Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 976: At the touch

Chapter 976

Bai Lianmen, in the front hall.

In less than three breaths, this five-meter-tall heaven and earth aspect was burned into nothingness, and its mana collapsed!

Without the support of heaven and earth, the Red Tiger Taojun couldn't resist the burning of this crimson flame. In a blink of an eye, the flame swept the whole body!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Chihudao Jun screamed again and again, and his voice came to the back, which was already inaudible.

Under the eyes of all, a Faxiang Daojun was burned to ashes without any bones left!

Some of the door-to-door masters of law, who were still eager to try, were also silent at this time.

In the main hall, you can still keep calm and calm, and all of them are calm, and they all come from the main super sects!

In a sense, Su Zimo was the first time to see Jihuo Daojun's shot.

In the previous two times, Jiuhuodaojun was only the Yuanshen. There was no physical body at all. This spell was even impossible to cast.

Su Zimo found that the strength of Jiuhu Daojun seemed more terrible than he imagined!

The heavens and earth of Wuzhanggao can't reach the magic of Jiuhudaojun!

Jihuo Daojun killed a French prince, like a lonely person, and took Su Zimo straight across the side of many Daojun, came to the main seat, and sat down.

Su Zimo was just behind him. On this way, there was no other prince in Dafa who dare to shoot!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Seeing this scene, Yunyu Daojun clapped his palms, applauded, and said with a mockery: "It is indeed an extreme fire, and the prestige is not diminished."

Jihuo Daojun said faintly: "After five thousand years, you still have this virtue, and you haven't grown at all."

Yunyu Daojun was not annoyed, saying leisurely: "Extreme fire, five thousand years have passed, you are still in the state of law, and you haven't made much progress. Moreover, I heard that you have lost even your physical body, and it seems that you are not doing well."

"Jihuo Daojun, although your physical body is recovered, how much combat power can you recover? You were a first-rate power then, now, haha." Fengyun Temple Huoyun Daojun followed with a sneer.

Normally, the loss of the physical body, whether it is to seize the house or to regain a physical body of the state of law, is difficult to reach 100% with its own soul, and the combat power will inevitably decline.

But Jihuo Daojun shot himself and forged the bones to avoid this situation!

Moreover, his choices are all top-level heaven and earth.

Now this body has resonated with his Yuanshen, and the degree of fit is almost 100%!

As long as you continue to cultivate for a while, Yuan Shen and the physical body will fit perfectly!

Jiuhuodao's eyes turned and fell on Huoyundaojun's body, as if he was sending out two flames, slowly said, "If you want to know, you can try."

Huoyundao Jun's heart stunned.

Stared at the eyes of Jihuo Daojun, he felt a throbbing heartbeat, and the action that he wanted to get up, also closed it back!

He didn't want to be the second Red Tiger Road King!

Jiujiaodao looked at the fairy Piaoxue, raised his eyebrow, and asked, "Why, Piaoxue Valley wants to come in?"


Piaoxue Fairy smiled indifferently, and said, "I came here just to admire my name. I want to see Jihuo Daojun five thousand years ago; second, I want to see the first true king in the world."

The meaning of Piaoxue Fairy is to remain neutral.

Said, the beautiful eyes of the drifting snow fairy, ripples of light, floating towards Su Zimo behind the Jiuhuodaojun.

Su Zimo's expression was calm and calm.

Even in the presence of many Daoxiang Daojun, with coercion and terror, he can still calm down.

"It's not a bad name."

Piaoxue fairy smiled slightly.

Others did not know whether it was Jihuo Daojun or Su Zimo.

Unknowingly, Jiu Huo Dao Jun has taken control of the whole situation!

At this time, in the main hall, under the powerful aura of Jiudaodaojun, he can still ensure that his breath is still there, and there are only three of Jianxiandaojun!

There is always a sharp edge on the body of Xianjian Daojun, which is hidden.

Yunyu Daojun shook his folding fan slightly, and the water mist filled.

Around the drifting snow fairy, frosty!

People like Huoyun Daojun of the Wind and Thunder Hall have been suppressed!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The sword of Jun Jiandao slowly tapped on the metal table, making a sound of Jin Ge's fighting, with a sense of rhythm.

After each strike, his sharp edge will rise by one point!

After knocking a few times, the sharp edge of Xianjian Daojun's body has already risen to the sky, cutting the aura of Jihuo Daodao into two halves!

Xian Jian Tao Jun slowly said: "It's extremely hot, and people have a sense of self-knowledge. You want to protect this, don't involve the entire Bailian Gate to be buried with you!"

"Why, you have to do it in Bailianmen?"

Jiuhuodao's gaze swept away, and the killings surfaced.

"It's not just me."

The fairy sword prince slowly got up. The whole person was like a sharp sword with a sharp edge. He said ruthlessly: "It is our legal master who comes from several immortal gates to ask for someone. You can't make it through your practice!"

"The extreme fire donor, because a demon, Bailianmen and the four sacred gates of Sect of Sect, Yuanyuanzong, Temple of Heaven, Fenglei Temple, and our two temples, you have to think clearly." Wuxiang Temple asked the monk to persuade One sentence.

"Extremely hot!"

Yunyu Daojun also stood out and smiled lightly: "Under the general situation, if you want to compete, what you bring is ruin!"

"Extremely hot, pass!"

"Pass in!"

Huoyun Daojun, Heavenbreaking Daojun, and Yunyang Daojun stood up one after another.

The four great immortals and the two monasteries are attacking at the same time!

Such pressure, let alone the four big gates, I am afraid that no force on the continent can bear it!


Jihuo Daojun also stood up, expressionless, and slowly said, "Who dares to start in Bailianmen, kill without amnesty!"

"you dare!"

Huoyundao's eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth, "Bai Lianmen has fallen. If we die here, Bai Lianmen cannot afford it!"

"You try and see if I dare to kill!"

Jiuhuodao's eyes were hot, and the flames in his eyes seemed to be burning!

The two sides fought violently, and the war broke out!

Xianjian Taojun and others did not dare to act lightly.

The means and spirit of Jihuo Daojun are even stronger than they imagined.

They were worried that if they started, Jihuodaojun would really desperately kill them.

And Jiu Huo Dao also had scruples in his heart.

Xianjiandaojun and others are different from Chihudaojun.

Chihu Daojun comes from Bahuang Mountain, one of the door-to-doors, dares to start at Bailianmen, kill and kill!

But in front of these people, one is bigger than the other!

If these people are really killed here, I am afraid that Bai Lianmen will be in great danger!

At this moment, the voice of the disciples of Bailianmen came from the door.

"Master Qilu, Li Lingdao comes to visit!"

Hearing this voice, many Daojun felt shocked.

This is a casual repair, alone, but the combat power is extremely horrible.

"Is this person not dead yet?"

Yun Yudao Jun frowned.

"Hahaha, extremely hot, I heard that you are still alive, I came to see you!"

A monk walked in from the door, with a tall figure, a long shawl, no trim, a lazy look, and a loud laugh.

"Master Qilu, Yuanlong Daojun came to see you!"

"Master Qilu, Cangyan Daojun came to see me!"

"Master Qilu, Feiyumen Shenyue Daojun came to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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