Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 956: Vision collision

Chapter 956: Vision Collision

Sword array division!

No one had expected that Ye Tiancheng turned out to be an extremely rare sword formation division in the realm of cultivation!

You know, the more flying swords the sword array has, the harder it is to control and the greater its power.

Today, Ye Tiancheng throws out forty-nine flying swords directly, and they are all perfect real king weapon. The lethality of this sword array is hard to imagine!

"Mixed Yuan Imperial Sword Formation!"

Ye Tiancheng controls forty-nine flying swords, and draws a trajectory in the air, intertwined to form a pattern.

Su Zimo glanced over Ye Tiancheng's flying sword, sneered slightly, and patted his palm on a storage bag, and directly moved out of a gray-black mountain.

One of the seven ancient treasures-Xuanci Mountain!

Su Zimo's mana surged into the Xuanci Mountain and flew in the air.

Xuanci Mountain rose up against the wind and suppressed it towards the forty-nine handle Feijian.


Ye Tiancheng looked slightly changed.

Seeing the Xuanyuan Yuxu Sword Formation, it will be condensed, but I did not expect that after the advent of Xuanci Mountain, his flying sword was uncontrolled and quickly moved closer to Xuanci Mountain!

Characterization of the pattern, a slight deviation, will instantly collapse.

Not to mention, the forty-nine flying swords in front of them are almost out of control!

"Give me!"

Ye Tiancheng erupted into a huge consciousness and wanted to control forty-nine flying swords.

But Xuanci Mountain has come down!


With a loud noise, forty-nine flying swords were suppressed under the Xuanci Mountain!

"Imperial Seal!"

Ye Tiancheng responded extremely quickly, constantly changing his hands to change the law, making a mark of law, and landed on Xuanci Mountain!

The French Seal exudes a mysterious light, almost sealing the power of Xuanci Mountain!


Forty-nine flying swords, beating under the mountain, want to escape!


Su Zimo sneered, his eyes flickered with electric light, his hands quickly pinched out the decision, and there was a roar of noise in his body!

There were even flashes of electric arc on his body.

Black hair dances, purple electricity pervades!

Dark clouds billowed and covered the sky, Su Zimo stood up in the air, and the whole person seemed to be in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

"Purple electricity storm!"

Su Zimo drank softly and pointed forward.

Under the dark clouds, a thunderous ray of light poured down, connecting the sky to the earth, and the earth to the ground, constantly intertwined, forming a horrible purple storm.

"It's Zidian Jue!"

The red-headed Taoist in Fengleidian gritted his teeth, and his eyes showed greed.

There is a method in the Wind and Thunder Hall called "Qing Lei Jue".

No matter Tianming Zhenjun of the Wind and Thunder Hall or his Chigao Taoist man, it was iron-hearted to grab the Purple Electricity Judgment because the two laws were combined together to be the top one in the Tactic Thunder. Gongfa!

Legend has it that these two exercises are combined into one, which can generate a meta-mystery, which is amazingly powerful!

"If I can take this opportunity to grab" Zhidianjue ", I can first merge the two exercises!"

There was a flash of excitement in the eyes of the Equagate.

This is his chance and must not be missed!

On the battlefield, the purple electricity storm came, as if to destroy the world!

The storm shrouded the Xuanci Mountain, the purple electricity flashed, and soon destroyed the law seal left by Ye Tiancheng's Imperial Seal.

Forty-nine flying swords were suppressed by Xuanci Mountain again!

Not only that, this group of purple electric storms has begun to move in the direction of Ye Tiancheng, and he wants to envelope him!

Qun Xiu closed his breath and was shocked in his eyes.

As if between heaven and earth, only these two glorious figures remain!

The fighting between the two people caused the situation to change colors, and the world shook. This kind of confrontation has far exceeded the group's recognition of Yuan Ying Zhenjun's power!


Ye Tiancheng finally put down the contempt in his heart, a mist filled his eyes, his lips lightened, and he spit out two words.


Behind Ye Tiancheng, a vast sea appeared, and he was in it, as if integrated with the entire sea!

Ye Tiancheng's figure began to blur!

"Ah, it's his Golden Dan Vision!"

"It was with this Golden Dan Vision that he swept through the Golden Dan Realm and dominated the Vision List!"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

As long as the monks are willing to infer and perceive, many Jindan visions can be transformed into their own spells.

Of course, the deduction process is extremely tedious.

There are also a lot of arrogance, spending time in vain, without gain.

The sea is raging, and the purple electricity storm is swallowed up instantly!

The sea water rolled up in waves and shrouded towards Su Zimo!

Until then, Su Zimo's eyes really flashed a little surprise.


Su Zimo murmured softly.


Under his feet, a behemoth emerged!

This behemoth has four legs and two heads.

Carrying a huge carapace, mysterious gullies are covered on it, ancient vicissitudes, as if the mysteries of heaven and earth can be exhausted!

The back of the armor propped up the sky, the four feet stood on the sky, constantly paddling, walking against the sea!


The tortoise and the snake both headed to the sky and shouted, the light was shining.

The world is shaking!

Turtle and snake vision, Xuanwu comes!

"I didn't expect to see this vision again a hundred years later."

Hang Qiuyu looked with emotion, as if in an instant, returned to Vientiane City, the unforgettable years of conflict and vision collision.

The sword said without a trace of sourness: "Hmm, it's all the Golden Dan vision at the top of the vision list, and it's not much worse!"

"Too bad."

Hang Qiuyu shook his head without explaining.

Because this vision collision that happened a century apart will soon have results!

Su Zimo stepped against the current.

The distance between the two is getting closer!

Ye Tiancheng's look remained unchanged, his figure has become more and more illusory.


When these two words fall, his figure has disappeared above the sea!

Then, in the first line of the sea and the sky, a bright and bright moon slowly rose, and the next silver glow fell, falling on the sea, sparkling and beautiful!

Ye Tiancheng has been fully integrated into his vision!

The sea and the moon!

Vision list first!

This is also the Golden Dan Vision created by Ye Tiancheng.


Su Zimo smiled slightly, his figure was stunned, and then disappeared.

On the large and thick turtle shell, the flames soared, and a green lotus grew, and under the calcination of the flames, it gradually faded into blue and bloomed with dazzling golden light!


The golden lotus suddenly moved!

Towards Haitian, the rising moon, hit me hard!


A loud noise!

On the moon, cracks appeared!

The picturesque scene was also instantly broken, Ye Tiancheng's figure fell out, his face was pale, his clothes were messy and hesitated.

Su Zimo's figure also emerged, the blue shirt fluttering, the spotless.

The battle between the two visions has already come to fruition!


Su Zimo stepped forward and said gently: "Even if you are the real moon, I can suppress you!"

(End of this chapter)

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