Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 972: Wind and clouds

Chapter 972: The Storm Rises

"Hundred years ago, in the vision list, Su Zimo returned strong!"

"At the Qianhe Tea Party, Su Zimo Town killed Ye Tiancheng and Pang Lan Zhenjun, defeated many Yuanying Realm Tianjiao, and even defeated the returning Xudao people.

"I haven't seen it for a hundred years. This demon is more horrible than before. He is above the tea party and declares war on the emperor!"

"Hunyuan Shuangjiao, only one left."

These news spread quickly in Zhongzhou Xiuzhen, causing a great shock!

At this time, practitioners from all over Zhongzhou and various major forces were discussing the matter.

"This man has been dormant for hundreds of years, and he still does not change his former temperament after returning. When he appeared, he offended so many forces. I don't think he will live long!

"Not necessarily. I heard that Bailianmen made it clear that he would protect this person."

"Hehe, Bailianmen is declining, and it is already difficult to protect itself. Who else can it keep?"

"Yes! If several super gates are under pressure at the same time, Bai Lianmen will have to yield! Otherwise, they may be destroyed by Bai Lianmen!"

"Maybe, I've heard some news. I heard that one of Bailianmen's who has disappeared for thousands of years has returned and is reshaping the flesh."

"What's the use of the powerful sects in such a life-and-death event?" Someone sneered, rather disdainful.

"This strong man in the state of law is extraordinary. I heard that he was an extreme fire prince five thousand years ago!"

"Who is Jihuo Daojun? I haven't heard it."

"It's him! The number one in French law five thousand years ago! He's alive!"

What happened at the Qianhe Tea Party was passed on, and some details were remembered by the people with interest. It is not difficult to guess the truth.

After all, very few people can send two elders, Guzhenmen and Danyangmen who have escaped the world for thousands of years, and Qianhemen's combined power to invite them out of the mountain.

At the same time, Jianzong.

Excalibur Palace.

After the avatars of Yunyu Daojun and Piaoxue Fairy were destroyed in Wanyaogu, they lived here for more than three months, and they mutually proved the Taoist law with Xianjian Daojun, and they all gained.

In recent days, the two had planned to leave.

But one by one news came to Jianzong, and the two's schedule was temporarily put on hold.

Xian Jian Tao Jun froze slowly, saying slowly: "If Ji Huo Dao Jun did not die, the person who had dealt with me in the Valley of the Ten Monsters would be him!"

"No wonder."

Yun Yudao said: "In the beginning, when the two of you were fighting against each other, the man released the mystery of the Teng snake burning god."


Piaoxue Fairy shook her head and said, "I heard that Jiuhuo Dao is reshaping the flesh. The people we saw that day, both flesh and blood, cannot be him! There is no explanation here."

"If there is another person present at the time, it can be explained." Xian Jiandao's eyes flickered and he said quietly.

"What do you mean?"

The drifting snow fairy looked at Xian Jiandao Jun.

"Su Zimo!"

A name popped out of the gap between the swordsmen of Xianjiandao Jun.

The drifting snow fairy frowned slightly.

"During this time, the most well-known first true king?"

Yunyu Daojun frowned: "The time when this son returns and the time when the fire returns is indeed a coincidence, but what is his relationship to this matter?"

Xian Jiandao Jun squinted his eyes and gazed intently: "Before, in the news from disciple Jianzong, the evil man Su Zimo returned, and he learned a terrible sword trick!"

"Even the arrogant sword lords such as No Swords and Hang Qiuyu were almost killed by this sword."

When Xian Jiandao saw that they were still a little confused, he groaned a little before he said, "Things have come to an end, and I won't hide some things."

"On the same day, please take two shots to help me fight for the treasure in Wan Yao Valley, which is actually a sword trick! One of the three great sword tricks in ancient times!"


Piaoxue Fairy and Yunyu Daojun looked slightly changed, exclaimed.

The reputation of the Three Great Swords of Ancient Times is too loud.

Xian Jian Tao Jun hated: "Unsurprisingly, this sword tactic should have fallen into the hands of Su Zimo!"

"I know."

Yunyu Daojun said suddenly: "You mean, the one who fought with us in the Valley of the Demon was actually the physical body of Su Zimo, the **** of the extreme fire!"


Xianjian Taojun nodded and said, "My figure of the demon monster was not suppressed by the man with his mana, but was shocked by the breath of Su Zimo's God Phoenix bone, and it was so easily collected in his pocket."

"This junior is so bold!"

The immortal sword prince looked cold and did not conceal the murder in his eyes.

His avatar was destroyed and he returned empty-handed. Please move Yunyu Daojun and put on a lot of treasures. The resentment accumulated these days has poured out on Su Zimo's body!

"How are you going to find this account?"

Yun Yudao frowned, and asked with a smile.

Xianjiandao Jun snorted, and said in a cold voice, "I said, if I were to find out who this person is, and Shangquanbi fell into Huangquan, I would kill him!"

"Then you have to leave quickly."

Yunyu Daojun smiled slightly and said, "After this Qianhe Tea Party, this is a terrible disaster! Ye Tiancheng, Pang Lan Zhenjun, and many people who have returned to the virtual road have died, and these fairy gates must have acted. "

"Jihuo Daojun, Bailianmen?"

Xianjiandao Jun sneered: "I come to the door in person, but I want to see his attitude of Bailianmen! I don't believe that Bailianmen can withstand the pressure of so many super gates!"

"Brother Yunyu, why not walk with me?"

Xianjian Taojun turned his head and asked, looking sincere.

Yunyu Daojun knew that Xianjian Daojun invited him and only wanted to borrow from him, but he did not refuse.

He is not interested in Su Zimo.

But five thousand years apart, he would like to see what happened to the extreme philanthropic monarch who was the number one on the French law list that year.

"Piaoxue, if you are okay, why don't you go with us?" Xianjian Taojun again invited the Piaoxue fairy.


Piaoxue Fairy nodded and said lightly, "But I'm not here to help you, just a little curious about this Su Zimo and Jihuo Daojun."

"It's not too late, let's leave now!"

Xianjiandao Junteng stood up and walked towards Dongfu.

Just arrived outside the cave house, a sword light galloped from a distance and descended in front of Xianjiandao Jun.

The comer was a woman with a fluttering white skirt and a long sword on her shoulders. She had a very beautiful appearance and a strong eyebrow. It was Qin Pianran, who was strong in the realm of swordsmanship.

"Brother, Zongmen's Han Jiandao people died at the Qianhe Tea Party. Master asked me to go to Bailianmen and ask for it!"

Qin Pianran talked while looking at the fairy Fairy, with a little hostility in her eyes.

Xian Jian Tao Jun said lightly, "We are about to be together, you can also come."

The four had no words, sacrificed their own instruments, galloped away, and soon disappeared over Jianzong.

At the same time, there are Faxiang Daojun, Tianyuan religion, Mixed Yuanzong, and Fengleidian, who are aggressive and rush to Bailianmen!

The other Zongmen forces have also changed!

On the ground in Zhongzhou, the wind is rising!

(End of this chapter)

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