Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 925: Qianhemen

Chapter 925 Thousand Crane Gate


The monks of Zongmen who attended the Qianhe Tea Party have gathered in front of the Bailian Hall. There are about a thousand people, almost all of them Yuanyuan Zhenjun.

Su Zimo was among them.

This is the essence of the super gate!

Bailianmen is just a smelter gate, there are more than a thousand Yuanying Zhenjun casually.

And that's not all!

It is conceivable that the legendary Nine Schools and the Seven Sects of the Demon Gate, which are anciently inherited and used battle to cultivate the super sects, will have what kind of strength.

You know, Zhen Feng's Yuan Ying Zhenjun, all counted, but there are more than a hundred people.

Su Zimo looked around and looked at the three of Nangong Ling next to him, and whispered, "This time, it seems that only one returning to Taoism took us to Qianhemen?"

Following Su Zimo's gaze, I saw a returning Taoist standing in front of Bai Yandao Jun and Chi Xingdao Jun, bowing slightly, and performing discipleship.

He listened to the instructions of the two Daojun, nodded from time to time, and looked respectfully.

Ru Xuan heard the words and quickly volunteered to explain to Su Zimo.

The Qianhe Tea Party is a grand gathering for cultivation in Qianhemen. Once every millennium, opportunities are rare.

As the name suggests, the theme of Qianhe Tea Party is drinking tea.

This tea is not the ordinary tea in the red world, but the tea of ​​Tongxuan. Yuan Ying Zhenjun drank it, which is of great benefit to Yuan Shen.

Therefore, the vast majority who came to the Qianhe Tea Party were Yuanying Zhenjun.

Of course, each of the major gate forces may send one or two returnees under the gate to accompany them to the tea party.

But anyway, the arrogance of Yuanyingjing is definitely the protagonist of this tea party!

Ruxuan said: "So, it's useless to go to so many returning virtual Taoists. I heard that every tea party is held by the Emperor Qianhemen himself. The strongest in the state of law can make no mistakes."

Su Zimo nodded, he understood it.

Ru Xuan pointed to the returning Taoist not far away and said, "That Yuding Taoist, the chief disciple of the suzerain, returned to the virtual world successfully, and his skill level and combat ability were very good."

Nangong Ling also said: "Brother Yu Ding is calm and calm, he seems to be led by him this time."

As it is being said, Bai Yan and Chi Xing, the two princes, seem to have finished admonishing.

The Yuding Taoist turned around and walked towards Su Zimo.

The Yuding Taoist is more than three thousand years old, is at its peak, and has a calm temperament. When he came to Su Zimo, he bowed a little and said, "I have seen the uncle."

"I'm young and my brother doesn't have to be polite."

Su Zimo lifted the Yuding Taoist gently and smiled.

Although the Yuding Taoist was unsmiling, he was courteous and said, "In nominal terms, I will lead the team at any time during this trip, but the master and the master of the teaching have only told me that if something really happens, let the master and ancestors decide. "

"I'm not from Zhongzhou and I haven't been to Qianhemen. I don't know many things. My brother can lead the team."

This is not Su Zimo's politeness, but that he really doesn't know anything about Qianhe Tea Party.

Hearing Su Zimo's words, the Yuding Taoists did not look down on the slightest, and bowed again to salute before turning around and coming to the group for self-cultivation.

Yu Ding Taoists pressed their hands in a virtual press, and did not say a word. Many noisy Zhenjun who was noisy below quickly calmed down.

"This trip to Qianhemen, I hope you all take care of each other, observe the rules, do not lose Zongmen face."

"In addition, we have a battle with the fire hall for the refiner. At that time, everyone in the door will cheer for Liu Shimei!"


The crowd answered suddenly.

"set off!"

With a wave of his hand, Yu Dingdao sacrifice a huge spirit boat out of the storage bag, suspended in front of the main hall door, and jumped up first.

Many Yuanying Zhenjun followed suit.

Four Su Zimo also followed.

The spirit boat broke through, and soon disappeared above Bailianmen, turning into a black spot, and gradually disappearing.

Bai Yandao Jun and Chi Xingdao Jun stand with their hands on their shoulders, looking at the lingering boat, and both of them are deeply worried.

"I always feel that something is going to happen at this Qianhe Tea Party. I hope she can win this game with smoke."

"Well, I've been a little bit upset recently."

Bai Yandao Jun shook his head slightly.

"This tea party has attracted a lot of attention. If Hanhan loses, it is inevitable that our reputation will be greatly reduced."

Bai Yandao Jun said anxiously: "I'm just worried that if we lose the battle for the refiner, some people will contribute to the flames. At this tea party, we will be removed from the four big gates!"

"By that time, even if the ancestor of the fire master forges a bone and casts himself, he will be out of the mountain again."

At this moment, the voice of Jihuo Daojun came from the hall, calm and steady.

"You two come in."

The two Daojun entered the hall quickly.

"There are a few letters here. You must have them in your hands. You must be correct."

The red star Daojun received these letters, glanced at them, and they were shocked when they saw the several Taos above!

"You go."

Jihuo Daojun said faintly: "It's time to tell some old friends, I'm extremely hot, I'm back!"


Starting early in the morning, almost half a day.

The Bailianmen crowd drove the spirit boat and entered the area of ​​Qianhemen.

Before actually arriving at Qianhe Gate, you can see a fairy crane hovering in midair, whispering softly, and warmly welcome guests from afar.

Seeing these cranes, Su Zimo couldn't help but think of the old cranes and Qingqing of Jiufeng.

Liu Hanyan noticed this scene and smiled slightly, "Master and ancestors, these fairy cranes are not really real monsters."


Su Zi's face was surprised.

I saw Liu Hanyan beckoning gently, a fairy crane beeped softly, and landed slowly beside her, stretched out her long beak, and gently rubbed Liu Hanyan's arm, she was very smart.

Liu Hanyan patted him gently on the head of this crane.

This fairy crane disappeared and disappeared into a rune, slowly falling down.

Later, Liu Hanyan threw the rune into the sky, and the rune changed, re-transformed into a fairy crane, and flew away.

This change of runes is really amazing.

Su Zimo couldn't help but sigh, "It is indeed Qianhemen."

Galloping for a while, everyone can already see the gate of Qianhemen.

"Who is ahead, please show the Zongmen token."

The two disciples of Qianhemen stood up and worshipped slightly, stopping the spirit boat of Bailianmen.

These matters were naturally negotiated by Yuding Taoists.

Between Bailianmen and Qianhemen, which belong to the four side gates, are all very familiar with this kind of thing.

Su Zimo noticed that the two disciples of Qianhemen, who were welcoming the guests, were all women.

Ru Xuan said with a smile: "Master and ancestors, most of the monks in Qianhemen are beautiful, you have to grasp it."

"I heard that the tender fairy of Qianhemen is a peerless beauty, as cold as frost, with no earthly air on her body, just like a fairy falling in the moon palace."

Nangong Ling said: "I don't know if you will be blessed to come here, you can see Fang Rong."

Although Liu Hanyan has a calm temperament and has no dispute with the world, he can't avoid the vulgarity when he hears these words, he snorted lightly.

Nangong Ling was shocked.

Su Zimo thought he was going to meet his deceased, and he was in a good mood. He reached out and patted his shoulder, and said half-jokingly, "Please ask for more happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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