Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 950: Deadly Siege!

Chapter 950: Deadly Siege!

The words of Ming Han did not cause much suspicion.

Qun Xiu only started when he suffered a series of blows, couldn't bear it, broke his mind, and started talking nonsense.

More than a dozen Yuan Yingjing Tianjiao have not retreated, each controlling their instruments, concentrating their decisions, and preparing to launch another offensive against Su Zimo!


More than a dozen Yuan Yingjing Tianjiao got together to prepare for the robbery!


Su Zimo was determined by hand, vomiting Sanskrit!


In the sky, golden light pervaded.

A huge golden palm opened the sky, covered the sky, and came down!

The palm prints on this golden palm are all clearly visible, exuding magnificent light, and suppressing towards the tens of Yuanying Tianjiao in the air, the momentum is magnificent!


Many Yuan Yingjing Tianjiao shot in succession, their instruments turned and stabbed towards the golden palm.


Many instruments are stabbed on the palm, and Mars is radiant, it is impossible to shake this sacred and majestic palm!

Numerous spells hit it without causing any ripples.

The Immortal Seal of the Imperial Seal of Daming!

The Seal of the Ming Dynasty, after Su Zimo stepped into the Yuan Ying Realm, was urged by the Yuanshen, and cooperated with the Daming Curse and Ming Dynasty Rosary, he has exerted his power to the limit!


The golden palms continue to crack down!

"Quick flash!"

Many monks saw that the situation was not good, and wanted to break free from the scope of the golden palm, but the five fingers of the golden palm had begun to bend and collapse, as if forming a prison cage!

Immortal seal, even the real immortal can be trapped!

No matter how many monks escape, it is difficult to escape the prison cage formed by five golden fingers!

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable.

One step forward will make you escape.

But no matter how many people run away, it is difficult to break free!

I can only watch the five fingers continually gather together, bringing together dozens of Yuanying Realm Tianjiao, and continue to work hard!

Dozens of Tianjiao were crowded together, caught by a huge golden palm, and kept gathering!

Looking at this scene, Qun Xiu was shocked!


Finally, a Tianjiao could not bear it, his expression was terrified, and a hysterical scream broke out.

puff! puff! puff!

Under this huge pressure, a lot of blood mist burst out on the monks, and the bones inside were crushed!

Figures fell to the ground. Although they did not fall, this physical body was severely damaged, and I am afraid it will be difficult to recover in the future.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of Yuanying Realms were defeated!

The audience was shocked!

Originally, some Yuanyuan Zhenjun, who was still agitated, stopped his figure, his eyes were hesitant, hesitant, and he dared not come forward.



Kill decisively!

Looking at the cyan figure in the center of the battlefield, only those thoughts remained in the minds of many monks.

Yuan Ying Zhenjun, who had just gone up, was extremely miserable.

Broken leg with broken arm is already a minor injury.

The flesh of some monks is completely dead!

Such a powerful method would have shocked the original Yuan Ying Zhenjun who had wanted to go down the rocks and take advantage of the situation, and did not dare to act lightly!

"Isn't this person a sword repairer, how do you know the Buddhist magic?"

"This spell doesn't seem to belong to the Six Temples of Buddha Gate. Why is it so scary!"

"Is this man really going to push all Tianjiao by himself?"

The initial arrogance of the group repair has been completely suppressed by Su Zimo's thunder means!

Ye Tiancheng sat on the throne, looking indifferent.


Pang Lan Zhenjun smiled indifferently and didn't care.

These methods that Su Zimo has shown today are indeed very powerful and amazing, but they have not threatened him.

And they all know one thing.

The dozens of Yuan Ying who were defeated by Su Zimo were so proud that in their eyes, there was nothing at all, and they could suppress it casually!

Because the true Tianjiao has pride in his heart.

Under these eyes, the true Tianjiao simply disdains to join hands with others!

What's more, he and Ye Tiancheng are so famous.

Working with others, even if he wins Su Zimo, it is invincible.

They can't afford to lose this person!

At this time, Qun Xiu was deterred by Su Zimo's severe measures, and he dared not come forward.

Sword sneered without a trace, and finally stood out!

Seeing this scene, Pang Lan Zhenjun smiled and said, "Want to challenge us? The test has just begun."

"Sword is missing, don't go!"

Hang Qiuyu frowned, and the voice reminded.


The sword snored without a trace and asked, "Why, my brother wants to take back the sword of Jinghong for me?"

"This matter is not urgent."

Hang Qiuyu Shen Shen said: "The origin of this man ..."

"Ha ha."

Hang Qiuyu didn't finish his words, but was interrupted by Jian Wujing sneer. "Brother, I think you want to stand by and watch my joke!"

"I lost the sword, and I will take it back with my own hands, no need to control you!"

The sword said coldly without a trace, holding a long sword in his hand, and headed towards Su Zimo without looking back.

"You are ready to take the shot, kill this person at all costs!" Ye Tiancheng said with no expression, secretly speaking.

The eight maids standing beside him nodded.

"The third sword in the vision list is missing. This is a shame before it comes."

"The last time there was no sword in your hand and no sword showed no real strength. This time, you can see the two men's competition!"

In Qun Xiu's argument, the sword walked towards Su Zimo step by step without a trace, holding the sword at will in his hands, the tip of the sword across the ground, and Mars flashing.

Swordless looks lazy, with flaws all over and around, but no one dares to despise.

Because, no one knows when the sword goes without a sword!

When he sends out his sword, it must be Shiba shocking!

The distance between the two kept getting closer.

Quiet and move.

The air seemed to freeze, it was suffocating!


An astonishing sword light emerged, piercing Su Zimo's throat straight away!

Like lightning that cuts through the night sky!

too fast!

In the minds of everyone, only this thought remained.

Many subconscious thoughts of Tianjiao, if they are exchanging, they will not be able to respond to this sword!

Even Lanyue Daojun had his eyes brightened.

It is indeed the third in the vision list!

With this one sword, Yuan Ying Zhenjun who is present can resist, I am afraid that there are no more than ten, maybe less!

At the same time, eight shadows moved around Ye Tiancheng.

Ye Yi played the flute.

The resentful whistle sounded, sorrowful, and unsettling.

Ye Sizai flowers!

Petals are falling, killing me!

Ye Wu Shao Fan.

Howling winds, flying sand and stones!

Ye Er, Ye San, Ye Liu, Ye Ba and Ye Jiuwu flickered in stature, each offering a magic weapon, short sword, silver needle, machete, rushed up!

The timing of the eight maids was perfect!

All the retreats of Su Zimo are completely sealed off!

No refunds!

At this point, Swordless had just shot. In the face of this sword, everyone had to wait and see. As for the abyss, there was no other energy at all!

And the eight maids' shots were tantamount to pushing Su Zimo directly into the abyss!

Pang Lan Zhenjun put away a smile.

If he only faced the sword without a trace, he could go on.

But if he faces this siege, even if he is, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to retreat!

(End of this chapter)

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