyeliner, four people from Nangong Ling have returned unharmed. Make doors! "

The host of the Temple of the Netherfire sank, and two ghostly flames ignited in his eyes.

The disciple of the Temple of the Underworld had his head bowed, his body trembling, and he was afraid to speak.

After a long time, the flame in the eyes of the main hall of the Temple of Netherfire gradually converged and waved, "You go down!"

The disciples of the Temple of the Underworld were pardoned and quickly retreated.

"Master, you don't have to worry."

Ming Han proudly said, "Another month will be the Qianhe Tea Party. At that time, the disciples will definitely defeat Liu Hanyan and correct my name for the Temple of Underworld!"


The host of the Temple of the Underworld nodded and said, "As long as you win the battle for the refiner, there will be a super gate for you!"

"At that time, many forces will contribute to the flames. In the eyes of everyone, Bai Lianmen's reputation has fallen, and it will definitely be removed from the four big gates!"

"Master, rest assured."

Ming Han said confidently: "She won't win!"

The host of the Temple of the Underworld fire smiled faintly, squinting his eyes, and whispered, "Bai Lianmen, I'd like to see, in this round, what do you win!"


Having had this experience, the three of Nangong Ling were completely quiet.

One more month is the Qianhe Tea Party.

At the urging of the Akasaka Dori, the three retreat.

Su Zimo is also innocent. In addition to daily enlightenment on the Heavenly Sword Technique, he tries to condense the fire of Xianmen Tao and practice the fire spells imparted to him by Jiujiaodao.

Today, he has cultivated a Buddhist fire.

Although the Buddha's Taoist fire condensed in the "Red Flame Heart Sutra" is already very good, it will still be defeated against the top spells.

If there can still be a fire.

Even if there are two kinds of Samadhi Dao, the power is greatly increased!

Now, when he returns to the realm of cultivation, the methods of the demon clan are not easily revealed.

Therefore, mastering some fire spells as much as possible is also very important for improving his combat power!

For a month, he suddenly passed away.

On this day, Su Zimo was sitting cross-legged in his cave house, his eyes closed, and a cluster of golden flames floating around him, slowly rotating around him.

His hands, naturally resting on his knees, palm to the sky, constantly condensing the tactics.



Fail again.

Condensed again!

I don't know how many failures I have experienced.


Accompanied by a finger.

A cluster of crimson flames appeared on Su Zimo's fingertips.

At first it was suddenly bright and dark, it seemed that a gust of wind would blow out!

Soon, the small flames stabilized.

"Xianmen Road fire, it's done!"

Looking at the red flames, Su Zimo rejoiced, smiled slightly, and flicked his fingertips.

The cluster of crimson flames floated, came to him, and followed the golden flames, spinning around his body.

This style can also be regarded as a fire spell, called the red flame spinning lamp.

Surrounded by these two groups of flames, they can be attacked and defended. Any enemy who wants to try to approach will be burned by the flames!

"Little Uncle, Little Uncle, open the door!"

Just then, there was a sound of knock on the door.

Su Zimo's thoughts moved, and the two flames had dissipated in the void. Then, the gate of Dongfu seemed to be pulled by a pair of invisible hands and slowly opened.

Ru Xuan jumped in and ran in.

Followed closely by Nangong Ling and Liu Hanyan.

Seen in a month, the three have not changed much.

However, Liu Hanyan looked more calm and seemed to be ready.

"Little uncle, go, as long as you can stay in Dongfu honestly, the monks outside can't wait."

Ru Xuan said: "The Qianhe Tea Party will be held soon, and our Bailianmen will start today!"

Hearing here, there was a ripple in Su Zimo's heart.

Finally waited for this day.

After a hundred years, I can finally see those old people again.

At this Qianhe Tea Party, no accident, he could at least see Ji Chengtian and Leng Ruo.

The three of them have worshiped Laofeng together and experienced too many things.

There are also Xiao Ning and Ye Ling.

I don't know how they are now after a century.

Of course, there is one more person!

In Su Zimo's eyes, a glimmer of cold light appeared, and then quickly disappeared.


At the Qianhe Tea Party, Yuanzhou in Zhongzhou gathered together in heaven, Su Zimo believed that the Emperor will never miss this grand event!

If he bumps into the Emperor at the Qianhe Tea Party, he will definitely find a shot and kill him on the spot!

Of course, a hundred years have passed.

He grew up fast and his combat power increased rapidly.

The emperor will never stand still!

Su Zimo was looking forward faintly, saying silently: "Emperor, I believe you will not let me down!"

Thanks for the black dress, it was skinny when I was young, how far will it always be, drunk and romantic, interpretation of the reward ~ the climax is about to come, and Canada is about to start, we will meet the New Year's Day ^ _ ^

(End of this chapter)

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