Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 971: Reshape the body

Chapter 971: Reshaping the Body

The tea party was over and the crowd was gone.

"The uncle, the ancestor, he asked you to rush back as soon as possible," Said Toru Mochi said.


Su Zimo nodded.

There was so much noise here, Jiuhuo Daojun was worried about his safety, so he had such arrangements and instructions.

Su Zimo said, "Let's go back overnight."

The fat man, Leng Ruo, etc. haven't seen Su Zimo for a hundred years. Naturally, they are reluctant, and the tea party is over.

In addition to them, there are three people in Shangguanzi, Elder Gu and Elder Ge!

Shangguanzi ushered in a white cloud and rushed to Bailianmen at full speed.

When the Yuding Taoists took everyone from Bailianmen, they walked for almost half a day.

Nowadays, Hetai can carry many monks and move at full speed, but at the tea time, he has already arrived at Bailianmen!

This speed is really appalling!

Many monks in Bailianmen returned to Zongmen, one by one, excited, and wished to spread all the things that happened at the Qianhe Tea Party throughout the Zongmen!

Su Zimo returned to his Dongfu with coldness and others.

Everyone hasn't seen it for a hundred years, naturally there is something to say.

The Shangguanzi, the ancient elders, and Jihuo Daojun have not seen each other for five thousand years, presumably even more so.

After Shangguanzi and others arrived at Bailianmen, they went straight to Bailian Hall, their expressions were excited.

Su Zimo, Leng Ruo, Fatty, and others talked all night long, telling what happened around them for a century, and the laughter in Dongfu never broke.

The fat man jumped up and down excitedly all night.

The crowd seemed to be back when they were at Jiufeng.

early morning.

Su Zimo and others did not sleep all night, but still full of energy and spirit.

After a long time, the Red Star Daojun came to visit and asked Su Zimo to go to the Bailian Hall.

Su Zimo did not hesitate and followed the Red Star Daojun to the hall.

The Emperor of the Red Star kept outside, and only Su Zimo walked in alone.

Deep inside the hall, it was sultry.

Going through the long corridor to the innermost, the eyes suddenly opened up. This is a dome-like closet with a large area.

In the Chamber of Secrets, the ground on the left continued to blast a hot flame.

On the right, a huge spiritual pond is built, with countless undulations of spiritual materials, fairy flowers, green branches, dragon and phoenix, Xuanyuan grass, ten thousand years of blood ginseng ...

Vigorous, full of aura, rising up, exuding a strong and vigorous anger!

Su Zimo dumbfounded his tongue.

These spiritual herbs and potions are rare to see in a weekday. I am afraid that only with the background and strength of Bailianmen can we collect so much!

The Yuanshen of Jiujiaodaojun stood in the air not far away.

"I have heard about the tea party. As for the next thing, I will deal with it. You don't have to worry about it."

Jiu Huo Dao comforted Su Zimo.

"I asked you to come here today to show you the whole process of forging bones."

Jihuo Daojun also said: "In the beginning, I just explained it to you, there must be many places, you don't necessarily understand it. I will walk through it today, and you must keep every detail in mind!"

Su Zimo nodded.

In fact, his physical body today is perfect, shaking ancient times, practicing the Secret of the Desolation King, blending the blood of the Dragon race, blood and horror!

Even the physical blood of the Nine Tribes of Taikoo couldn't keep up with him!

In Su Zimo's opinion, he wouldn't change his flesh at all. Now it's not really necessary to watch this forged bone and cast body.

However, he always felt that Jiuhuo Daojun seemed to have something in his words, so he kept his eyes on him.

"This flame is a geocentric fire. The temperature is extremely high and it can melt many natural treasures."

Jihuo Daojun explained to Su Zimo while practicing.

"First melt the nine kinds of fire and heaven treasures and fuse them together."

Jiujiaodao put the refiner tripod on the fire of the earth's heart, and put the top natural treasures such as Phoenix Blood Gold, Sun Stone, Lava Spar, Wan Yao Bloodstone, Nirvana, etc. Slow melting.

Then, start to forge the bones needed by the body with the solution inside.

This is a fairly complicated and long process.

Jihuo Daojun is extremely patient, while explaining and forging, he will tell every detail.

Su Zimo all remembered in his heart.

It took three days to complete the casting of a skeleton. On each section of bone, a natural pattern of fire was formed, which was natural and exudes hot temperatures.

This skeleton is perfect, every place is carved jade bracelets, magic axe magic, amazing.

With this bone, the power of the fire system will definitely improve!

After the bone forging is completed, the consumption of Jihuodaojun is extremely great.

While resting, he continued to dissuade Su Zimo's preaching.

"The next step is casting."

Jiujiaodao pointed to the Lingchi not far away and said, "This Lingchi contains all the magic herbs that can provide the essence of life."

"With this bone to nourish the bleeding veins, in this spiritual pond, the five internal organs and the six internal organs are nurtured, and other organs in the body are bred.

"This process is quite long and takes longer than forging bones!"

Jihuo Dao took a break and pointed to a brand new storage bag next to him, saying, "This storage bag, put it away."

Su Zimo picked up the storage bag and glanced at him.

This storage bag contains a lot of spirit grass magic medicine, exactly the same as in this spirit pool!

Not only that, there are some top-grade forged bone ore in the storage bag.


Su Zimo looked towards the Jun Huo Dao.

This gift is too heavy!

I'm afraid that the entire treasures of Xunfeng were sold without this small storage bag.

"This is when Bai Lianmen collected the heavenly treasures, the magic herbs and the potion. I specifically told them to collect two copies."

Jiudao Junda said profoundly: "Take it, maybe you can use it in the future."

Su Zimo nodded and put away the storage bag.

"Okay, after the bone is forged, it's cast."

The Primordial God's Yuan God flickered, came to the depths of this skeleton's head, controlled the skeleton, entered the Lingchi, and sat cross-legged.


A steady stream of life spirits poured into this crimson skeleton.

At the same time, Jiuhuo Daojun uses the Yuanshen to control the mana and constantly shakes the bones.


The sound of bone marrow flowing from the bones.

Cutting marrow for blood!

For this scene, Su Zimo is most familiar.

In the secret book of the great demon king, there is a marrow chapter!

Use the voice of the tiger and the leopard to cut the marrow to derive new bloodlines, and finally achieve the purpose of blood exchange!

Gradually, on this crimson skeleton, a piece of pink flesh flesh appeared, as thin as cicada wings, almost transparent.

Over time, the flesh and blood on the bones became plump.

The outline of Jiujiaodaojun gradually became clearer.

There was a silence in the back room.

At this time, the self-cultivation world in Zhongzhou was already full of enthusiasm, and news came one after another, setting off a stormy sea!

(End of this chapter)

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