Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 953: My name is Su Zimo

Chapter 953: My Name Is Su Zimo

The group repaired.

Everyone at Bailianmen was stunned on the spot, with a wrong look.

The monks such as Ye Tiancheng, Hang Qiuyu, and Buddhism all were aggressive and forced to ask Su Zimo, and now even Lan Yuedao Jun stood up.

In addition, Lan Yuedao Jun's face was not good, and he was obviously angry.

Nangong Ling looked at each other with a confused look.

This is not the original appearance of the little ancestor?

Is the little ancestor hidden?

What was his identity and why did he hide it?

The tenderness and the fat man looked nervous.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are on the center of the battlefield, this blue shirt man!

Su Zimo smiled calmly and calmly.

This scene, he had expected.

To this day, there is no need to hide.

Su Zimo's body sounded a crackling sound, and his muscles squirmed.

In a blink of an eye, it was already a big face change, and turned into a handsome monk, with black hair fluttering, blue shirt fluttering, eyes deep, his body exuding a powerful and thrilling atmosphere!

Hang Qiuyu's mind shook, and he subconsciously took a half step back, his eyes were full of fear, and his breathing became much quicker.

Piaoxuegu Luoxue Fairy's eyes brightened, and she stood up with a tense voice.


Danyangmen Tang Yu whispered, and reached out his hand to cover his mouth, his eyes surprised.


Ru Xuan said with a sigh of excitement, "The uncle and ancestor had grown up like this, so handsome!"

Ye Tiancheng, Pang Lan Zhenjun and others have never seen Su Zimo at all, and naturally have no reaction.

But among the crowd, there was some unusual agitation.

"It's him!"

"He is still alive!"

"Unconsciously, that thing has passed a hundred years."

Lan Yuedao Jun frowned.

It was clear that many monks at the scene recognized the identity of the person, but at the time of the discussion, his voice was suppressed, and the name of the person was not mentioned.

It seems that this name has become some kind of taboo!

Lan Yue Daojun asked again, "Who are you?"

"My name is Su Zimo."

Su Zimo looked around, said calmly, slowly.

In a short time, the garden in Tongxuan became silent, and the needle was heard!

This name seems to have an intangible power that can scare Qun Xiu from speaking, breathing, and acting rashly!

Su Zimo, topped the vision list a hundred years ago, an eternal evil that has never been seen before!

In the two battlefields of ancient times, he suppressed the arrogance of the main gates, and he was invincible in the same order.

Create the golden and golden vision of the ancient times, and leave the inscription of the ancient vision monument!

In the minds of many monks, various legends about this name emerged.

Of course, some of the most terrifying legends are about the arrogance and horror that broke out in Vientiane City during the battle of the vision list a century ago!

According to legend, during the catastrophe, the two big aliens came and slaughtered, the corpses were everywhere in the city, the blood flowed into the river, and the blood was killed in countless days!

Tianjiao on the vision list was mostly killed or injured!

Fortunately, this person guarded the final dignity of the human race, and died in a **** battle, almost exhausting his physical strength, before killing the two major aliens!

Of course, these incidents were later banned from being spread by the various sectarian forces, and many surviving monks kept tabs on this issue.

Over time, many details gradually drowned in the years.

This matter has also become a legend.

In the past 100 years, not many people have believed this matter.

As for some juniors, it was even a joke, never taken seriously.

Not to mention others, Nangong Ling, Ru Xuan and others in Bai Lian Men, in previous chats, were very disdainful of Su Zimo.

However, many of these monks who were present attended the scene and survived!

Hang Qiuyu is.

Falling Snow Fairy too!

And others!

Almost all of the monks who could survive the catastrophe had stepped into the Yuanying Realm and became the arrogant Yuanying Realm.

In the hearts of Tianjiao, this name is invincible or taboo!

This person is the top of the real vision list!

Now that this person has entered the Yuanying Realm, he is the first true king!

Not the first true king of Zhongzhou, but the first true king of Tianhuang!

"Uncle Shi, he ... he turned out to be Su Zimo?"

Ruxuan opened her mouth wide and said incredibly.

"Did that the legend of the year be true?" Nangong Ling also couldn't take it anymore and murmured.

Liu Hanyan looks complicated.

She had long noticed that Su Zimo was abnormal.

But she never thought that the origin of their uncle and ancestor would be so big!

Everything seems to have an explanation.

I am afraid that only Su Zimo has this kind of courage and dares to scold Ye Tiancheng and let it roll down!

Only Su Zimo can play the third sword in the vision list without a trace, even the sword cannot be pulled out!

Only Su Zimo dare to face all the Tianjiao present with his own strength!

"No wonder."

Liu Hanyan looked at Lonely and others not far away.

She also finally understood why Su Zimo had to stand up and help Lengru and others to resist the pressure from Ye Tiancheng and Lanyue Daojun!

Lan Yue Dao Jun squinted his eyes and looked complex.

A hundred years ago, she knew everything about what happened in Vientiane City in her position.

Regardless, one hundred years ago, Su Zimo was kind to Qianhemen.

In other words, those ancestors who survived 100 years ago, those who were arrogant, owe Su Zimo a great kindness!

However, Su Zimo's situation is complicated.

This person has offended many super ancestors, Liuli Palace, Yuanyuan Sect, and Wind Thunder Hall, all want to kill and then quickly!

Moreover, this person has also practiced the demon tribe!

Whether he is a human race or a monster race has not been said yet.

Lan Yue Dao Jun, as the master of Qianhemen, hesitated in his heart.

If you kill, you can't justify it morally.

If you do n’t kill, you will be waiting for several super-sects!

For a moment, Lanyue Daojun also became silent.

This is a weird scene like never before.

A name that shocked the entire Tongxuan courtyard to silence!

"Brother, what are you doing! Go up and kill this person and help me with shame!"

The sword could not bear it without a trace and pushed Hang Qiuyu.

Hang Qiuyu stared at Su Zimo, his face was somber and he said nothing.

Jian Wu traced his teeth and resentfully said: "His sword tactics must not be released a second time in a short time! Brother, please help me kill him!"

"To shut up!"

Hang Qiuyu turned abruptly, and returned his hand and fanned his sword without a big mouth.

The sword disappeared and was choked.

Hang Qiuyu's eyes were cold, and he stared at the sword without a trace, and said coldly, "Go back to me, don't be ashamed here! Who do you know?"

"Brother, are you afraid?"

Jian Wuxiao laughed and said, "Things that happened a hundred years ago are just rumors that are out of bounds. You are actually scared by an exaggerated person! Hahaha!"


Hang Qiuyu said coldly, "That's all true!"

"How do you know that you didn't see it with your own eyes ..."

The sword can't go without a trace.

He suddenly remembered that Hang Qiuyu ranked eighth in the vision list a hundred years ago and once experienced everything in Vientiane City!

(End of this chapter)

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