Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 975: Incineration

Chapter 975: Burning the Law Phase

The Red Tiger Road monarch breathed and urged mana, but he couldn't extinguish the flame on his arm.

This crimson flame, on the contrary, became more and more prosperous, burning, and almost swept into his entire body!

"Extremely hot, you!"

Chihudao Jun stared with blood-red eyes, and his heart was furious!

He didn't expect that he was only trying to test, and the reaction of Jihuo Daojun was so fierce that he had abolished one of his arms!

Without practicing to fit together, it is not yet possible to regenerate with severed limbs.

One arm was abolished, which had too much influence on Chihudao Jun, who is good at refined melee combat, and his combat power was reduced by at least 30%!

Even more frightening is that the flame has not gone out!


Chihudao Jun's figure flickered.

A ghostly image rushed behind him, with a huge body that was as high as five feet high, and instantly broke through the roof of the hall, exuding a strong and powerful breath, raising his hands and feet, can cause world vibrations!

Heaven and Earth!

The law of heaven and earth is one of the most powerful means of Daoxun of the law, no one!

It is for this reason that this realm is called the legal phase!

Generally speaking, until the last minute, no monk will use the heavens and the earth.

Regardless of whether it is Yuan Ying Realm or returning to the virtual realm, the release of spells is based on magic spells, and the power of heaven and earth is mobilized by Yuan Shen.

Once in the realm of law and reality, the Yuanshen of the spiritual master rises to another realm, and can communicate with the heavens and earth, integrate his body into the realm of heaven and earth, and achieve the resonance of mana and the unity of heaven and man, thereby condensing the heavens and earth.

Even if they practice to the state of law, the bodies of most practitioners are still not comparable to the demons.

But the heavens and the earth can fight against the demon tribe and fight in close combat!

In essence, the heaven and earth aspect is also a spell.

But the existence of heaven and earth law phase can directly mobilize the power of heaven and earth, without the need for legal decision, no magic, more violent and more direct!

Of course, heaven and earth are also strong and weak.

Powerful heaven and earth, with one punch, it is a landslide, and a footfall is a landslide!

The higher the heaven and earth law, the more heaven and earth power it can mobilize, and the more powerful it is!

Normally, the world of heaven and earth that can converge to a height of five feet is already a leader;

If you can consolidate the six-meter-high Fa phase, you can definitely be called Tianjiao!

King Kong Temple ’s famous body in the world of King Kong Temple is Liu Zhanggao ’s heaven and earth!

If it can consolidate the heavens and the earth, which is as high as seven feet high, it will be a peerless arrogance once in a thousand years. I do n’t know how many opportunities and great luck can make one person.

Once the heavens and earth of the height of Hachijo has condensed, it can be called a monster!

Sweep the same level, naturally careless!

The French law list has always been number one, and almost all are high in the world!

Of course, according to the old legend, the highest level of heaven and earth is nine feet!

Nine is the number of poles.

Being able to cultivate the existence of Jiu Zhang Gao Faxiang, which will never be encountered for thousands of years, can be called an immortal evil!

This depends not only on the bloodlines, opportunities, luck, talents, physical fitness of the practitioner, but also on the cultivation of the ancestors. There are also many factors, even the environment of the entire practitioner!

In the ancient times, the human race rose against the fate of being enslaved!

This is a glorious world that belongs to the human race!

In such a large environment, countless arrogant evils have emerged, and many of them have cultivated the existence of Jiu Zhang Faxiang!

These existences, who have not died in battle, are almost all emperor!

Without such an environment, without the pressure of life and death, without many powerful and terrible enemies, it would be difficult for a human race to produce such a demon!

Today, the Red Tiger Daojun of Bahuang Mountain can gather the heavens and earth, which are as high as five feet high, which is quite rare!

Its power is also amazing. Its huge body directly smashed the metal roof of the entire hall, and numerous fragments fell in a chaotic manner.

In the hall, Nangong Ling and other monks were lower monks, who retreated and hid behind.

With so many Daojun, he can remain calm.

Everyone frowned slightly.

Pushing the Red Tiger Road monarch to this step, even the heavens, the earth and the heavens are released, showing that the scarlet red flame is terrible!

"Give me it!"

With the release of heaven and earth, the flames on Chihudaojun were suddenly suppressed, and there was a faint tendency to go out.


Jiujiaodao hummed coldly, tapped his fingertips, and emitted a red light, submerged into the flames.


The fire was in full bloom and it started to burn!

The flame was so fierce and fierce that it directly swept the world of the Red Tiger Daojun into the sky and the heavens and the earth. All the flames burned and billowed in the thick smoke, emitting a crimson fire!


The heights and heights of the sky and the earth, struggling in the flames, dancing their arms, could not extinguish the flames on their bodies at all.


The Red Tiger Daojun couldn't escape the disaster, was burned by the flames, flesh and blood was extinguished, and all his bones were burned red, almost transparent!

In this flame, none of his primitive gods can escape!

At this point, Yuan Shen is out of nowhere, and will be burned into nothingness in an instant!

"Extremely hot, you ... well ... ruthless!

In the flames, the hoarse voice of Chihudao Jun came.

According to his original plan, he took a temptation on his own.

But he did not expect that Jiujiaodaojun did not give him this opportunity at all!

He didn't even expect that Jiujiaodaojun was so powerful and so terrible!

His heavens, earth, and heavens can't withstand the flames released by Jiuhuodaojun!

Many Daojun looked at this translucent fire, with different expressions, and remained silent.

For example, Tianxun taught the Heavenly Daojun, Fengyun Dao's Huoyun Daojun, and others, who did not have any impression of Jiu Daodao.

But just this encounter, everyone's impression of Jihuo Daojun has gradually become clear.

Strong, domineering and decisive!

In any case, after all, the Red Tiger Daojun is the Daowang Mountain Daojun, not a nameless man, but now he is being killed by the fire, which proves one thing.

Jihuo Daojun wants to protect Su Zimo!

He did not hesitate to kill a French prince, and did not hesitate to come to the door like Ba Huangshan!

at the same time.

Not far from Bailianmen, powerful monks are standing in the air, all of them are Faxiang Daojun, looking at this side.

Some of these monks come from one of the 108 homes, some are casual repairs, and there are fairy gates like Feiyumen!

These Faxiang Daojun, seeing the direction of Bailianmen, the heaven and earth Faxiang, who was burning with flames and struggling and roaring, each person passed a shock.

"It seems that Xiehuo is back!"

"Looking at this means, it is obviously not weaker than that year!"

"Let's go! Now that the fire is back, why are we old people going to congratulate you!"

These Faxiang Daojun didn't enter Bailianmen, they just waited and see.

If, as the rumor says, Jiu Huo Dao Jun did not fall and returned strong, then they would visit Dao He.

Five thousand years ago, the reputation of Jihuo Daojun was too loud. Coupled with his master's physical skills, his influence was even worse than many fits!

If Jiuhuo did not return, or if Jiuhuo's methods were not as good as before, they would not show up, lest they would complain with Xianmen such as Yuanyuanzong.

In the distant sky, a black monk came to the air, looking indifferent, with a blood-red long knife on his shoulder, his murderous spirit permeated.

The comer looked in the direction of Bailianmen and murmured, "It's okay, it's not too late."

(End of this chapter)

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