Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 952: who are you!

Chapter 952: Who are you!

On the battlefield.

Su Zimo won the sword, and backhand sacrificed the tactics of killing the sword.

At this time, Ye Tiancheng's eight maids' attacks have also come down!

The first to arrive was Ye Yi's flute.

The flute sounds sorrowful and sorrowful, which can disturb the mind of the monk, and even have an impact on the Yuanshen!

Unfortunately, Su Zimo's practice of the Great Demon King's Secret, the seven acupoints are powerful and incomparable. Such flute sounds cannot shake his heart at all!

As for the Yuan Shen who wants to influence him, it is even more impossible!

You Ming Wang rosary is there, even this layer of defense, the sound of flute is impenetrable!

Immediately after that, a gale swept through.

If you were to become a weaker monk, you would have been entangled by this wind, or you would be blown into shaky shape and crumbling.

It's a pity that Su Zimo's body is strong and he stands on the ground with his two feet, as if he has taken root, he doesn't move!

The petals of Yesi came with the wind.

Ye Er, Ye San, Ye Liu, Ye Ba, Ye Jiuwu have also come close!

At this time, Su Zimo just grabbed the sword from the sword without a trace, turned suddenly, his wrist turned, and the sword trembled!

Capture the sword, fight back, turn and swing the sword, all in one go!


Su Zimo waved the sword in his hand, and severely chopped towards the void ahead!

The sword was cut off, and the sound of tidal waves appeared!

Then, under the watchful eyes of many monks, there seemed to be a vast ocean on the battlefield.

At the very center of the sea, the waves are turbulent and constantly swirling, condensing a huge vortex, roaring and terrifying!

The entire space, driven by this horror swirl, seems to have been distorted!

With a sword as a sword, Su Zimo burst into a vortex in Dinghai Volume!


"What a strong sword!"

"What kind of swordsmanship is this? It seems that there is less sharp edge of Kendo, but it is more powerful?"

There was an exclamation in the crowd.

Kendo has three levels.

Jianzhao, sword potential, sword meaning.

The sword move is the most obvious, and the sword potential needs to understand some of the momentum in the sword move.

Before Yuan Ying Realm, monks could at most realize the level of potential.

Because, the last layer of swordsmanship requires Yuanshen to urge mana and evolve the artistic conception deep in the moves!

The power of the top sword will not be weaker than the spell.

Moreover, whether it is sword intention or sword intention, after the release, the power of the sword rose greatly, and it could affect the mind of the monk!

Just like now, in the eyes of many monks, it is like seeing a magnificent ocean vortex!

Seeing this scene, Hang Qiuyu stared at his eyes, shaking.

He seemed to think of something, first glanced at the sorrow, then shocked, and finally turned into fear!

"Sword meaning?"

Listening to the voice of the crowd, Hang Qiuyu wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh.


The vortex in Dinghai Volume is mainly defense.

Cut out with one stroke, space is distorted!

This knife, although Su Zimo cut it out with a long sword, but the same artistic conception, amazing power!

Many petals floating on the face were entangled in this vortex, as if they had lost their direction and followed the flow.

Ye Er and Ye San Wu just rushed up, their stature also stagnated, and they were almost taken away from their places!

Ye Jiu's gloomy eyes, under pressure, rushed forward, waving his hand!

In her cuffs, she sent out a dense ball of silver needles, and before she came near, she exuded a stinky smell!

Very toxic!

These methods seem to have known each other, just like the tricks of the monks!

Su Zimo sneered, took a breath, and watched the poisonous needle pierce the face door, suddenly opened his mouth, and burst out a roar!


Thunder sound kills outbreak!


This voice fell to the ears of the eight maids, as if it were a sunny thunderbolt!

The first one to be backfired was Ye Yi playing the flute!

The flute was interrupted instantly.

Ye murmured, his face turned pale in an instant, and a crack appeared on Piccolo, apparently obsolete!

Moreover, Su Zimo's roar burst out with a strong lung force, and a huge air flow spewed out of his mouth!

This poisonous needle was blown off by Su Zimo!

Immediately after that, there were amazing sword lights.

In the void, there seemed to be waves of waves, rippling towards Ye Er, Ye Er, and others.

Dinghai Volume-Ripples!

Still using a long sword to release the meaning of the sword, the sword is light, and quickly wiped the throat of Ye Er and Ye San.

The two were stunned by Lei Yin and had a blank mind in their heads.

When the reaction came, I felt myself constantly rising and spinning in the sky.

They even saw their bodies!

Headless corpse!

Two big skulls were chopped off by Su Zimo!

Ye Ba and Ye Jiu are closest to Su Zimo.

The impact of Lei Yin killing the two people is also the strongest!

Blood had leaked from the nostrils, ears, corners of the mouth, and eyes of the two.

Qiqiao bleeding!

The two fell straight, without touching the ground, and two heads flew up again!

Five people rushed up, leaving Ye Liuyi in a blink of an eye.

Her physical body is the strongest of the five, so she can support the column.


But as soon as she said a word, Su Zimo had already come over, and gave him no chance at all.


This sword cut out the rough sea!

As soon as Ye Liu raised his machete, he was blown away by a sword.

Su Zimo immediately cut off his head.

Eight maids, only three left!

"Don't go away, the three of you!"

Su Zimo came forward with his sword, and across the long sword, ripples emerged, covering all three of them, it was difficult to get away!


The two sides fought only three or four rounds.

Three blood-spiked heads flew high, and soon fell into the dust.

There are many Yuanjun Zhenjun who shot Su Zimo, but these eight maids are the worst!

It seems like karma.

At first, it was one of the maids who began to cut off the head of a Yuanying Zhenjun.

Now, their end has become like this!

"Everyone said that those who repaired swords were ruthless and determined, and when they saw it today, it really deserved its reputation."

"This Mo Ling is too cruel, and I don't know how to be fragrant and precious."

Qun Xiu secretly tongued out.

"who are you?"

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded next to him, as if questioning, but suppressing something, the sound was a little trembling.

I saw Hang Qiuyu staring at Su Zimo intently, his sword-shaking arm trembling slightly, and he asked again: "Who are you!"

He could see that it was not swordsmanship at all, but swordsmanship!

If it was not a descendant of Shenhuang Island, only one person on the continent would understand it!

"This donor, who did you learn from the Great Bible, please tell me!"

The monks returning to the realm of the Prajna Temple, Xuankong Temple, and Wuxiang Temple stood up at the same time, looking awkward and asking loudly.

"Ha ha."

Ye Tiancheng laughed suddenly and said quietly, "With a sword as a sword, you use the sword as a sword, do you think you can really hide it from everyone?"

He is at the top of the vision list and the first true junior in Zhongzhou.

Su Zimo's methods can't hide from him!

At this moment, Lanyue Daojun slowly got up, coercion came, and condensed, "You hide your true appearance! Who is yours?"

Three more finished ~ Let's go to sleep. Thank you for your rewards from the scale dancers, spring, drunk romantic, big stones, etc. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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