Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 964: Stifling counterattack

Chapter 964: Stifling Counterattack

Su Zimo injected mana backhand and directly threw the good fortune Qinglian out.

The good fortune green lotus turns into a streamer, galloping towards the mixed Yuanzong returning to the virtual Taoist, instantly!


Su Zimo's body flickered, and he rushed towards the Chigao Taoist and the Tianxuan Taoist returning to the virtual Taoist. Wherever he passed, Feisha walked away.

The figure is still in the air, Su Zimo condenses his sword fingers, touches the eyebrow, and points in the direction of Jianzong returning to the virtual Taoist!


In the brow's heart, forty-five blue cyan glows were emitted, stabbing back towards the virgin Taoist towards Jianzong.

This is the son of forty-five green lotuses!

In an instant, all broke out!

At the same time, Su Zimo's hand-kneading method, two palms of different colors and different flavors condensed in the palm of his hands!

A ball of red, a ball of gold!

Immortal fire, Buddhism fire!

In the sea of ​​knowledge, Yuan Shen has urged to the limit.

A steady stream of mana poured into the two fires!


Su Zimo approached the two flames, urged the Supreme Secret, and fused them together to form a two-color Taoist fire.

Samadhi Road Fire!

Nangong Ling, Liu Hanyan, Ru Xuan stared at their eyes and almost exclaimed.

In the entire Tongxuan courtyard, few monks can recognize this spell.

The three of them are the true disciples of the Red Star Daojun, and naturally they are also practicing the Samadhi Dao, but they have not yet succeeded.

In their view, the secret method that Su Zimo urged was the Sanmao Dao.

But there are some differences from the stigma in their minds.

The biggest difference is that there are three groups of flames.

And Su Zimo condensed out, there are only two groups!

Moreover, in the Samadhi Dao fires they practiced, each of the Dao Dao fires was the same color, all were red, and there was no golden flame at all!

What really shocked the three was that although Su Zimo's palm, there were only two fires.

However, the fusion of these two fires seems to be more terrifying than the Samadhi fires they remember!

The three are not yet clear. The fire of Samadhi in Su Zimo's hands has completely changed its nature!

The original meaning of samiya is fine, qi, and samiya.

But when he came to Su Zimo, he interpreted it as immortal, Buddha, and magic!

This understanding has more than doubled the realm and structure of this spell?

The original Samadhi Tao is the top spell in the Red Flame Heart Sutra, and it is also one of the cards of Jiuhu Dao.

Su Zimo's Samadhi Taoism directly elevated this spell to a new realm.

Its power, no one has seen it, and no one can imagine it!

Therefore, even though Su Zimo did not gather the true Samadhi Taoist fire, but just merged the two Taoist fires of the Immortal Buddha, the power was also quite scary!

"go with!"

Su Zimo scolded lightly.

This group of ‘Damui Dao Fire’ fluttered and returned to the virtual fire hall and bumped into it.

At this time, Su Zimo had come to the Chigai Taoist and Tian Xunjiao to return to the virtual Taoist, directly out of the palm, covering both of them!


Qun Xiu stared at his eyes, frightened, and could not hide his shock.

The Yuding Taoist originally wanted to come to help, but at this time, he found that he seemed unable to start.

Luo Xuexian originally stood up and wanted to help Su Zimo, but at this time. She sat back slowly.

No one can imagine that such a deadly situation can be directly cracked by Su Zimo in Yuanying Realm.

Moreover, his counterattack broke out so fiercely, so terribly, and suffocating.

Su Zimo hit two big monks returning to the virtual realm, and after killing the Xuanming monks, he took a shot, and the enemy was five.

The five returnees are all within his attack range!

This is the spirit of the first true king!

This is the means of the first true king!

Nothing is broken, nothing is left alone.

Since there is a battle, none of the five returnees can escape!

The first person to contact was the Huiyuanzong returning to Xudao.

Seeing the fortune-making Qinglian coming, the mixed Yuanzong returned to Xudao and the people did not dare to carelessly. He wiped his palm on the storage bag and offered a huge silver shield, blocking him in front of him.

Injecting mana, the shield breath soared.


Four bright brilliance flashed on the silver shield!

Superb Taoist magic weapon!

According to his plan, first stop the impact of the natural green lotus, it is best to put this natural green lotus in his pocket, and then fight back.

But he really underestimated Qinglian and also underestimated the power of Su Zimo!

This is the five grades of green lotus, and its power is comparable to that of a priori man.

His shield is irresistible!

What's more, the creation of Qinglian is Su Zimo's innate weapon, which is even more powerful, and is thrown out by Su Zimo with all his strength.

This outbreak is tantamount to a meteorite falling and a meteor impacting!


The fortune green lotus hit the silver shield, and a loud noise broke out, shaking the earth!

The hybrid Yuanzong returned to Xudao and his look changed greatly.

Feeling the power of this collision, he suddenly realized that it was wrong!

Unfortunately, it's too late!

There was almost no pause, the silver shield exploded directly, and the fortune-making Qinglian drove straight in, and instantly hit the door of the mixed Yuanzong returning to the virtual Taoist!


He had only one time to scream, and his entire head was crushed by the created Qinglian!

Yuanshen did n’t have time to escape, and died on the spot!

In the face of this, if he chooses to sacrifice his own destiny instrument for the first time to resist it, he may still have a chance to survive.

Unfortunately, not only did he underestimate Qinglian, he also underestimated Su Zimo.

In his heart, he still wanted to fight back, but he didn't know that the death sickle was hanging on his neck!

The difference in one move, the body disappeared!

The Taoist returning from Xunyuanzong has just died, and another attack by Su Zimo has already arrived.

Forty-five lotus seeds, densely packed, stabbed Jianzong back to the Xudao people, and sealed all their retreats!

The Jianzong returning to the Dao Taoist originally thought to throw a few runes at random to resist the attack of the lotus seed.

But with a glance at the corner of his eyes, he saw the scene of the mixed Yuanzong returning to Xudao and his body disappearing.

Between thoughts, Jianzong returned to the virtual Taoist look dignified, did not dare to carelessly, and at the same time shredded a few defense runes, at the same time sacrificed his own destiny!


With the sword in hand, the sword body trembled, and the sound of Jianming's sword rang.

This is a perfect Taoist weapon!

This long sword has followed him for many years, and has been tempered with Yuanshen for thousands of years. The power is powerful!

He believes that, let alone the forty-five lotus seeds, even if it is a real good-looking green lotus, he can resist with this sword!

I did not see how he moved, but his wrists trembled, and a dazzling cold sword light burst out, forming a sword air barrier beside him!


This sword air barrier is impenetrable, blocking all forty-five lotus seeds!

People around the audience just felt bright.

It is indeed monk Jianzong.

Such swordsmanship is truly amazing!

With just one sword, Su Zimo's killing trick was eliminated!

At this moment, Hang Qiuyu seemed to feel something, and his pupils contracted sharply, exclaiming, "Master, be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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