Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 963: One blow to kill!

Chapter 963: One Fist Kills!

Although the five returning Taoists, such as Feng Lei Dian and Mixed Yuanzong, were late shots, the Yuan Mystery attack came soon, but it was the first to arrive!

After transforming the dragon, Su Zimo immediately urged Ming Wang to consecrate the beads.


Su Zimo's left wrist lit with golden lights, dazzling, covering his entire body!

In a blink of an eye, around his body, a golden glittering barrier was formed, and an ancient and mysterious Sanskrit text emerged from it, sacred and immaculate!

"Elemental magic weapon?"

Equagates and others stared.

Among the magical instruments, the Yuanshen magical instrument is the most rare.

Moreover, judging by their eyesight, the magical instrument on Su Zimo's wrist is extremely high grade, and it is also a rare treasure for them!

There was a flash of greed in the eyes of the five.

There is too much treasure on Su Zimo's body!

After killing this son, he will rob him of the treasures. I am afraid a fierce battle will be necessary.

The creation of Qinglian has fallen into the hands of the Buddha.

The rest of the treasures, they have to **** over!

boom! boom! boom!

This golden barrier has just emerged, and the consciousness that the five mystic mysteries broke out has already arrived!

A little later, Su Zimo will be killed by these five gods!

The golden barrier trembled and Sanskrit dim.

Two powers, just a moment of stalemate, the golden barrier shattered!

However, the power of these five gods has also been cut in half.


The five remnants of consciousness instantly fell into Su Zimo's eyebrows!

Seeing this scene, the five returnees sneered.

Even if there is a Yuanshen instrument, the cultivation of this son is not enough, after all, it can't show the true power of this Yuanshen instrument.

What's more, this is the meta-mystery that broke out when the five of them joined forces!

Even if this element of magic power resists most of the power down, the remaining consciousness floods into Su Zimo's consciousness sea, which is enough to destroy it!

In the sea of ​​Su Zimo's consciousness, five gods intruded in, and instantly stirred waves of shocking waves, striking towards Su Zimo's Yuanshen!

Although the forged green lotus is still in the hands of the Buddhist monk Xuanming monk, forty-five lotus seeds are surrounded by Su Zimo Yuanshen and never leave.

The creation of Qinglian, although it cannot stop the power of consciousness.

But the son of Qinglian is a magic weapon of the Yuanshen!

Forty-five lotus seeds turned into a ray of light, and they were surrounded by Su Zimo Yuanshen, exuding terrifying sharpness!

As soon as the five consciousnesses came, they were cut to pieces by these forty-five lotus seeds, and their power almost collapsed!

The remaining power of the gods fell on Su Zimo's dragon-scaled Yuanshen, which did not cause any ripple at all, and quietly collapsed!

At the same time, the attack of three Buddhist monks returning to the virtual realm has also come!

At this point, Su Zimo has just resisted the attack of the five consciousness, and then wants to raise his hand to block the offensive of these three returning monks.

Unless, the three returnees pause for a moment and give him a reaction time.

But this is simply impossible.

Xuankong Temple, the two monks at Prajna Temple sighed in their hearts, they couldn't bear to show their faces, and kept their hands a little.

The Xuanming monk of Wuxiang Temple snatched Su Zimo's forged green lotus, knowing that he had a loss,

Only by killing Su Zimo, this created Qinglian can be regarded as an unowned thing!

This thought flashed, Xuanming monk's eyes flashed cold, and the unparalleled seal of his hands condensed was more fierce and fierce!

At this moment, Su Zimo suddenly opened his mouth, and a loud roar broke out!


The world is shaking!

This roar is majestic and powerful. It wears golden cracks, reveals a simple and vast atmosphere, and contains endless anger, as if to roar the stars!

This is not a voice at all!

This is Long Yin!

Everything is silent.

After the sound of the dragon murmured, the world seemed to be quiet.

Su Zimo's blood and blood urged the sound of Dragon Yin, the lethality is extremely terrible, the first is the three Buddhist monks who return to the virtual world!

If the three were struck by lightning, they were shocked and stared, and even a short blank flashed in their minds.

Empty fingers, Prajna pause for a moment.

Xuanming monk's imprint of phaselessness was almost roared and shattered directly!

The three of them can bring Tianyuanjiao, who is under the door, naturally, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

If it were a normal returning Taoist, this roar would be dead!

But for Su Zimo, this short pause is enough!

Su Zimo took a deep breath, and the blood in his body was turbulent. He returned to the virtual monk against the three Buddhist monks, and threw three punches backhand like lightning.

boom! boom! boom!

Flesh flying!

Even a monk returning to the realm cannot stop Su Zimo's physical body!

What's more, this is the power to spur Qi and blood after Hualong, and it is called destruction!

Xuankong Temple returned to the virtual monk's empty finger, and was smashed with a punch by Su Zimo, and even with his entire palm, he was blasted into bones and meat!

The fate of the monk returning to Phan Ruo Temple is almost the same.

As soon as the palm of his hand came down, Su Zimo was stricken with a punch, and the whole arm was broken. It was completely useless!

The two monks returning to the virtual realm screamed, their faces pale, and the whole man fell backwards and fell into the crowd, embarrassed.

This is still Su Zimo's mercy.

Although he transformed the dragon, he did not lose his mind.

Just now, between the two monks returning to the virtual world, they moved their hearts and kept their hands to save themselves!

Su Zimo's killing is decisive, but he is not addicted to killing.

What he wants is to have a good idea and be ready for revenge!

He only kills those who should be killed!

Xuanming monk is the one to kill!

Su Zimo even hit three punches, and the two punches greeted the two monks' empty fingers, and Prajna fought.

The third punch hit directly on the head of Xuanming Monk!


The head of the Xuanming monk was torn apart, the Yuanshen was gone!

He was stunned by the sound of Long Yin, and did not react at all. He was killed by a punch with no resistance!

Group repair is shocked!

On the battlefield, changes are rapid.

No one expected that the results of the eight returning virtual Taoists at the same time shot, two returning virtual Taoists were seriously injured, one died on the spot!

how is this possible?

The meta-mysticism of five returning Taoists failed to kill this person?

How could this person still have the ability to fight back?

This is not only the confusion of Qun Xiu, but also the confusion of the five returning Taoists from the Wind Thunder Hall and the Mixed Yuanzong.

Five people were also shaken by the sound of the dragon, but they quickly reacted.

Immediately after that, the faces of the five men were stunned, with endless confusion flashing in their eyes.

Su Zimo's two fists severely injured the two monks who returned to Xuankong Temple and Prajna Temple. They blasted Xuanming monk with one punch. They kept moving and pressed the palm of their hands to take back Qinglian.

"Five of you, give me your life!"

Su Zimo turned recklessly, staring at the five Chigao Taoists, grinning, and exuding a monstrous murderous body, like the **** of killing who came out of Jiuyou!

I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival ~

(End of this chapter)

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