Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 954: I won't let you touch

Chapter 954 I Will Not Let You Touch

Hang Qiuyu looked at Su Zimo, not far away, with a complex look.

Although it was only a half-handed fight, he knew clearly that the gap between the two was even greater!

At this point, when the word 'Su Zimo' was spoken, he realized that his courage to shoot at this person was gone!

Jian Zong returned to the Dao Tao and narrowed his eyes, the cold light flashed, and asked with some suspicion: "This man is really as powerful as the legend?"


Hang Qiuyu didn't hesitate, his tone was positive.

"Ha ha."

Jianzong returned to Xudao and sneered slightly, saying, "No matter what, this person is also the top of the vision list. There are two people on the top of the vision list, and he has no more three heads and six arms!"

Hang Qiuyu shook his head and said, "From ancient times to the present, there are many visions on the list, but he is different."

"Oh, what could be different? Jianzong returned to Xudao and sneered again.

"What are you doing?"

Hang Qiuyu turned and asked, frowning.

Jianzong returned to Xudao and said in a cold voice: "I heard that this person is a demon tribe. As a demon tribe, my generation naturally stunned it without saying any morality!"

Hang Qiuyu condensed: "I advise you not to make his idea."

In this sentence, Hang Qiuyu was sincerely persuaded.

Without the personal experience of the catastrophe in Vientiane City, others will never appreciate it, the horror of this blue shirt scholar!

"No matter how powerful he is, can he survive the return to the realm and block the sword in my hand?"

Jianzong returned to the Tao and said, "I didn't expect it, as the sword disappeared, you are already afraid! Hang Qiuyu, you are so disappointed!"

"I confess, I'm scared."

Hang Qiuyu didn't conceal it, paused a little, and then the words turned, "But even if I don't have fear in my heart, I won't shoot him!"

"Monk Jianzong can hit anyone, but I can't!"

"Hundred years ago, I owed him a life!"

Jianzong snorted back to Xudao and stopped talking.

Ling Bai in Piaoxuegu stared at Su Zimo, licked her lips, and a little excitement appeared in her eyes, eager to try.

Not every arrogant, when you hear the name, you will be afraid.

Although Ling Bai ranked 20th in the vision list, after entering the Yuanying Realm, he had a great chance and thought that he was not weaker than other Yuanying Realms.

At the Qianhe Tea Party, he was so excited that he wanted to make a big splash!

At this moment, the returning Taoist Luo Xuexian from Piaoxue Valley stood up and smiled at Su Zimo with his fist: "Vientiane City is a farewell. It has been a hundred years. Can Brother Su remember me?"

"Fairy style, how to forget the eyebrows."

Su Zimo also said with a smile.

At the time, in Vientiane City, there were only 13 Yuanying Zhenjun, and only three did not choose to escape, and the Snow Fairy was one of them.

The falling snow fairy also knows that it is not appropriate to tell the old at this moment, just a simple greeting, and then returned.

"Disciple in the Snow Valley!"

Luo Xuexian slowly said: "You can fight for the end, but no one can shoot at Su Zimo!"

"Ah, why?"

Ling Bai was not convinced, and frowned.

Luo Xuexian said lightly: "Keep watching, I will not harm you. Since he is here, at the Qianhe Tea Party, unless the Faxiang Daojun appears, the rest are not afraid!"

When someone heard Su Zimo's name, some people were afraid, some people were afraid, and some people didn't care.

Pang Lan Zhenjun is one of them.

He was at the top of the vision list four hundred years ago.

This time, he just had enough confidence to drink the last cup of superb Tongxuan tea!

In all fairness, relying on some hole cards, he didn't even look at Ye Tiancheng!

He has been retreating for years.

Regarding the shocking battle of a century ago, what Tianjiao catastrophe was never heard, and there was no fear at all in my heart.

"Top of the vision list?"

Pang Lan Zhenjun smiled indifferently, and said, "Who isn't?"

Pang Lan Zhenjun is older and has a more calm mind than other Yuan Yingjings.

He didn't mean to shoot at all.

The situation in front of him is very clear. Su Zimo and Ye Tiancheng will have a battle. He only needs to watch from the wall. Finally, a fisherman can make a profit!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Ye Tiancheng finally moved, slowly got up from the throne, looked at Su Zimo not far away, and grinned, "This time I came to raise a relative, but it was just a bait."

"I thought I could catch those three or two small fishes. I didn't expect to catch a big one!"

Having said that, Ye Tiancheng no longer covers the purpose of this marriage proposal.

Gently turned to look at Lanyue Daojun.

Lan Yuedao Jun's face was a little ugly, but he didn't speak, and he didn't mean to apologize to him.

As the master of a case, she is also a gentle gentleman. In the eyes of everyone, she knows that she is wrong, and she will never bow her head!

"You are also bait in my eyes."

Su Zimo said faintly: "Today's emperor did not come, count him as a hideaway! I will use you to catch him out!"

"Ha ha."

Ye Tiancheng laughed, his eyes were full of mockery, and he shook his head and said, "Su Zimo, Su Zimo, I admit that you do have the right to challenge me."

"However, you still want to challenge Brother Dixun, that is that you are not in control! The gap between you is a world of difference!"

"You made two mistakes."

Su Zimo stretched out his finger and shook it gently, "First, it's not that I challenge you, but you challenge me! When I became famous, what were you?"

"I am also at the top of the vision list!"

Ye Tiancheng was too young, and when he was a little excited, he was already angry.

"Top of the vision list?"

Su Zimo smiled and said, "That's because I'm not here. If I were here, I would erase you from the vision list."


It's like wiping the dust, the cloud is light and the wind is light.


Su Zimo continued: "There is indeed a gap between me and the emperor. A hundred years ago, the emperor was chased by me and lost his helmet and armor, and ran away, even the city of Vientiane did not dare to return! This gap is indeed a huge difference do not!"

"Ha ha ha ha, it's all old things a hundred years ago, who knows the truth!"

Ye Tiancheng chuckled and said, "Su Zimo, you are old, and you can only remember the past. The era that belongs to you has passed! One hundred years later, it is my age of Ye Tiancheng! I am the first true king! "

"You're wrong again."

Su Zimo shook his head and said, "After a hundred years, since I am back, I am the first true king! This title, I will not let you, you can not touch!"

I won't let you touch!

This statement is extremely overbearing, an invisible and powerful gas field crushes the past, Ye Tiancheng even feels a pressure!

"What if I want to touch?"

Ye Tiancheng looked gaunt, staring at Su Zimo, saying word by word.

Su Zimo's eyes were like a knife, and he said slowly: "Dare you dare to dye your fingers, I will kill you!"

There are only two more today. Thanks to the drunk friends, weady, TOUCH, spring, where to fall, JY, personality color, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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