Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 957: Reincarnation pupil

Chapter 957: Reincarnation Pupil

Ye Tiancheng is strong.

As the top of the vision list, he created an unprecedented vision of the Golden Dan, and he left a name in the ancient inscription on the monument.

His hands were stained with the blood of more than one returnee!

Kill the opponent across the realm!

These are enough to prove his strength!

He is only the early Yuan Ying, not only himself, but even others dare not imagine what kind of combat power he will achieve when he reaches the late Yuan Ying!

Ye Tiancheng practiced all the way without fail.

Leapfrog battles are as common to him as eating and drinking.

He does have this strength!

Unfortunately, he found the wrong opponent!

In the same level, no one can compete with Su Zimo, let alone, he is two levels lower than Su Zimo!

Neither mana's mana is on one level.

Vision collision, Ye Tiancheng defeated!

If it weren't for his powerful defensive weapon, just this time, he would be hit hard!

"Uncle Xiaoshi has the upper hand?"

Nangong murmured secretly.

You know, they have seen Ye Tiancheng swept their peers with their own eyes, strong all the way, invincible.

Ye Tiancheng is a symbol of invincibility in the hearts of many of them!

They did not expect that among the same level, someone could have the upper hand in the battle with Ye Tiancheng!

"I'm afraid it's not just as simple as gaining the upper hand."

Liu Hanyan shook his head and said, "From the beginning to the end, could Ye Tiancheng really fight back against the ancestors?"

Nangong Ling and Ru Xuan were stunned.

Ye Tiancheng's methods are powerful and he has a lot of cards. Although they have emerged endlessly, even Jindan visions have been sacrificed, but they have been defeated by Su Zimo!

This is not the upper hand, this is crushing!

On the battlefield.

The two sides approached quickly.

Ye Tiancheng's eyes narrowed, hesitant, moved out a dark mountain from the storage bag, and hit Su Zimo fiercely!

The mountain peaks swelled continuously, with a flash of light on the surface.

This mountain peak turned out to be a perfect weapon!

Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, his eyebrows flickered, and a blue lotus platform flew out.

Compared with this black mountain peak, this cyan lotus terrace looks extremely small, but the two collided with each other, and a loud noise broke out!


In front of the eyes, this mountain, the perfect weapon, was smashed by this blue lotus platform!


Group repair is shocked!

Perfect real monarch weapon, just destroyed!

Even if it is a congenital innocent monarch, this horrible lethality is definitely not achieved!

"It's good luck!"

At this moment, a Buddhist monk returned to Xudao and exclaimed, recognizing the origin of this blue lotus platform.

"Oh my God, the fortune blue lotus has been reborn and has grown to the fifth grade!"

"How did this person do it?"

"It's terrible! Who has this instrument of Qinglian in hand, who can compete with it, and compete?"

The Buddhist monks were shocked.

The peaks burst!

Among the flying stones, Ye Tiancheng's figure suddenly flashed, holding a stone hammer in his hand, and slaughtered it.

He seemed to have expected that this mountain could not stop Su Zimo's footsteps.

This stone hammer looks unremarkable and rough, but it has a very old breath on and around it, as if from ancient times!

"Break me!"

Ye Tiancheng raised his arm and slammed hard at Su Zimo's Tian Ling Gai!

Su Zimo's expression moved, and the fortune-making Qinglian cut through the void, and had already hit the stone hammer.


Another loud noise!

The stone hammer flew away.

Qinglian Qinglian was also smashed into a blue light and fell into the crowd.

Ye Tiancheng was shocked, his eyes flashed with incredible colors.

The stone hammer in his hand, although it doesn't have any magic patterns, is very big, even if it is a congenital true monarch weapon, it can be broken!

Unexpectedly, under the collision with Qinglian, he could not hold the stone hammer and flew away.

Su Zimo's eyes were also somewhat surprised.

The five grades made of green lotus can already stand on the shoulders of innate human magic instruments.

He did not expect that the stone hammer was not broken!

Of course, this does not affect the entire situation.

Ye Tiancheng froze slightly, but Su Zimo didn't hesitate.

He stepped forward, stretched out his palm directly, clenched into a fist, and punched Ye Tiancheng!

Ye Tiancheng reacted without fear, but punched backhand and greeted him!


Fists collide, such as defeating leather!

Ye Tiancheng grunted, his face changed!

His physical body is by no means weak, and he is only one step away from the practice of bleeding like the tide.

Unexpectedly, just fighting with Su Zimo, his fist almost broke, and the pain was unbearable!


Su Zimo laughed and said, "Ye Tiancheng, you are far worse than the Emperor!"

At that time, in Vientiane City, the two broke out.

Because Su Zimo could not use the blood of the demons, in the melee, he fell into the downwind and was suppressed by the emperor. He reluctantly exploded the spell to counterattack, and only recovered the city.

But now, Su Zimo didn't even spur his blood, but just by the force of the flesh, he had suppressed Ye Tiancheng!

"not necessarily!"

Ye Tiancheng's voice was cold, and a sudden flash of fierceness flashed in his eyes!

Then, in his eyes, strange waves appeared, bursting out, as if the whole world was spinning!

Time is chaotic and space is distorted!

Ye Tiancheng's eyes shot out two beams of light, hitting in the air, forming a huge 'wheel', slowly rolling over, as if the whole world were to be involved in it!

This ‘round’ is inclusive of everything, as if the five elements can be reversed, the yin and yang confused, and the heavens and earth turned, so that all sentient beings are in the cycle!

Reincarnation pupil!

One of the ancient pupil techniques!

The distance between the two sides is very close, this pupil technique broke out, it was impossible to escape!

Group repairs!

No one had expected that at the end of the war, when Ye Tiancheng was about to fail fiercely, a Jedi counterattack broke out and sacrificed pupils of samsara!

Pupil surgery is the most difficult to cultivate.

So far, Su Zimo has only practiced three or two people with Tianjiao who has pupil technique.

Unexpectedly, there were two out of the mixed Yuanzong!

A monk who has pupils is invincible at the same level, which is normal.

Pupil surgery is instantaneous, and unexpectedly, it is almost a fatal attack!

Even if the opponent can react, it may not be able to resist.

Even if it can be blocked, it will inevitably exhaust your heart. At this time, you can kill it with the momentum!

The tender look of others changed!

They knew that Su Zimo also knew an extremely terrifying pupil technique.

At the beginning, when Su Zimo was fighting against the protoss of the Protoss, this pupil technique broke out and seized the upper hand!

However, that pupil is the eye of the candle dragon.

Once released, it is equivalent to revealing the fact that he has cultivated demons.

If Lanyue Daojun intervenes, not to mention that Ye Tiancheng cannot be killed, Su Zimo himself is easy to fold here!

Between the light and the flint, Su Zimo's right eye suddenly appeared a dense swarm of flying swords, small and delicate, like an embroidery needle!

These embroidery needles are the thirty-six flying swords manifested by candlelight.

In the blink of an eye, the thirty-six flying swords have condensed into a candlelight sword array, shooting directly from Su Zimo's right eye!

Three more ends. Thank you Erxuan, scale dance, too lazy to laugh, drunk romantic, empty, demon Ji online, wine fairy, night spirit, **** horse and orphan, etc

(End of this chapter)

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