Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 949: Crack down

Chapter 949: Suppression

"It's arrogant, I've seen you upset!"

A Tianjia came from Zhongzhou, Taohua Peak came out, striding towards Su Zimo with a big meteor, shouting: "In Liangtian Jun, come to the meeting ..."

Before this person had finished speaking, he felt a blue figure in front of him.


Before he responded, his chest suffered a huge shock, and the whole man flew out and spit blood!

The man was lying on the ground, motionless.

Although Yuanshen was not stingy, the bones in his chest had been broken by Su Zimo's punch, and the pain was unbearable. He passed out on the spot!

The Taohua Peak's Yuan Yingjing Tianjiao just showed his face, and after half a sentence, he was completely annihilated in the crowd.

"I heard that you are also a sword repairer, and there is no Wushuang sword Zong Yanxuan, I would like to ask!"

In the crowd, a sword repairman rushed out, and before long, he pulled out a long sword.

Jian Guang!

This long sword stabbed to the front, and suddenly split into two handles. The sword was sharp and sharp, piercing Su Zimo's eyes!

Wushuang Jianzong is also one of Zhongzhou's doorsteps.

Swordplay is known for its treacherousness.

This hand kendo is unparalleled, and it is one of the secret ways of Zongmen. If it is unguarded, it will easily be hurt by it!

Su Zimo's eyes narrowed slightly.

This sword is broken, it is nothing more than an illusion.

Although it looks like two long swords, in fact, only one is true!

Su Zimo's eyesight is horrible when he cultivates the Secret of the Desolation King all the year round.

Even if you don't run the Eye of the Candle Dragon, you can see the flaws in this sword technique!

Su Zimo did not retreat, directly extended his fingers, and gently flicked towards one of the long swords that came from the thorn!


Fingertips, sword tips collide!

The sound of Jin Ge fighting!

The sword really appeared, and the sword trembled and shouted!

Yan Yan was dismayed.

Don't look at Su Zimo just flicking his fingers lightly, but the horrible power that erupts at this moment can only be felt by Yan Yan!

The tiger's mouth was torn and blood flowed like a note.

Yan Yan could not hold the sword and flew away.

As soon as he wanted to pull back, Su Zimo had already seized it in one step, stuck in front of him, and leaned gently!

Yan Yan felt like a towering mountain, hitting himself severely.

His body was cracked, he fluttered, and fell to the ground again, passing out.

Two moves, losing two Tianjiao in a row!


Five more figures came out, occupying five different orientations, stepping mysteriously under his feet and spinning around Su Zimo.

These five are Tianjiao of Wuxingjiao!

When he first arrived at Qianhemen, Su Zimo had clashes with disciples of the Five Elements.

Today, the Five Elements Sect heard that Su Zimo wanted to suppress Tianjiao on his own, and they directly sacrificed the Five Elements and surrounded them!

"Arrogant, I'd like to see how long you can sustain in these five elements!"

A Five Elements teacher Tianjiao said coldly.

The Five Elements Array is running. In this large array, everything related to the Five Elements, whether it be weapons or spells, will be weakened infinitely.

Moreover, as the big battle changes, the magic power of the five will also increase greatly!

"What are the five elements? Break me!"

Su Zimo sneered and suddenly lifted his feet!


A violent vibration broke out across the ground!

The five arrogant people were shocked, their bodies were shocked, they almost fell down, and the operation of the formation method also appeared a stagnation.

This ephemeral flaw is difficult for others to catch.

But who is Su Zimo?

Eternal evil!

In his eyes, this flaw is victory or defeat, life or death!

A Five Elements Teacher Tianjiao just stabilized his body and wanted to continue to run, but Su Zimo has rushed forward, roaring loudly!

This person only felt a bang in his head, and if he was struck by lightning, the whole person was stunned.

This is still Su Zimo.

Otherwise, under this distance, if Su Zimo uses Thunder Sound to kill, the person's Yuanshen will be shocked by the explosion of Thunder Sound killing!

Su Zimo's palm was gently pressed on this person's chest.


The man's chest collapsed deeply, his mouth spit blood, and he fainted on the spot.

When one person was hit hard, the Five Elements Array would no longer be able to function.

Su Zimo's body flickered, and he rushed to the five elementary monks, hit three fists and two feet, and left four Tianjiao flying!

Come home Tianjiao, in his hands, as cowardly as a baby!

"This man is extremely strong and horrible in melee. Don't fight with him!"

There was Yuan Yingjing Tianjiao loudly reminded.

Immediately after, more than a dozen Tianjiao stood up, but did not get close to Su Zimo, but just stood in the distance, condensed spells, and manipulated magical instruments!


Every weapon came out of the air.

Many Tianjiao no longer keep their hands and directly use their hole cards!


Numerous spells came down, covering the sky and terrifying sound!

Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, and his hands changed continuously. He squeezed out a mysterious handprint, opened his mouth slightly, and sipped softly, "Oh!"

Suddenly, the Brahma came and the world was silent!

Su Zimo's eyebrows are lowered, his treasures are solemn, and the whole body emits a sacred and immaculate Buddha light, shining on all beings!

Seal of Daming, in conjunction with the outbreak of Daming Mantra!

The power of this French seal has reached its limits!

Moreover, this is the only defensive seal among the six Daming seals.

Many spells came down, and they just collided with the light of the Buddha, and then quietly collapsed, without any ripple at all.

Many instruments also stopped in the air, trembling slightly, and could not pierce!

Su Zimo didn't move, he squeezed a seal of French law, and eliminated a dozen Tianjiao's shots!


The monks at the three major temples of Buddha's Gate saw this scene with a change of look, and their eyes showed an incredible color.

Many of them have already recognized the origin of this seal of law.

Normally, the Ming Dynasty Classic has been lost.

I heard that the monk who recently revealed this seal of law is still two people who appeared one hundred years ago, one was the top of the vision chart a hundred years ago, the other was the fifth chart of the vision chart a hundred years ago, and later worshiped at the temple Little Sami.

But now, this top practice of Buddha's door has appeared on another monk!

Lan Yuedao Jun narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Zimo intently, his consciousness passed by him.


Finally, Lanyue Daojun found the anomaly!

"Master, what's wrong?"

Lanyue Daojun shook his head, didn't speak, just frowned.

At this moment, the cold in the Temple of the Underworld seemed to think of something, and suddenly rushed up madly, with a stern look and shouting, "I know, I know!"

"You only have the thirty-six flying swords. They are not congenital magic weapons at all! They are ..."

Su Zimo's gaze was horrified, and he was pinching his tactics. A golden flame had condensed in his fingertips and floated towards the cold.

Buddha's Road Fire!

Before the end of the cold words, I saw a golden flame fluttering, scaring the soul and flying away, quickly condensing a spear of dark fire, stabbing towards the golden flame!


The spear of dark fire is small in the golden flame, without resistance, it extinguishes instantly and becomes nothing!

Before Zi Han responded, Su Zimo rushed forward, grabbed his throat, put it in his ear, and quietly said, "You know too much!"


Su Han's throat was crushed by Su Zimo!

Although his primordial spirit is still alive, the throat of this body is cracked, which is almost equivalent to being a waste!

Today's four more haha ​​__ ^ Thank you for your rewards, such as drunk, Xiaoxiao, male tears, Maosong, cushioning, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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